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<strong>UTILIZING</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>WELLNESS</strong> <strong>POLICIES</strong><br />

to Get & Keep Kids Physically Active<br />

Written by: Rashmi B. Singh<br />

Edited by: Sheilagh Polk and Barbara Kimport<br />



03<br />

04<br />

05<br />

06<br />

07<br />

09<br />

11<br />

Executive Summary<br />

School Wellness Policies<br />

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010<br />

The Current State of School Wellness Policies<br />

Summary of the Study<br />

How Communities Can Help School Districts<br />

01: Realized Importance of Physical Activity<br />

02: Collaborative and Comprehensive Approach<br />

03: Clear, Defined and Measurable Policy Goals<br />

04: Engage Stakeholders in the Policy<br />

05: Community-Driven Implementation<br />

Expected Challenges to Implementing<br />

Wellness Policies<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

Case Studies: What Schools Have to Say<br />

Conclusion<br />

About Coaching Corps<br />

Graph: Opportunities for PA<br />

Graph: Physical Education<br />

Graph: Stakeholder Involvement<br />

Graph: PA and Recess After School<br />

Graph: Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting<br />

Resource: Finding Grants and Other Funding<br />

Resource: Increasing PA Opportunities for Girls<br />

Resource: Promoting PA Throughout the Day<br />

Resource: Writing / Reviewing Wellness<br />

Policies<br />

Resource: Supporting Recess<br />

Resource: School Staff (Online Training)<br />

Resource: Implementing Walk to School<br />

Programs / Joint Use Agreements<br />

Changing The Game<br />

For Kids<br />


We improve the health, educational and social outcomes<br />

for kids living in struggling communities through the power<br />

of coaching and sports.<br />




An often underutilized, but<br />

potentially powerful tool to get<br />

and keep kids physically active,<br />

is a school wellness policy.<br />

For young people in struggling neighborhoods, opportunities to be<br />

physically active — let alone play sports — are too few and far between.<br />

Schools are being forced to slash Physical Education, neighborhood<br />

parks are unsafe, walking to school is out of the question and afterschool<br />

programs don’t have the capacity to fill the void on their own.<br />

School-aged children spend the vast majority of their waking hours at<br />

school, which makes solutions for increasing movement on campus a<br />

logical solution. But pressures to achieve high test scores and other<br />

pressing academic issues make this a difficult conversation to have.<br />

It is imperative that advocates in the fields of physical activity, Physical<br />

Education, organized sports and child wellness identify, promote and<br />

strengthen tools that can aid schools and communities in efforts to<br />

achieve the best possible social, emotional, academic and physical<br />

outcomes for students.<br />

The primary goal of a wellness policy is to make changes in the school<br />

environment to promote lifelong physical activity and healthy eating. 1<br />

But these policies often do little besides gather dust on shelves. In 2010,<br />

Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) with the<br />

objective of strengthening wellness policies by increasing stakeholder<br />

participation, creating new nutrition standards for school meals, increasing<br />

physical activity minutes and ensuring wellness policy implementation<br />

and evaluation.<br />

As a result, there is a renewed interest — and therefore opportunity— to<br />

build and implement new policies that help all students — especially those<br />

who are languishing behind — lead healthy, happy lives.<br />

This report highlights the importance of implementing strong wellness<br />

policies, especially for low-income communities, so that stakeholders and<br />

advocates can use this lever to promote physical activity in the school<br />

setting and increase community stakeholder participation in the writing,<br />

implementation and evaluation of wellness policies.<br />

It concludes with recommendations intended to aid advocates, experts<br />

and community members in improving the health of their schools, students<br />

and neighborhoods, while ensuring that their wellness policies place<br />

adequate emphasis on physical activity and that community stakeholders<br />

play leadership roles in the writing, implementation and evaluation of these<br />

critical tools for health.<br />


<strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>WELLNESS</strong><br />

