My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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I54 Presw of Goti arr actual prayer that might be made at this time. It is not even necessary that the action be good and holy In itself; an indifferent act is no less a prayer in virtue of the intention with which we do it. Thus the Apostle virtually enjoins the faithful to pray always when he says: 'All whatsoever yml do in word or in work, all things do ym~ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him' (Col. iii. 17). And again: 'Whether you eat m drink, or whatsoever else yo24 do, do all to the glory of God' (Cor. x. 31). We are always praying, if we are doing our duty, and are doing it to please God. "As there is a prayer of action, so is there also a prayer of suffering, and this is the most excellent and pleasing to God. It is a very common thing for us to complain of not being able to pray because we are ill, we are suffering acute pain, or we are in a state of weakness or languor. Did not our blessed Lord pray on the cross, and the martyrs on the scaffold? Actual prayer at such a time is impossible, unless it be at intervals, and by short aspirations; neither is it expected. But suffer for God; suffer with submission and patience; suffer in union with Jesus Christ, and you will be praying exceedingly well. "Thus it is that a truly Christian heart can and ought to pray unceasingly, partly by consecrating a fixed time for prayer, partly by acting, and partly also . by suffering." 1 81. --mreeence of Gob p you wish to find a short and compendious method, which contains in itself all other means, and is most efficacious for overcoming every temptation and Private Use Only

difficulty, and for acquiring perfection, it is the exercise of the presence of God. - ST. BAS^ r *

difficulty, and for acquiring perfection, it is <strong>the</strong> exercise<br />

of <strong>the</strong> presence of God. - ST. BAS^<br />

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