10-29-2012-RomanPres-7-Roman-Merchant-Ships - Emmaf.org

10-29-2012-RomanPres-7-Roman-Merchant-Ships - Emmaf.org 10-29-2012-RomanPres-7-Roman-Merchant-Ships - Emmaf.org


Roman Merchant Ships: Today’s Topics Roman Aristocratic Attitudes towards Trade Monte Testaccio Merchant Ship Design vs. Warship Design The Madrague de Giens Wreck The Commachio Wreck The Torre Sgarrata Wreck Why study Roman Merchant wrecks?

Roman Attitudes Toward Trade The Roman aristocracy on the whole maintained a distance from direct involvement in trade, however… They could benefit from the profits of trade through intermediaries. For example an aristocrat’s freedmen could manage their former owner’s investments in potteries, mines, textile production, oil, wine, grain, etc. Even people such as Cato the Elder (234-149 BC), despite his conservative attitudes, began to invest in overseas trade. He went as far as investing in speculative trading ventures by purchasing small shares in large mercantile consortia thereby spreading the risk.

<strong>Roman</strong> Attitudes Toward Trade<br />

The <strong>Roman</strong> aristocracy on the whole maintained a distance from direct<br />

involvement in trade, however…<br />

They could benefit from the profits of trade through intermediaries. For example<br />

an aristocrat’s freedmen could manage their former owner’s investments in<br />

potteries, mines, textile production, oil, wine, grain, etc.<br />

Even people such as Cato the Elder (234-149 BC), despite his conservative<br />

attitudes, began to invest in overseas trade. He went as far as investing in<br />

speculative trading ventures by purchasing small shares in large mercantile<br />

consortia thereby spreading the risk.

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