<strong>POLICIES</strong><br />

Beginning in 2004, school districts participating in the National School<br />

Lunch and/or Breakfast Program were required to develop a local wellness<br />

policy that would be implemented over a two-year time period. The main<br />

goal of a wellness policy is to make changes in the school environment<br />

to promote lifelong physical activity and healthy eating. 1 In the wellness<br />

policies, school districts had “to address nutrition standards of available<br />

foods in schools, nutrition education, physical activity and other schoolbased<br />

activities that contribute to student wellness.” 1 This requirement<br />

of a local wellness policy originated out of a concern for young people:<br />

Congress realized that wellness policies could utilize the school<br />

environment to promote healthy, physically active lifestyles and address<br />

the alarming childhood obesity rate. 1<br />

Local wellness policies are especially important for students in low-income<br />

school districts. Historically, these children have had limited access to<br />

fresh foods, safe community spaces to play, organized sports teams<br />

and fitness role models to learn from. 1, 26 As a result, a majority of lowincome<br />

children are forced into unhealthy life styles that jeopardize their<br />

immediate health and threaten to impact their futures.<br />

The Healthy, Hunger-<br />

Free Kids Act of 2010<br />

In 2009, a study by Bridging the Gap highlighted how local school wellness<br />

policies were failing to make an impact. The study concluded that although<br />

many schools (more than 93 percent) had a wellness policy by the<br />

2007–2008 school year, a majority of the policies were weak, with little-tono<br />

plans for implementation or monitoring. 15<br />

The Bridging the Gap report contributed to the momentum that produced<br />

the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA).<br />

The HHFKA strengthens the 2004 legislation by: 2<br />

• Requiring every school in the district, not just those participating in the<br />

National School Lunch and/or School Breakfast Program, to establish<br />

a school wellness policy.<br />

• Increasing stakeholder 1 * involvement: Stakeholders are required to join<br />

the development, implementation and review of school wellness policies.<br />

• Increasing school wellness policy transparency by requiring school<br />

districts to update the public on the implementation and content<br />

of school wellness policies; the names and contact information of<br />

wellness policy leadership are also required to be made available<br />

to the public.<br />

• Requiring at least one school official to be responsible for school<br />

wellness policy leadership: Leader must review, oversee implementation<br />

and compliance of the school’s wellness policy.<br />

• Requiring schools to monitor and assess their wellness policies at least<br />

every three years.<br />

• Making the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) responsible<br />

for defining appropriate nutrition standards for school meals and snacks.<br />

1<br />

*The HHFKA identifies stakeholders<br />

as parents, students and representatives<br />

of the school food authority, Physical<br />

Education teachers, school health<br />

professionals, the school board, school<br />

administrators and the general public.<br />

• Requiring smarter marketing of foods and beverages that are sold during<br />

the school day.<br />

• Providing more detailed guidelines and content to promote lifelong<br />

physical activity habits throughout the school day.<br />


Coaching Corps’ Active Day, Healthy Life<br />

Campaign encourages in-school and<br />

out-of-school providers to work together<br />

with parents, caregivers and community to<br />

ensure all children receive 60 minutes of<br />

moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each<br />

and every school day.<br />

Also included in the HHFKA are content guidelines for schools to provide<br />

physical activity throughout the school day. These guidelines recommend<br />

districts promote physical activity by including the following in their<br />

wellness policies: 2<br />

• Provide physical activity opportunities so that every student “develops<br />

the knowledge and skills for specific physical activities”.<br />

• Provide opportunities to maintain physical fitness.<br />

• Aim to reduce sedentary time (ideally to no more than 2 hours at a time).<br />

• Allow every student to learn interpersonal skills (cooperation, fair play<br />

and responsible participation) through physical activity.<br />

• Allow students to “gain an appreciation for lifelong physical activity<br />

through a healthy lifestyle”.<br />

• Consider other ways to incorporate physical activity outside of Physical<br />

Education classes (to meet the Department of Health and Human<br />

Services’ recommended 60 minutes a day of physical activity. The<br />

HHFKA recommends districts consider daily recess, classroom-based<br />

physical activity breaks, before and after school programs (sports,<br />

clubs, community-organized programs), incorporating physical activity<br />

into core subjects and active forms of transportation to get to school).<br />

The Current State<br />

of School Wellness<br />

Policies<br />

Four years have passed, and like its predecessor in 2004, HHFKA has<br />

had a mixed impact:<br />

• A recent study conducted by Bridging the Gap found that in the 2010–<br />

2011 school year “Nearly every school ha[d] a wellness policy, [but]<br />

only 46 percent of districts had a wellness policy that addressed all five<br />

wellness aspects: nutrition education, school meals, physical activity,<br />

policy implementation and evaluation, and competitive foods.” 3<br />

• Physical activity was often the weakest component addressed in<br />

wellness policies. 16,18<br />

• Similarly, a joint study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and<br />

