Peviewtest1 Chapters 1, 3, & 4

Peviewtest1 Chapters 1, 3, & 4

Peviewtest1 Chapters 1, 3, & 4


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Reviewtest1 <strong>Chapters</strong> 1, 3, & 4<br />

Multiple Choice<br />

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.<br />

____<br />

____<br />

____<br />

____<br />

____<br />

____<br />

____<br />

1. According to the authors of the text, which of the following governs human sexuality to a greater degree?<br />

a. hormones and instincts<br />

b. social conditioning and psychological factors<br />

c. sociobiological factors<br />

d. anthropological factors<br />

2. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the authors' perspectives in writing this book?<br />

a. Despite cross-cultural diversity, there are numerous universals in sexual experiences,<br />

attitudes and preferences.<br />

b. The book reflects a primarily sociobiological orientation.<br />

c. Our sexual attitudes and behaviors are strongly shaped by our society.<br />

d. Human sexuality is influenced more by biological factors than by psychological factors.<br />

3. The cultural theme of sex-for-procreation<br />

a. is supported by the authors.<br />

b. has its roots in Buddhist religious philosophy.<br />

c. may devalue sexual behaviors other than intercourse.<br />

d. may result in men feeling pressure to be "active" and women feeling pressure to be<br />

"passive".<br />

4. The sex for procreation legacy is most clearly shown in which of the following statements?<br />

a. Jorge believes that foreplay is an essential part of a sexual encounter.<br />

b. Midori thinks she is still a virgin because she has not yet had intercourse, although she has<br />

engaged in oral sex and mutual masturbation.<br />

c. Sheila likes to initiate sexual activity with her partner.<br />

d. Mike enjoys masturbating and does not feel guilty about it.<br />

5. With which of the following statements would the authors of your text most likely agree?<br />

a. Emphasizing penile-vaginal intercourse as the focus of sexual expression can maximize<br />

orgasmic response in men and women.<br />

b. Having sex for reproductive purposes is the most legitimate reason for sexual activity.<br />

c. A clear distinction between male and female roles and expectations results in more<br />

creative and pleasurable sexual expression.<br />

d. Masturbation, oral sex and engaging in sexual fantasy are viable options for people who<br />

choose them.<br />

6. The world's fastest growing religion is<br />

a. Buddhism.<br />

b. Islam.<br />

c. Catholicism.<br />

d. Greek Orthodox.<br />

7. This person saw celibacy as superior to marriage.<br />

a. Martin Luther<br />

b. John Calvin<br />

c. Mary Wollstonecraft<br />

d. Paul of Tarsus

____ 8. Which one is true concerning "sex manuals"?<br />

a. They originated in early Greece.<br />

b. An early Hindu sex manual was called the Kama Sutra.<br />

c. They originated after the invention of the printing press.<br />

d. They are a very modern phenomenon.<br />

____ 9. During the Protestant Reformation<br />

a. the ideas of Augustine and Aquinas dominated Western thought.<br />

b. the practice of courtly love flourished.<br />

c. the concept of sex for procreation was challenged.<br />

d. sexual decadence was at its peak.<br />

____ 10. Which of the following statements is inconsistent with the Jezebel stereotype of black women's sexuality<br />

under slavery?<br />

a. Black women were perceived as having an insatiable sexual appetite.<br />

b. Black women were thought to prefer scanty clothing.<br />

c. Black women were thought to lack self-respect.<br />

d. Black women were considered ladylike.<br />

____ 11. Diversity within a subculture or ethnic group is influenced by<br />

a. acculturation.<br />

b. education.<br />

c. socioeconomic status.<br />

d. all of the above<br />

____ 12. Which one was NOT an influence on sexuality in the United States?<br />

a. Penicillin, developed in the 40's, reduced the consequences of sexually transmitted<br />

diseases.<br />

b. Prohibition in the 30's of both alcohol and access to contraceptive devices.<br />

c. The mass produced automobile allowed privacy for sexual exploration.<br />

d. Playboy, which emphasized sex as recreation.<br />

____ 13. Key events which helped change conceptions of gender roles during the latter part of the 20 th century included<br />

all of the following except<br />

a. the availability of "the Pill".<br />

b. the reinstatement of Comstock laws.<br />

c. the Roe vs. Wade decision.<br />

d. the feminist movement.<br />

____ 14. Our biological maleness or femaleness is called ______, whereas the psychosocial concept of our maleness or<br />

femaleness is called ______.<br />

a. gender; sex<br />

b. sex; gender<br />

c. chromosomal sex; androgyny<br />

d. androgyny; chromosomal sex<br />

____ 15. Two aspects of our biological sex are<br />

a. gonadal sex and gender sex.<br />

b. chromosomal sex and gender identity.<br />

c. genetic sex and anatomical sex.<br />

d. genetic sex and gender identity.

