My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!


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326 The Holy Sacrgce of <strong>the</strong> Mass<br />

vi+ficas, beneNcis, et praes- bless, + and bestow upon us<br />

tas nobis.<br />

all <strong>the</strong>se good things.<br />

R ip+sum, et cum OUCH Him, + and<br />

pip+so, et in ip+so, with Him, + and in<br />

est tibi Deo Patri +om- Him, + is to Thee, God<br />

nipotenti, in unitate Spiritus <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r + almighty, in<br />

+ Sancti, omnis honor et <strong>the</strong> unity of <strong>the</strong> Holy +<br />

gloria. Per omnia srecula Ghost, all honor and glory.<br />

saeculomm. Amen. World without end. Amen.<br />

&fit Pater Aoatr<br />

RXCEPTIS salutaribus DMONISHED by salu-<br />

P moniti, et divina insti- tary precepts, and<br />

tutione formati, aude- following divine direcmus<br />

dicere:<br />

tions, we presume to say:<br />

ATER noster, qui es m Fa<strong>the</strong>r, Who art in<br />

,@ in cmlis: sanctificetur 0 heaven,halloned be Thy<br />

nomen tuum : adveniat name; Thy kingdom<br />

regnum tuum: fiat voluntas come; Thy will be done ox<br />

tua, sicut in caelo, et in earth as it isinheaven; give<br />

terra. Panem nostrum quo- us this day our daily breaa;<br />

tidianum da nobis hodie: and forgive us our trespasses,<br />

et dimitte nobis debita no- as we forgive those who<br />

stra, sicut et nos dimittimus trespass against us; and<br />

debitoribus nostris. Et ne lead us not into temptanos<br />

inducas in tentationem. tion.<br />

R. Sed libera nos a malo. R. But deliver us from<br />

evil.<br />

V. Amen. V. Amen.<br />

IBEBA nos, quaesumus, ELnrER US, we beseech<br />

Domine, ab omnibus p Thee, 0 Lord, from all<br />

malis prreteritis, prae- evils, past, present, and<br />

sentibus,et futuris: et interce- to come: and by <strong>the</strong> intercesdente<br />

beata et gloriosa semper sion of <strong>the</strong> blessed and glorious<br />

virgine Dei genitrice Maria, Mary, ever a virgin, Mo<strong>the</strong>r<br />

cum beatis apostolis tuisPetro of God, and of Thy holy apos-<br />

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