Prevention (CDC) and Bridging the Gap looked at wellness policies<br />

during the 2011–2012 school year and concluded that wellness policies<br />

were still not successfully promoting student wellness, especially with<br />

regards to physical activity (PA). 4,16<br />


For a more detailed breakdown, see page 14<br />

• Although PA is mentioned in many of the school districts’ wellness<br />

policies, many policies are not specific in their requirements for PA.<br />

• Many wellness policies do not make use of before and after school<br />

opportunities for PA ( joint-use, walking or biking to school, partnering<br />

with community agencies to provide PA before and after school).<br />

• A majority of wellness policies that address Physical Education<br />

do not effectively use it as a resource to increase students’ PA.<br />

Many policies do not have Physical Education time requirements or<br />

have students spend at least 50 percent of Physical Education<br />

class time engaged in Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)<br />

or require safe and adequate equipment and facilities for Physical<br />

Education classes.<br />


This national trend holds true in California as well. The chart below offers<br />

a basic look at some of the largest school districts’ wellness policies<br />

across the state: 2 *<br />

CA School District Physical Education PA (recess and/or Walking/ Biking Before and AFTER Joint-Use Wellness Advisory<br />

rEquirements PA breaks) to School School PA Agreements Council(s)<br />

Berkeley Unified yES no no no no no<br />

Fresno Unified yES yES no yES no yES<br />

Los Angeles Unified yES yES no yES yES yES<br />

Oakland Unified yES yES yES yES no yES<br />

San Diego Unified yES no no yES no yES<br />

San Francisco Unified yES no no no no yES<br />

2<br />

*A “yes” indicates that the district wellness<br />

policy mentions the category in some<br />

respect (policy language may include<br />

“recommends,” “requires” or “encourages”).<br />

A “no” indicates that the district wellness<br />

policy makes no mention of the category.<br />

District wellness policies were primarily<br />

accessed through district websites. 27-35<br />

Several districts are currently working on<br />

updating their policies; consequently, many<br />

of their websites still display older policies.<br />

While research exposes the weak state of wellness policies across the<br />

country, the National State School Health Policy Database reminds us<br />

of some limitations to evaluating district wellness policies. 5<br />

A school district may have a weak wellness policy with little to no<br />

requirements, but some schools within the district may have started<br />

their own initiatives to promote student wellness. The reverse may also<br />

be true: A strong district wellness policy does not necessarily guarantee<br />

implementation from every school in the district. In addition to this issue<br />

of policy vs. practice, school district wellness policies may also differ in<br />

their use of terms. The same term can carry different meanings or “carry<br />

different degrees of authority” from one district to another. 5 Many districts<br />

have also just begun revising their wellness policies to reflect the new<br />

legislation; it may be some time until the full effects of the HHFKA are<br />

realized. Despite these limitations, however, it is still worthwhile to study<br />

