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318 The Eoly Sacrifice of the Mass mini nostri: et in hanorem of Our Lord Jesus Christ, beak Mariie semper virgi- and in honor of blessed Mary, nis, et beati Joannis Baptis- ever a rirgin, of blessed John tie, et sanctorum apostolorum the Baptist, of the holy Petri et Pauli, et istorum, apostles Peter and Paul, et omnium sanctorum: ut of these, and of all the saints, illis proficiat ad honorem, that it may be available to nobis autem ad salutem: et their honor and to our salilli pro nobis intercedere dig- vation; and mzy they whose nentur in ccelis, quorum memory we celebrate on memoriam agimus in tenis. earth vouchsafe to inter- Per eumdem Christum Do- cede for us in heaven. minum nostrum. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. qt Qratt dcatrte RATE, fratres, ut meum BEZ~BEN, pray that my 0 ac vestrum sacrificium sacrifice and yours may acceptabile fiat apud be well pleasing to Deum Patrem omnipotentem. God the Father almighty. R. FAT Dominus AY the Lord receive sacrificium de mani- this sacrifice at thy bus tuis, ad laudem hands, to thepraise and et gloriam nominis sui, ad glory of His name, to our utilitatem quoque nostram, own benefit, and to that of totiusque Ecclesiae suze sanc- all His holy Church. tre. mt Start fltaptt USCIPE, quaesumus, Do- ECETVE, we beseech mine, hostiam, qua- B Thee, 0 Lord, the tibi offerimus pro extre- sacred victim which we mo vitae nostm, et concede: offer upin preparation for our ut per eam universa nostra last hour, and grant that purgentur delicta: ut, qui for its sake all our sins Private Use Only

The Ordirurry of the Mass 319 tuae dispositionis flagellis in may be blotted out; so that hac vita atterimur, in futura we, who by Thy providence requiem consequamur ceter- have been scourged in this nam. life, may enjoy rest everlasting in that which is to come. Per Dominum nostrum Je- Through Jesus Christ, Thy sum Christum, Fium tuum, Son our Lord, who liveth qui tecum vivit et regnat, in and reigneth with Thee in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus. the unity of the Holy Ghost. V. Per omnia sgcula wu- V. World without end. lorum. R. Amen: R. Amen. V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. V. Sunum corda. V. Lift up your hearts. R. Habemusad Dominum. R. We have them lifted up unto the Lord. V. Gratias agamus Do- V. Let us give thmino Deo nostro. to the Lord our God. R. Dignum et justurn est. R. It is meet and just. RE dignum et jus- IS truly meet and just, v t u m est, quum et rright. and profitable for salutare, nos tibi sem- us, at all times, and itl per, et ubique, gratias agere: all places, to give thanks to Domine sancte, Pater omni- Thee, 0 holy Lord, Father potens, &erne Deus, per a 1 m i g h t y , eternal God, Christum Dominum nostrum. through Christ our Lorc. Per quem majestatem tuam Through Whom the angeis laudant angeli, adorant do- praise, the dominations adore, minationes, tremunt potes- the powers, trembling with tates. Coeli caelommque vir- awe, worship Thy majesty: tutes, ac beata seraphim, which the heavens, and the socia exsultatione concele- forces of heaven, together More Free Items at

318 The Eoly Sacrifice of <strong>the</strong> Mass<br />

mini nostri: et in hanorem of Our Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

beak Mariie semper virgi- and in honor of blessed Mary,<br />

nis, et beati Joannis Baptis- ever a rirgin, of blessed John<br />

tie, et sanctorum apostolorum <strong>the</strong> Baptist, of <strong>the</strong> holy<br />

Petri et Pauli, et istorum, apostles Peter and Paul,<br />

et omnium sanctorum: ut of <strong>the</strong>se, and of all <strong>the</strong> saints,<br />

illis proficiat ad honorem, that it may be available to<br />

nobis autem ad salutem: et <strong>the</strong>ir honor and to our salilli<br />

pro nobis intercedere dig- vation; and mzy <strong>the</strong>y whose<br />

nentur in ccelis, quorum memory we celebrate on<br />

memoriam agimus in tenis. earth vouchsafe to inter-<br />

Per eumdem Christum Do- cede for us in heaven.<br />

minum nostrum.<br />

Through <strong>the</strong> same Christ<br />

our Lord. Amen.<br />

qt Qratt dcatrte<br />

RATE, fratres, ut meum BEZ~BEN, pray that my<br />

0 ac vestrum sacrificium sacrifice and yours may<br />

acceptabile fiat apud be well pleasing to<br />

Deum Patrem omnipotentem. God <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r almighty.<br />

R. FAT<br />

Dominus AY <strong>the</strong> Lord receive<br />

sacrificium de mani- this sacrifice at thy<br />

bus tuis, ad laudem hands, to <strong>the</strong>praise and<br />

et gloriam nominis sui, ad glory of His name, to our<br />

utilitatem quoque nostram, own benefit, and to that of<br />

totiusque Ecclesiae suze sanc- all His holy Church.<br />

tre.<br />

mt Start fltaptt<br />

USCIPE, quaesumus, Do- ECETVE, we beseech<br />

mine, hostiam, qua- B Thee, 0 Lord, <strong>the</strong><br />

tibi offerimus pro extre- sacred victim which we<br />

mo vitae nostm, et concede: offer upin preparation for our<br />

ut per eam universa nostra last hour, and grant that<br />

purgentur delicta: ut, qui for its sake all our sins<br />

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