____ 16. When his older sister teases him, nine-year-old Tyrone does not cry because he has learned that boys are not<br />

supposed to cry. This exemplifies the concept of<br />

a. gender identities.<br />

b. sexual orientation.<br />

c. gender roles<br />

d. gender types.<br />

____ 17. Which of the following is NOT a level of sexual differentiation?<br />

a. chromosomal sex<br />

b. hormonal sex<br />

c. sex differentiation of the brain<br />

d. gender identity<br />

____ 18. The ______ are part of the endocrine system.<br />

a. Wolffian ducts<br />

b. Müllerian ducts<br />

c. gonads<br />

d. external genital structures<br />

____ 19. In the embryo, female sex structures develop from ______, and male sex structures develop from ______.<br />

a. Skene's ducts; the prostate gland<br />

b. the prostate gland; Skene's ducts<br />

c. Wolffian ducts; Müllerian ducts<br />

d. Müllerian ducts; Wolffian ducts<br />

____ 20. If an individual is to be a genetic female, she must receive a/an<br />

a. X chromosome from her father and a Y chromosome from her mother.<br />

b. X chromosome from her mother and a Y chromosome from her father.<br />

c. X chromosome from her mother and an X chromosome from her father.<br />

d. Y chromosome from her mother and a Y chromosome from her father.<br />

____ 21. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects recent research regarding sex differences in verbal<br />

and spatial skills?<br />

a. The differences appear to be more pronounced than earlier evidence indicated.<br />

b. The differences are largely due to psychosocial factors.<br />

c. There are clearly defined differences in female and male behavior which is caused by<br />

biological differences.<br />

d. At this time we cannot conclude that there is either a solid biological or psychosocial basis<br />

for the differences.<br />

____ 22. As a result of androgen insensitivity syndrome,<br />

a. external genitals of the male newborn are abnormally large.<br />

b. external genitals of the female newborn are normal, but there are no ovaries present.<br />

c. external genitals of the male fetus fail to differentiate, and so the newborn has normallooking<br />

female external genitals.<br />

d. external genitals of the female fetus fail to differentiate, and so the newborn has normallooking<br />

male external genitals.<br />

____ 23. Most children have developed a firm sense of being a boy or a girl by<br />

a. 6 months.<br />

b. 12 months.<br />

c. 18 months.<br />

d. 3 years.

____ 24. According to the research John Money conducted in the mid-70s, most children whose assigned sex did not<br />

match their chromosomal sex developed<br />

a. a strong desire to change their sex.<br />

b. a gender identity consistent with the way in which they were reared.<br />

c. adjustment difficulties.<br />

d. into gays or lesbians.<br />

____ 25. In the mid-70s, John Money published an unusual study of two identical twin boys, one of whom experienced<br />

a circumcision accident at eight months. Recent follow-up research on this case has revealed<br />

a. that socialization plays an even greater role in gender-identity formation than was<br />

originally assumed.<br />

b. that the effect of prenatal hormones on brain differentiation may be much more influential<br />

in gender-identity formation than was originally assumed.<br />

c. clear evidence that gender identity is psychologically neutral at birth.<br />

d. that twins were really not identical.<br />

____ 26. The term "interactional model" refers to<br />

a. a protocol for how to talk to cross-sexed persons.<br />

b. a description of meiosis.<br />

c. an acknowledgement of the role of both biology and experience in the development of<br />

gender identity.<br />

d. guidelines for good gender role dating expectations.<br />

____ 27. A ______ crossdresses for sexual arousal, while a ______ crossdresses in order to feel comfortable and<br />

congruent.<br />

a. transsexual; transvestite<br />

b. transvestite; transsexual<br />

c. hermaphrodite; transsexual<br />

d. transvestite; hermaphrodite<br />

____ 28. Most female-to-male transsexuals would probably describe their sexual orientation as<br />

a. heterosexual.<br />

b. homosexual.<br />

c. bisexual.<br />

d. asexual.<br />

____ 29. Which of the following statements is true?<br />

a. The majority of transsexuals have a chromosomal abnormality.<br />

b. The majority of transsexuals were emotionally abused as children.<br />

c. The majority of transsexuals are biologically normal.<br />

d. The majority of transsexuals were exposed to excessive amounts of androgen prenatally.<br />