available wellness policies and determine policy trends.<br />


HELP <strong>SCHOOL</strong> DISTRICTS<br />

As school districts continue to revise and update their wellness policies,<br />

stakeholders are presented with a unique opportunity to get engaged<br />

in the process. Coaching Corps recommends stakeholders encourage<br />

school districts to include the following five elements in their wellness<br />

policies: 3 *<br />

01<br />

A stated value of the importance of physical<br />

activity for improvements in student performance,<br />

attendance and behavior in school and overall<br />

student health<br />

• This builds support for physical activity and Physical Education<br />

right from the start.<br />

• Studies have suggested that comprehensive school health<br />

programs can lower “suspension and expulsion rates, [and<br />

lead to] fewer disciplinary hearings, and fewer assignments<br />

to alternative schools.” 1<br />

3<br />

*These recommendations focus on<br />

strategies to promote physical activity<br />

in wellness policies.<br />

• Low-income schools that are challenged with student behavior<br />

problems can benefit from this connection between<br />

increased physical activity and improved student behavior.<br />


• A study conducted by the CDC demonstrates “that there is<br />

substantial evidence that physical activity can help improve<br />

academic achievement, including grades and standardized<br />

test scores; physical activity can have an impact on cognitive<br />

skills attitudes and academic behavior (including enhanced<br />

concentration, attentiveness and improved classroom behavior).” 38<br />

02<br />

A collaborative and comprehensive approach<br />

to promoting 60 minutes of physical activity,<br />

with opportunities before, during and after the<br />

school day<br />

• Encourage or require elementary schools to provide daily<br />

supervised recess (of at least 20 minutes), with opportunities<br />

for students to engage in MVPA. 37<br />

• Schools should provide adequate equipment and facilities<br />

either through joint-use or community partnerships, hold<br />

recess outdoors and not withhold it as a form of punishment<br />

or use it as a study period. 37,44<br />

• Recess should not be scheduled before or after Physical<br />

Education classes and should not replace Physical<br />

Education classes. 37<br />

Meeting the recommended time for Physical<br />

Education still does not guarantee that<br />

students will get 60 minutes per day of PA.<br />

That’s why programs like Active Day, Healthy<br />

Life are important for coordinating the school<br />

and community’s resources to help get kids<br />

physically active for 60 minutes per day. 42<br />

• Design Physical Education and PA activities with specific needs<br />

of students in mind.<br />

• Consider the different needs of girls and boys for PA<br />

(i.e., differences in motivations for participating in<br />

physical activity). 19<br />

• Several PA opportunities should be provided for<br />

girls, since they typically face greater obstacles<br />

to participate in PA. 1<br />

• Consider differences in student’s culture, background and<br />

individual preferences.<br />

• Consider students with special needs and English-language<br />

learners. 44<br />

• Strengthen Physical Education and afterschool programs:<br />

• Encourage or require schools to have students spend at<br />

least 50 percent of Physical Education class time engaged<br />

in MVPA. 7<br />

• Encourage schools to provide adequate equipment and<br />

facilities, either through joint-use or community partnerships,<br />

for students to participate in MVPA (California After School<br />

Physical Activity Guidelines recommends afterschool programs<br />

provide 30 to 60 minutes of MVPA). 7<br />

• Prohibit school staff and afterschool coordinators from using<br />

PA or withholding it as punishment. 36<br />


Schools in low-income communities can consider adopting a walking school bus program, where<br />

