6 Country Reports on Youth Work - Jugendpolitik in Europa

6 Country Reports on Youth Work - Jugendpolitik in Europa

6 Country Reports on Youth Work - Jugendpolitik in Europa


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areas because of the larger distances <strong>in</strong>volved. Also, differences <strong>in</strong> populati<strong>on</strong> density <strong>in</strong><br />

rural versus urban areas might have lead to different traditi<strong>on</strong>s of voluntary work. A situati<strong>on</strong><br />

where it is challeng<strong>in</strong>g for public organisati<strong>on</strong>s to c<strong>on</strong>duct youth work could lead to more<br />

voluntary youth work. The four municipalities that were selected for the survey are:<br />

� Oslo<br />

� Porsgrunn<br />

� Nedre Eiker<br />

� Frøya<br />

These municipalities were chosen because they vary <strong>in</strong> number of <strong>in</strong>habitants and level of<br />

urbanity. Oslo is the largest city <strong>in</strong> Norway. Porsgrunn is a medium-sized city. Nedre Eiker is<br />

a medium-sized rural municipality. Frøya is a small and rural municipality.<br />

Table 48: Background <strong>in</strong>formati<strong>on</strong> for the Norwegian municipalities 75<br />

Oslo Porsgrunn Nedre Eiker Frøya<br />

Populati<strong>on</strong> 548,617 33,977 21,877 4,052<br />

Public expenditure per <strong>in</strong>habitant (Euro) 6,657 5,726 4,755 6,566<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> populati<strong>on</strong> (13-29) 126,714 6,893 4,540 783<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> populati<strong>on</strong> as percentage of total populati<strong>on</strong> 23.1 20.3 20.8 19.3<br />

Child and youth populati<strong>on</strong> (0 – 17) 110,109 7,616 5,386 999<br />

Child and youth populati<strong>on</strong> as percentage of total populati<strong>on</strong> 20.1 22.4 24.6 24.7<br />

Another important criteri<strong>on</strong> was the existence of data regard<strong>in</strong>g youth work. The chosen<br />

municipalities have all participated <strong>in</strong> developmental projects or research projects. Because<br />

of that there is more <strong>in</strong>formati<strong>on</strong> available about youth work <strong>in</strong> these four municipalities than<br />

<strong>in</strong> most Norwegian municipalities. Frøya and Nedre Eiker participated <strong>in</strong> a developmental<br />

project called Nettungen and therefore have established websites with <strong>in</strong>formati<strong>on</strong> about<br />

activities for children and youthng people. In Oslo and Porsgrunn youth surveys have been<br />

carried out.<br />

Most of the <strong>in</strong>formati<strong>on</strong> presented here comes from exist<strong>in</strong>g surveys, official databases,<br />

voluntary organisati<strong>on</strong>s and teleph<strong>on</strong>e <strong>in</strong>terviews with youth workers work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the local<br />

adm<strong>in</strong>istrati<strong>on</strong>. Before the survey was c<strong>on</strong>ducted it was decided that it would be necessary to<br />

use both exist<strong>in</strong>g data and teleph<strong>on</strong>e <strong>in</strong>terviews to get valid data. It was c<strong>on</strong>sidered unlikely<br />

that send<strong>in</strong>g questi<strong>on</strong>naires to organisati<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>duct<strong>in</strong>g youth work would lead to much<br />

<strong>in</strong>formati<strong>on</strong>. There are several reas<strong>on</strong>s for this. Much of the exist<strong>in</strong>g youth work <strong>in</strong> Norway is<br />

d<strong>on</strong>e by voluntary organisati<strong>on</strong>s. The number of voluntary organisati<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>duct<strong>in</strong>g youth<br />

work <strong>in</strong> <strong>on</strong>e municipality can be very high. It would not have been possible to locate all these<br />

75<br />

Source: SSB and KOSTRA<br />


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