My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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278 The Hdy Scraijim of Be Mast ing how poorly we have met the countless bewfits of Our Lord, and resolve henceforth to make good use of His graces and holy inspirations. MY good Jesus, my dear Saviour, I campas- 0 sionate Thee in Thy sufferings. I fervently bless Thee and thank Thee for all Thou hast done and suffered for me; give me grace to weep over the sins and the ingratitude which caused Thy dreadful agony. Sweet Jesus, mercy ! Pardon me, 0 Lord, for my past indifference to Thy love. Heart of Jesus, inflamed with love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee. Indulgence of roo days. - Leo XIII, June 16, 1893. art tfp %prir Blrisrm Think of Jesus taken and bound with cmds, and say: m AY those bonds which confined Thy hands burst the fetters of my sins, and restore me to the sweet liberty of Thy children! I cast myself at Thy sacred feet, 0 my King and my God; and since Thou hast undergone the humiliation of allowing Thyself to be bound by Thy creatures, may I place my happiness in sharing Thy humiliations, and carrying Thy cross. . My Lord Jesus Christ,. Who didst aoLL descend from heaven, from the bosom of the Private Use Only

In HM of Ow Lord and Ow Ludy an Father, and didst shed Thy precious blood for the remission of our sins, we humbly beseech Thee that, placed at Thy right hand on the day of judgment, we may be found worthy to hear these words: Come, ye blessed. Amen. COLL. 0 my Jesus, Thou knowest well that I love Thee; but I do not love Thee enough; 0 grant that I may love Thee more. 0 love that burnest ever and never failest, my God, Thou Who art charity itself, enkindle in my heart that divine fire which consumes the saints and transforms them into Thee. Amen. His Holiness, Leo XIII, by a rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, February 6, 1893, granted to the faithful who recite the above prayer, an indulgenix of $fty hys, twice a day. EJACULATION OF ST. PHILIP NERI RGIN Mother of God, Mary, pray to Jesus for me. His Holiness, Leo XIII, by a rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, March 2'9, 1894, granted to the faithful who recite the above ejaculation, an indulgence of ffty days, once a day. B T. PAUL at tbc Epistle to the Galatians, vi. "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified to me and I to the wodd. . . . If a man be over- More Free Items at

278 The Hdy Scraijim of Be Mast<br />

ing how poorly we have met <strong>the</strong> countless bewfits of Our<br />

Lord, and resolve henceforth to make good use of His<br />

graces and holy inspirations.<br />

MY good Jesus, my dear Saviour, I campas-<br />

0 sionate Thee in Thy sufferings. I fervently<br />

bless Thee and thank Thee for all Thou hast done<br />

and suffered for me; give me grace to weep over<br />

<strong>the</strong> sins and <strong>the</strong> ingratitude which caused Thy<br />

dreadful agony. Sweet Jesus, mercy ! Pardon me,<br />

0 Lord, for my past indifference to Thy love.<br />

Heart of Jesus, inflamed with love of us, inflame<br />

our hearts with love of Thee.<br />

Indulgence of roo days. - Leo XIII, June 16, 1893.<br />

art tfp %prir Blrisrm<br />

Think of Jesus taken and bound with cmds, and say:<br />

m<br />

AY those bonds which confined Thy hands<br />

burst <strong>the</strong> fetters of my sins, and restore me to<br />

<strong>the</strong> sweet liberty of Thy children! I cast myself<br />

at Thy sacred feet, 0 my King and my God; and<br />

since Thou hast undergone <strong>the</strong> humiliation of<br />

allowing Thyself to be bound by Thy creatures,<br />

may I place my happiness in sharing Thy humiliations,<br />

and carrying Thy cross.<br />

. <strong>My</strong> Lord Jesus Christ,. Who didst<br />

aoLL<br />

descend from heaven, from <strong>the</strong> bosom of <strong>the</strong><br />

Private Use Only

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