an adult supervises and leads a group of children walking to school. 21<br />

• Provide equal opportunities in afterschool programs for PA<br />

participation, which may mean shifting resources from<br />

competitive, often selective athletic programs to intramurals<br />

and/or PA clubs that promote and provide PA opportunities<br />

for every student. 11<br />

• Ask schools that do not already have one to develop an<br />

afterschool program to promote PA and health nutrition that<br />

are consistent with the school’s wellness policy and, when<br />

applicable, complement the school’s academic and Physical<br />

Education content. 7<br />

• Developing an afterschool program is especially important in<br />

low-income communities, where nearly 36 percent more kids<br />

in CA (about 2 million) would join an afterschool program if<br />

their schools/community had one. 10<br />

• Use Physical Education teachers to help strengthen/design<br />

physical activities for afterschool programs. 7<br />

• Train and support teachers to provide PA breaks in the classroom;<br />

parent volunteers are also good candidates for this.<br />

• Promote jumping jacks, Brain Gym, TAKE 10!, JAMmin’<br />

Minute, “taking a 5-minute stretch break, marching in place,<br />

jumping with an invisible jump rope, doing semi-squats<br />

followed by knee lifts.” 8,23<br />

• Integrate PA within the core curriculum: Teachers can use the<br />

Coordinated Approach to Child and Health Series (CATCH)<br />

and SPARK. 11<br />

• Involve community-based programs like Coaching Corps and<br />

others to provide more opportunities for PA.<br />

• Use school gardens and nutrition education to promote PA. 1<br />

• Encourage or require schools to adopt schoolwide PA breaks:<br />

regular lunchtime running/walking clubs, before and/or after school<br />

PA clubs. 23<br />

• Encourage or require schools to adopt joint-use agreements. 16<br />

In the Belmont area of Los Angeles, some<br />

schools collaborated with several stakeholders<br />

(law enforcement, parent volunteers and<br />

gang violence interventionists) to increase<br />

active transportation to school and address<br />

community violence concerns. 43<br />

• Joint-use agreements can be particularly useful for<br />

low-income communities because they provide<br />

students with a guaranteed space (school or local<br />

community facilities) to play and be active after school.<br />

• Encourage or require schools to implement a Safe Routes<br />

to School Program to promote safe and active transportation<br />

to school. 16<br />


03<br />

Clear, defined and measurable policy goals<br />

• Write stronger goals and establish priorities (writing down<br />

and assessing goals can help schools prioritize) within their<br />

wellness policies. 13<br />

• Have “buy-in” for goals: Involve stakeholders throughout goal<br />

setting and writing process.<br />

• Set realistic goals: Make sure an attainable amount of goals<br />

are set for a given time period. 13<br />

• Categorize goals into short, intermediate and long term; simple<br />

and complex. 13<br />

• Link goals to specific changes or outcomes in school<br />

environments. 13<br />

• Include a required time mandate for Physical Education and PA at<br />

every grade level.<br />

Programs like Coaching Corps can support<br />

schools and afterschool programs in providing<br />

physical activity programs to students through<br />

the training and supporting of volunteer<br />

parents, caregivers and community coaches.<br />

04<br />

• Provide a minimum of 150 minutes per week of Physical<br />

Education for elementary school students and 225 minutes per<br />

week for secondary school students. 6<br />

• Use FitnessGram testing to measure physical fitness in<br />

students and design Physical Education activities that address<br />

areas where students are struggling. 7<br />

Engage stakeholders in every aspect of the<br />

wellness policy, with a special focus on parents,<br />

caregivers and community members.<br />

• Common stakeholders include parents, caregivers, students,<br />

representatives of the school food authority, Physical Education<br />

teachers, school health professionals (school nurses), the school<br />

board, school administrators, before and after school coordinators,<br />

special education staff, English Language Learners specialists,<br />

school guidance counselors, teachers, local public health<br />

departments, the general public, public health advocacy<br />

organizations, health insurance and managed care companies.<br />

• Schools in low-income neighborhoods should be mindful of<br />

parents’/caregivers’ challenging work schedules: many<br />

typically face long commutes on public transportation, longer<br />

work hours and/or non-traditional hours. 1<br />

• Schedule meetings at different times of the day, so<br />

that parents with non-traditional working hours can be<br />

a part of the policy process and in multiple locations<br />

throughout the school district. 1<br />

• Involve students in the policy review process.<br />

• Low-income neighborhoods can benefit from involving<br />

students and getting their input on nutrition education<br />

and PA, since many low-income students are more<br />

likely to participate in school nutrition programs and<br />

face fewer opportunities to engage in PA. 1<br />


• Communicate wellness policy and supporting documents to<br />

the community.<br />

• “Communication should be repetitive, through varied<br />

channels, and ongoing.” 12<br />

• Communication should be two-way: Stakeholders should be<br />

able to provide feedback. 23<br />

• Schools can post their wellness policy drafts online<br />

and in multiple languages to allow the public<br />

an opportunity to comment.<br />

• Schools can provide hard copy drafts of their wellness<br />

policy at the school’s office. 44<br />

• Communication should frame information in a way that is<br />

culturally sensitive and appropriate for the intended audience.<br />

• Encourage or require information to be made<br />

available in multiple languages and to consider<br />

equity and inclusion.<br />

• Parents and larger communities can be empowered as<br />

advocates for the school’s wellness policy. 26<br />

• Encourage Fitness Role Models.<br />

• Promote and support PA and nutrition for stakeholders.<br />

• Schools can “offer staff wellness activities...related<br />

to health and nutrition that inspire school staff<br />

to serve as role models and practice healthy eating<br />

[and] physical activity. 2<br />

• Offer Professional Development Days for teachers<br />

and school staff to help them incorporate PA into<br />

lessons; make sure the purpose of these Development<br />

Days is known. 26<br />

• Schools can consider recruiting older students to serve as<br />

fitness role models. 44<br />

Train and empower volunteer parents/caregivers to provide students with quality PA. 42<br />

