My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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314 The Boly Sanzjke 01 thc Mass visibiiium omnium, et invisi- and of all things visible and bilium. Et in unurn Do- invisible. And in one Lord minum J e s u m Christum, Jesus Christ, the only-begot- Filium Dei unigenitum. Et ten Son of God, born of the ex Patre natum ante omnia Father before all ages; God saecula. Deum deDeo, lumen of God, light of light, true de lumine, Deum verum de God of true God; begotten Deo vero. Genitum, non not made; consubstantiai factum, consubstantialem Pa- with the Father, by Whom tri: per quem omnia facta all things were made. Who sunt. Qui propter nos ho- for us men, and for our salmines, et propter nostram vation, came down from salutem descendit de ccelis. heaven AND WAS INCARNATE ET INCARNATUS EST DE BY TEE HOLY GHOST OF TEE SPIRITU SANCTO EX MARIA VIRGIN MABY, AND WAS VIRGLNE: ET noMo PACTUS MADE MAN. He was cru- 4s~. Crucifixus etiam pro cified also for us, suffered sobis, sub Pontio Pilato under Pontius Pilate, and oassus, et sepultus est. Et was buried. And the third resurrexit tertia die, secun- day He arose again, accorddurn Scripturas. Et asoen- ing to the Scriptures, and dit in caelum: sedet ad ascended into heavp. He dexteram Patris. Et item sitteth at the right hand of venturus est cum gloria, the Father: and He shall judicare vivos et mortuos: come again with glory, to cujus regni non erit finis. judge the living and the Et in Spiriturn Sanctum, dead: and His kingdom Dominum et vivificantem: shall have no end. And in ' qui ex Patre Filioque pro- the Holy Ghost, the Lord !edit. Qui cum Patre et and Giver of Life, . WIio Filio simul adoratur ~t con- proceedeth from the Father glorificatur: qui locutus est and the Son, Who, together per prophetas. Et unam with the Father and the sanctam catholicam et apos- Son, is adored and glorified: tolicam Ecclesiam. Confi- Who spoke by the prophets. teor unum baptisma in re- And one holy, catholic, and missionem peccatorum. Et apostolic Church. I confess Private Use Only

~trc' Oldkw~ of the Mass 515 exspecto resunrctionanmor- one baptism for the ranistuorum. Et vitam venturi sion of sins. And I expect d. Amen. , the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. V. Dominu9 vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tua R. And with thy spirit. S. Oremus. P. Let us pray. Qbt effmorp (Ps. w) TE speravi, Domine; HAVE put my trust in r?i: tu s Deus meus, Thee, 0 Lord: I said, m manibus tuis tempora Thou art my God: my mea. lots are in Thy hands. OFFERING OF a TE HOST SCXPE, sancte Pater, om- ECEIVE, 0 Holy Father. IJ"nipotens izterne Deus, almighty and eternal hanc immaculatam hos- God, this spotless host, tiam, quam ego indignus fa- which I, Thine unworthy sermulus tuus offero tibi Deo vant, offer unto Thee, my meo vivo et vero, pro innume- living and true God, for ' rabilibus peccatis, et offen- my countless sins, trespasses, sionibus, et negligentiis meis, and omissions; likewise for et pro omnibus circumstanti- all here present, and for all bus, sed et pro omnibus faithful Christians, whether fiddibus Christianis vivis at- living or dead, that it may que defunctis: ut mihi et avail both me and them to sal- illis proficiat ad salutem in vation, unto life everlasting. vitam reternam. Amen. Amen. The Priesi pours wine and water in& the chalice , qui hum- sub- Who -* stanti= dignitatem mi- 0 man didst exalt his M- rabilita condidisti, et ture very wonderfully More Free Items at

~trc' Oldkw~ of <strong>the</strong> Mass 515<br />

exspecto resunrctionanmor- one baptism for <strong>the</strong> ranistuorum.<br />

Et vitam venturi sion of sins. And I expect<br />

d. Amen. , <strong>the</strong> resurrection of <strong>the</strong> dead,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> life of <strong>the</strong> world<br />

to come. Amen.<br />

V. Dominu9 vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tua R. And with thy spirit.<br />

S. Oremus. P. Let us pray.<br />

Qbt effmorp<br />

(Ps. w)<br />

TE speravi, Domine; HAVE put my trust in<br />

r?i: tu s Deus meus, Thee, 0 Lord: I said,<br />

m manibus tuis tempora Thou art my God: my<br />

mea.<br />

lots are in Thy hands.<br />


a<br />

TE HOST<br />

SCXPE, sancte Pater, om- ECEIVE, 0 Holy Fa<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

IJ"nipotens izterne Deus, almighty and eternal<br />

hanc immaculatam hos- God, this spotless host,<br />

tiam, quam ego indignus fa- which I, Thine unworthy sermulus<br />

tuus offero tibi Deo vant, offer unto Thee, my<br />

meo vivo et vero, pro innume- living and true God, for<br />

' rabilibus peccatis, et offen- my countless sins, trespasses,<br />

sionibus, et negligentiis meis, and omissions; likewise for<br />

et pro omnibus circumstanti- all here present, and for all<br />

bus, sed et pro omnibus faithful Christians, whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

fiddibus Christianis vivis at- living or dead, that it may<br />

que defunctis: ut mihi et avail both me and <strong>the</strong>m to sal-<br />

illis proficiat ad salutem in vation, unto life everlasting.<br />

vitam reternam. Amen. Amen.<br />

The Priesi pours wine and water in& <strong>the</strong> chalice<br />

, qui hum- sub-<br />

Who -*<br />

stanti= dignitatem mi- 0 man didst exalt his M-<br />

rabilita condidisti, et ture very wonderfully<br />

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