____ 30. Which of the following statements regarding transsexuals is false?<br />

a. When female-to-male transsexuals are given testosterone, menstruation is suppressed.<br />

b. Even though they are given drugs that inhibit testosterone production, most male-tofemale<br />

transsexuals experience no lowering of vocal pitch.<br />

c. Most candidates for sex-reassignment surgery are required to live at least year or more as a<br />

person of the sex to which they wish to be reassigned.<br />

d. Once hormone therapy has begun, the changes that result cannot be successfully reversed.<br />

____ 31. Most theorists believe that gender roles are primarily a result of<br />

a. brain differences.<br />

b. hormonal variations.<br />

c. socialization.<br />

d. differences in reproduction roles.

____ 32. Studies of television programming have demonstrated that<br />

a. most Sesame Street characters are female.<br />

b. advertising features more girls than boys.<br />

c. women are valued primarily for physical appearance.<br />

d. traditional stereotypes dominate primarily in sitcoms.<br />

____ 33. A man quits dating a woman who openly expresses her interest in and enjoyment of sex, calling her a<br />

"sleaze". He behaves the same way and is perceived as a "stud". According to the text, the gender-role<br />

assumption underlying this behavior is<br />

a. men as "sexperts."<br />

b. women as controllers, men as movers.<br />

c. women as undersexed, men as oversexed.<br />

d. men as unemotional, women as nurturing.<br />

____ 34. Each of the following is a suggestion related to doing a female genital self-exam except<br />

a. Do it on a regular basis.<br />

b. Use a hand mirror to look at your genitals.<br />

c. As you proceed, be aware of your feelings regarding your genital anatomy.<br />

d. After the visual exam, masturbate to orgasm.<br />

____ 35. Vulva refers to<br />

a. the area covering the pubic bone.<br />

b. the female external genital structures.<br />

c. the vagina.<br />

d. the large outer lips.<br />

____ 36. A woman's partner caresses her labia majora. The woman would most likely experience<br />

a. sensual pleasure.<br />

b. little feeling due to the absence of nerve endings.<br />

c. a tickling sensation.<br />

d. a sense of pressure and being overstimulated.<br />

____ 37. Which of the following statements regarding the clitoris is false?<br />

a. It has approximately the same number of nerve endings as the head of the penis.<br />

b. The only purpose of the clitoris is sexual arousal.<br />

c. Clitoral stimulation is the most common way women produce arousal and orgasm during<br />

self-stimulation.<br />

d. It is located within the introitus.<br />

____ 38. Which of the following statements regarding female genital mutilation is false?<br />

a. It can cause death.<br />

b. It is practiced in parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia.<br />

c. Genital infibulation is the most extreme form.<br />

d. In countries where genital mutilation is practiced, young girls are considered<br />

unmarriageable if they have not undergone the prescribed "surgery".<br />

____ 39. The opening of the vagina is referred to as the<br />

a. vestibule.<br />

b. os.<br />

c. introitus.<br />

d. vulva.<br />

____ 40. The function of the hymen is<br />

a. to protect urethral tissue in early stages of development.<br />

b. to protect against early intercourse.<br />

c. to enhance sexual arousal.<br />

d. largely unknown.

____ 41. The vagina includes all of the following except the<br />

a. mucosa.<br />

b. rugae.<br />

c. Grafenberg spot.<br />

d. clitoris.<br />

____ 42. The ______ contract involuntarily at orgasm and can be strengthened by doing Kegel exercises.<br />

a. clitoral muscles<br />

b. Bartholin's glands<br />

c. pelvic floor muscles<br />

d. vestibular bulbs<br />

____ 43. All of the following are benefits of doing Kegel exercises except<br />

a. regaining urinary control after childbirth.<br />

b. increasing overall genital sensitivity.<br />

c. increasing the ability to have multiple orgasms.<br />

d. increasing sensation during intercourse.<br />

____ 44. According to recent research, genital deodorant sprays and body powders have been associated with increased<br />

risks of<br />

a. melanoma.<br />

b. cervical cancer.<br />

c. uterine cancer.<br />

d. ovarian cancer.<br />

____ 45. A _______ is the instrument that is used to hold the walls of the vagina open during vaginal exams.<br />

a. speculum<br />

b. laparoscope<br />

c. catheter<br />

d. vaginal dilator<br />

____ 46. Which of the following statements regarding the ovaries is false?<br />

a. The ovaries contain thousands of immature ova that are present at birth.<br />