• Involve parents/caregivers with PA efforts to promote lifelong<br />

Physical Activity.<br />

• Parents can teach yoga or aerobic activities like<br />

Zumba to other parents.<br />

• Research has shown how active parents “have more<br />

active pre-school children, older children<br />

and adolescents”; this trend holds true for low-income<br />

parents/caregivers. 19,20<br />

Examples of activities for school staff include<br />

walking clubs before, during lunch or after<br />

school; weight management meetings on<br />

school property; smoking cessation or healthy<br />

cooking classes after school. 2<br />

• This is especially useful for low-income communities<br />

that may struggle finding resources to employ key<br />

fitness personnel.<br />

• Train and support parents and caregivers to coach<br />

sports and other physical activity before, during<br />

and after school.<br />


05<br />

A community-led and community-designed<br />

implementation and monitoring plan to ensure<br />

compliance and evaluate policy strength.<br />

• Create an active Wellness Committee consisting of several<br />

invested stakeholders and fitness leaders. 26<br />

• The Wellness Committee will be responsible for<br />

developing the implementation and monitoring plan<br />

and overseeing any other aspect (funding, sustainability,<br />

leadership) relating to the school’s wellness policy. 26<br />

• Implementation plan will “explain the Where, When and to Whom<br />

this element of the policy applies; who needs to know about the<br />

changes; and identify the tasks required, timeline and person<br />

responsible for completing tasks.” 12<br />

• A strong implementation plan will break down the elements<br />

of a school’s wellness policy “into separate goals, activities<br />

and action steps.” 13<br />

• Implementation plan will help schools identify the challenges<br />

and resources to enacting specific parts of their wellness<br />

policies. 22<br />

• Monitoring plan will include “benchmarks, track changes and<br />

progress to help develop an annual report that summarizes policy<br />

results and can be used as a guide for future revisions.” 44<br />

• Monitoring and implementation plan will provide stakeholders with<br />

opportunities to give input and schedule check-ins to review the policy.<br />



<strong>WELLNESS</strong> <strong>POLICIES</strong><br />

A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information<br />

evaluated wellness policies in Connecticut and cited three common<br />

challenges schools faced when implementing wellness policies:<br />

35%<br />

“…insufficient staff to implement the<br />

programs and activities<br />

34%<br />

48%<br />

lack of a key point person<br />

time to plan and coordinate efforts.”<br />

17<br />

Another study that looked at a total of 84 schools in three different states<br />

(California, Iowa and Pennsylvania) also identified lack of time and financial<br />

resources as common challenges to implementing school wellness policies. 25<br />

In addition to these challenges, low-income schools are faced with added<br />

pressures, like increasing student test scores, high staff turnover rates,<br />

lack of adequate facilities to promote PA, and continuous budget cuts. 26<br />


Despite these challenges, several schools have successfully implemented<br />

strong school wellness policies, and some low-income schools were found<br />

to have had some of the strongest policies overall. 18 Listed below are<br />

strategies schools have used to overcome common barriers.<br />

Lack of time:<br />

• Establishing a wellness committee, where multiple stakeholders<br />

are together in one place and meeting on a regular basis, can<br />

streamline the implementation and policy review process and help<br />

coordinate policy efforts. 26<br />

• Identifying and partnering with established community<br />

organizations like Coaching Corps and others can give schools<br />

immediate resources (facilities and personnel) to implement their<br />

wellness policies. 7<br />

Lack of FACILITIES:<br />

• Incorporating PA into the classroom, through brain breaks, does not<br />

require schools to find extra space or fitness personnel. 18<br />

• Implementing a joint-use agreement will help schools take<br />

advantage of available community resources. 7<br />

• Utilizing Parks and Recreation aides will help schools provide<br />

additional opportunities for physical activity. 44<br />

Lack of KEY PERSONNEL:<br />

• Utilizing students as resources: Schools can ask students to take<br />

leadership roles in designing, choosing or explaining physical<br />

activities to their peers; this will also increase PA participation in<br />

schools. 9,23<br />

• Empowering parents/caregivers as volunteer coaches, afterschool<br />

coordinators and wellness policy advocates will help increase the<br />

school’s personnel. 42<br />

• Keeping staff and school personnel aware of and dedicated to<br />

modeling wellness policy goals will allow schools to use teachers<br />

and staff as key resources. 25<br />


• Identifying funding sources (grants, local organizations, parents,<br />

parent teacher associations (PTAs), local civic groups, hospitals,<br />

health insurance companies, retail stores and businesses, local<br />

sports teams, government agencies) have helped schools fund<br />

elements of their wellness policy. 7,17<br />

• Some organizations will provide in-kind services or be willing to<br />

give schools tips on how to apply for grants .7,17<br />



<strong>SCHOOL</strong>S HAVE TO SAY<br />

Howard County Public School System, Maryland<br />

A representative from the Howard County Public School System cited<br />

the district’s standard policy review process and policy element evaluation<br />

as the biggest reasons for their success. 39 Having a standard process<br />

for reviewing policies, that includes several opportunities for stakeholder<br />

input, made it easier for the school district to review their wellness policy.<br />

