My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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mo Prcryns Duhg :kc Day. grant of his predecessor, add be gained only once c day) to every time that these acts are said with heartfelt devotion. The same Sovereign Pontiff further declared that, to gain these indulgences, it is not necessary to make use of any set form of words, but that any one may use any form of words which he pleases, provided it expresses the particular motive of each of the three theological virtues. -The New RacwJta. Ef~t BngtIxs Domini nun- HE Angel of the Lord tiavit Marize. R. Et Im declared unto Mary. concepit de Spiritu Sancto. R. And she conceived of the Ave, Maria, etc. Holy Ghost. Hail, Mary. V. Ecce ancilla Domini. V. Behold the handmaid R. Fiat mihi secundum ver- of the lord. R. Be it done bum tuum. Ave, Maria, etc. unto me according to thy word. Hail, Mary, etc. V. ETVERBW CAROPAC- V. AND THE WORD WAS !CUM EST. R. Et habitavit MADE FLESH. R. Anddwelt in nobis. Ave, Maria, etc. among us. Hail, Mary, etc. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta V. Pray for us, 0 Holy Dei Genitru. R. Ut dhi Mother of God. R. That efliciamur promissionibus we may be made worthy of Christi the promises of Christ. Oremus Lct us play UR forth, we beseech sumus, Do m I n e, 0 Lord, Thy mentibus nostris infunde, grace into our hearts; that as ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, we have known the incarna- Christi filii tui incarna- tion of Christ Thy Son by tionem cognovimus, per the message of an angel, so, passionem ejus et crucem by His passion and cross, we ad resurrectionis gloriam may be brought to the glory Private Use Only

Prayas During the Day 221 perducamur; per eumdem of His resurrection; through Christum Dominum IWX+ the same Christ our Lord. trum. Amen. Amen. f tgina &li During Eatertide, from Holy Saturday till Trinity Sunday, instead of the Angelus, the Regina Cali is recited standing. A, E G ~ A coeli, Icetare, WEEN of heaven, rejoice, Alleluia. Q Alleluia. Quia quem memisti por- For He Whom thou didst de tare, serve to bear, Alleluia. Alleluia. Resurrexit, sicut diiit, Hath risen as He said, Alleluia. Alleluia. Ora pro nobis Derm, Pray for usto God, Alleluia. Alkluiu. V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo V. Re'oice and be glad, Maria, 0 virgin idtry A IIcluia. AUeluuz. R. Quia surrexit Domi- R. Because Our Lord is nus vere, truly risen, AlkluM. Alleluia. p , qui per 'murrecbonem Filii tui, Domini nostri, Jesu Christi, mun- dum lretificare dignatus a, pasta, q.yumus, ut per elus genltr~cem Virginern Mariam perpetuie capiamus gaudia vita: per eum&m Christum, Dorninum trum. R. Amen O ! Gon Who by the resurrection of Thy Son. Our Lord Jesus Christ, bast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world, grant, we bewech Thee, that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our lord. Amen.. More Free Items at

Prayas During <strong>the</strong> Day 221<br />

perducamur; per eumdem of His resurrection; through<br />

Christum Dominum IWX+ <strong>the</strong> same Christ our Lord.<br />

trum. Amen.<br />

Amen.<br />

f tgina &li<br />

During Eatertide, from Holy Saturday till Trinity<br />

Sunday, instead of <strong>the</strong> Angelus, <strong>the</strong> Regina Cali is recited<br />

standing.<br />

A, E G ~ A coeli, Icetare, WEEN of heaven, rejoice,<br />

Alleluia. Q Alleluia.<br />

Quia quem memisti por- For He Whom thou didst de<br />

tare,<br />

serve to bear,<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Resurrexit, sicut diiit, Hath risen as He said,<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Ora pro nobis Derm, Pray for usto God,<br />

Alleluia.<br />

Alkluiu.<br />

V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo V. Re'oice and be glad,<br />

Maria,<br />

0 virgin idtry<br />

A IIcluia.<br />

AUeluuz.<br />

R. Quia surrexit Domi- R. Because Our Lord is<br />

nus vere,<br />

truly risen,<br />

AlkluM.<br />

Alleluia.<br />

p , qui per 'murrecbonem<br />

Filii tui, Domini<br />

nostri, Jesu Christi, mun-<br />

dum lretificare dignatus a,<br />

pasta, q.yumus, ut per<br />

elus genltr~cem Virginern<br />

Mariam perpetuie capiamus<br />

gaudia vita: per eum&m<br />

Christum, Dorninum<br />

trum.<br />

R. Amen<br />

O !<br />

Gon Who by <strong>the</strong> resurrection<br />

of Thy Son.<br />

Our Lord Jesus Christ, bast<br />

vouchsafed to make glad <strong>the</strong><br />

whole world, grant, we bewech<br />

Thee, that, through<br />

<strong>the</strong> intercession of <strong>the</strong> Virgin<br />

Mary, His mo<strong>the</strong>r, we may<br />

attain <strong>the</strong> joys of eternal life.<br />

Through <strong>the</strong> same Christ<br />

our lord. Amen..<br />

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