b. The ovaries are endocrine glands.<br />

c. The ovaries produce sex hormones.<br />

d. During each average menstrual cycle, each ovary releases an egg.<br />

____ 47. The first time a woman begins to menstruate is called<br />

a. mittelschmerz.<br />

b. proliferation.<br />

c. menarche.<br />

d. the secretory phase.<br />

____ 48. Menstrual synchrony is<br />

a. when a group of women who live together develop similar menstrual cycles.<br />

b. a consistent 28-day cycle.<br />

c. when follicles erupt simultaneously.<br />

d. an irregular menstrual cycle.<br />

____ 49. ______ ______ is usually caused by the overproduction of prostaglandins.<br />

a. Primary dysmenorrhea<br />

b. Secondary dysmenorrhea<br />

c. Primary amenorrhea<br />

d. Secondary amenorrhea

____ 50. Which of the following would be least likely to cause secondary dysmenorrhea?<br />

a. pelvic inflammatory disease<br />

b. rigorous athletic training<br />

c. presence of an IUD<br />

d. endometriosis<br />

____ 51. ______ refers to the absence of menstruation.<br />

a. Dysmenorrhea<br />

b. Amenorrhea<br />

c. Dysmenarche<br />

d. Menstrual prolapse<br />

____ 52. All of the following appear to be effective in reducing PMS symptoms except<br />

a. avoiding salt.<br />

b. regular aerobic exercise.<br />

c. some food supplements.<br />

d. moderate increase in caffeine intake.<br />

____ 53. Many of the menopause symptoms that women may experience are caused by<br />

a. an increase in progesterone.<br />

b. an increase in estrogen.<br />

c. a decrease in progesterone.<br />

d. a decrease in estrogen.<br />

____ 54. Which of the following best describes possible symptoms of menopause?<br />

a. fatigue, irritability, water retention, orgasmic inhibition<br />

b. depression, hot flashes, nausea, dysmenorrhea<br />

c. sleep disturbances, hot flashes, severe headaches, short term memory loss<br />

d. nausea, hot flashes, short term memory loss, dysmenorrhea<br />

____ 55. All of the following are symptoms of urinary tract infections except<br />

a. a frequent need to urinate.<br />

b. a severe burning sensation when urinating.<br />

c. losing urine while coughing or sneezing.<br />

d. blood or pus in the urine.<br />

____ 56. To minimize the possibility of vaginal infections, a woman should<br />

a. bathe regularly, using a strong deodorant soap.<br />

b. douche twice daily.<br />

c. use a lubricant such as Vaseline during intercourse.<br />

d. wear cotton underpants rather than pantyhose.<br />

____ 57. Which of the following statements regarding the effects of hysterectomy on female sexuality is true?<br />

a. Most women experience a decrease in sexual responsiveness.<br />

b. Most women find that it enhances their sexual functioning.<br />

c. The effects can vary, depending upon the woman.<br />

d. There are no data available on this subject.<br />

____ 58. Which of the following statements best summarizes the usefulness of BSE?<br />

a. The ACS still recommends that all women over 40 practice regular BSE.<br />

b. The best time for a woman to examine her breasts is right before she menstruates.<br />

c. The glandular tissue in the breasts is the most susceptible to cancer.<br />

d. Since regular BSE has not been correlated with a decrease in mortality from breast cancer,<br />

the ACS no longer recommends monthly BSE.

____ 59. Approximately _____% of saline breast implants rupture by _____ years.<br />

a. 10; 10<br />

b. 15; 10<br />

c. 15; 5<br />


<strong>Peviewtest1</strong><br />

Answer Section<br />


1. ANS: B REF: 4 OBJ: 01-1 KEY: K<br />

2. ANS: C REF: 4 OBJ: 01-1 KEY: K<br />

MSC: WWW<br />

3. ANS: C REF: 5 OBJ: 01-2 KEY: K<br />

4. ANS: B REF: 5 OBJ: 01-2 KEY: A<br />

5. ANS: D REF: 5 OBJ: 01-2, 01-3 KEY: A<br />

6. ANS: B REF: 6 OBJ: 01-7 KEY: K<br />

7. ANS: D REF: 9 OBJ: 01-2, 01-4, 01-6<br />

KEY: K<br />

8. ANS: B REF: 7 OBJ: 01-4 KEY: A<br />

9. ANS: C REF: 10 OBJ: 01-3, 01-4 KEY: K<br />

10. ANS: D REF: 11, 12 OBJ: 01-6 KEY: A<br />

11. ANS: D REF: 3 OBJ: 01-6 KEY: K<br />

MSC: WWW<br />

12. ANS: B REF: 13, 14 OBJ: 01-7 KEY: K<br />

13. ANS: B REF: 13-15 OBJ: 01-7 KEY: K<br />

14. ANS: B REF: 46 OBJ: 03-1 KEY: K<br />

15. ANS: C REF: 46 OBJ: 03-1 KEY: K<br />

16. ANS: C REF: 46, 47 OBJ: 03-1, 03-2 KEY: A<br />

17. ANS: D REF: 48, 51 OBJ: 03-3 KEY: K<br />

18. ANS: C REF: 49 OBJ: 03-3 KEY: K<br />

19. ANS: D REF: 49, 51 OBJ: 03-3 KEY: K<br />

20. ANS: C REF: 48 OBJ: 03-3 KEY: A<br />

MSC: WWW<br />

21. ANS: D REF: 52 OBJ: 03-3 KEY: A<br />

22. ANS: C REF: 55, 56 OBJ: 03-4 KEY: K<br />

23. ANS: C REF: 58 OBJ: 03-5 KEY: K<br />

24. ANS: B REF: 60 OBJ: 03-5 KEY: K<br />

25. ANS: B REF: 61 OBJ: 03-5, 03-6 KEY: K<br />

26. ANS: C REF: 61 OBJ: 03-6 KEY: K<br />

27. ANS: B REF: 62-63 OBJ: 03-7 KEY: K<br />

28. ANS: A REF: 64 OBJ: 03-7 KEY: K<br />

29. ANS: C REF: 64 OBJ: 03-7 KEY: K<br />

30. ANS: D REF: 66, 67 OBJ: 03-7 KEY: K<br />

31. ANS: C REF: 68, 69 OBJ: 03-9 KEY: K<br />

MSC: WWW<br />

32. ANS: C REF: 73 OBJ: 03-9 KEY: K<br />

33. ANS: C REF: 75 OBJ: 03-10 KEY: A<br />

MSC: WWW<br />

34. ANS: D REF: 84, 85 OBJ: 04-1, 04-2 KEY: K<br />

35. ANS: B REF: 82 OBJ: 04-4 KEY: K

36. ANS: A REF: 83 OBJ: 04-5 KEY: A<br />

37. ANS: D REF: 83 OBJ: 04-5 KEY: K<br />

MSC: WWW<br />

38. ANS: C REF: 83, 86 OBJ: 04-3 KEY: K<br />

39. ANS: C REF: 87 OBJ: 04-5 KEY: K<br />

40. ANS: D REF: 87 OBJ: 04-5 KEY: K<br />

41. ANS: D REF: 89 OBJ: 04-6 KEY: K<br />

42. ANS: C REF: 89 OBJ: 04-7 KEY: K<br />

43. ANS: C REF: 91 OBJ: 04-8 KEY: K<br />

44. ANS: D REF: 91 OBJ: 04-13 KEY: K<br />

45. ANS: A REF: 92 OBJ: 04-14 KEY: K<br />

46. ANS: D REF: 93, 94 OBJ: 04-6 KEY: K<br />

47. ANS: C REF: 95 OBJ: 04-18 KEY: K<br />

48. ANS: A REF: 97 OBJ: 04-18 KEY: K<br />

49. ANS: A REF: 100 OBJ: 04-18 KEY: K<br />

50. ANS: B REF: 100 OBJ: 04-18 KEY: K<br />

51. ANS: B REF: 101 OBJ: 04-18 KEY: K<br />

52. ANS: D REF: 101 OBJ: 04-18 KEY: A<br />

53. ANS: D REF: 102 OBJ: 04-21 KEY: K<br />

54. ANS: C REF: 102, 103 OBJ: 04-21 KEY: K<br />

55. ANS: C REF: 107 OBJ: 04-23 KEY: K<br />

56. ANS: D REF: 108 OBJ: 04-24 KEY: A<br />

57. ANS: C REF: 110 OBJ: 04-17 KEY: K<br />

58. ANS: D REF: 112 OBJ: 04-26 KEY: A<br />

59. ANS: B REF: 118 OBJ: 04-25 KEY: K<br />

60. ANS: D REF: 112 OBJ: 04-26 KEY: K

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