In addition to having this standard review process, the district also<br />

identified which wellness policy elements could be implemented quickly,<br />

intermediately or long term. Separating policy elements into time frames<br />

gave the district a realistic perspective for policy implementation. Things<br />

seem to be working for Howard County: The district’s wellness policy<br />

recently scored a 95 percent (nearly twice as high as the national average)<br />

by Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. 40<br />

Oakland Unified School District<br />

Oakland Unified School District worked to overcome the challenge of<br />

involving several stakeholders. 41 Their wellness policy revision took two<br />

years to complete, and in that time, the district held three public events<br />

in different geographic locations so a diverse set of parents/caregivers<br />

and students could provide input. The district also posted drafts of their<br />

wellness policy online to allow parents/caregivers and other stakeholders<br />

opportunities for feedback. The district worked hard to involve as many<br />

stakeholders as possible, and their wellness policy benefitted as a<br />

result: Oakland Unified School District’s wellness policy goes beyond<br />

the requirements in the HHFKA. 41<br />


Strong wellness policies can be used to improve the health and quality of<br />

life for thousands of students: They can increase physical activity, improve<br />

attendance, performance and behavior in school, increase self-esteem<br />

and confidence, help maintain lifelong physically active and healthy eating<br />

habits and help address the obesity epidemic. Schools in low-income<br />

communities have an even greater need to strengthen and start using their<br />

wellness policies, as their students face bigger obstacles to engage in<br />

physical activity and are dealing with a wide range of emotional, social and<br />

physical health issues.<br />

Failing to improve wellness policies will come at the cost of our children’s<br />

health and futures. It’s time to comply with the federal mandate and create<br />

strong wellness policies that increase opportunities for physical activity<br />

and involve community stakeholders in the policy revision process — the<br />

benefits from doing so are too great to ignore.<br />


Coaching Corps is a nonprofit based in Oakland, CA, committed to closing<br />

the sports gap for young people living in low-income communities.<br />

The Sports Gap is the inequity of access to organized sports with trained<br />

and caring coaches between children living in low-income communities<br />

and their wealthier counterparts. Through the recruitment, training and<br />

placement of volunteers as coaches and mentors — Coaching Corps<br />

ensures that these young people experience the many benefits of team<br />

sports participation with a quality coach.<br />

In addition to providing young people with the critical minutes of physical<br />

activity they need to forge healthy and successful lives, sports with a<br />

caring coach infuses youth with life lessons like persistence, confidence,<br />

empathy and teamwork.<br />


16<br />


30%<br />

13%<br />

16%<br />

Nearly 30% of district wellness<br />

policies required or recommended<br />

joint-use.<br />


13% of district policies required or<br />

recommended PA opportunities<br />

be provided before or after<br />

school through agreements with<br />

community agencies.<br />

Only 16% of district wellness<br />

policies required or recommended<br />

walking or biking to school using<br />

safe routes and safe practices.<br />

70% 5%<br />

min/week<br />

30-150<br />

elementary<br />

30-250<br />

middle school<br />

30-225<br />

high school<br />

Over 70% of district policies did<br />

not address time requirements<br />

for PE classes.<br />

11%<br />

Less than 5% of district policies<br />

met the AAHPERD* recommended<br />

PE time.<br />

When addressed, district PE time<br />

provisions ranged from 30–150<br />

minutes/week at the elementary<br />

level, 30–250 minutes/week at<br />

the middle school level and<br />

30–225 minutes/week at the high<br />

school level.<br />

Only 11% of districts required<br />

students to spend at least 50% of PE<br />

time in moderate-to-vigorous PA.”<br />

*The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance<br />

(AAHPERD), now known as SHAPE America, recommends elementary school students<br />

receive 150 minutes per week of Physical Education and secondary school students<br />

receive 225 minutes per week of Physical Education throughout the entire school year. 16<br />



30%<br />

25%<br />

25%<br />

About 30% of district policies<br />

required stakeholder involvement<br />

in wellness policy development.<br />

About 25% required staff role<br />

modeling required staff to<br />

model good eating and physical<br />

activity habits.<br />

About 25% required stakeholder<br />

involvement in policy review<br />

and update.<br />

PA AND RECESS DURING <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

44%<br />

14%<br />

7%<br />

3%<br />

2%<br />

Less than half (44%) of districts<br />

required PA opportunities to be<br />

provided for every grade level.<br />

22%<br />

Less than a quarter (14%) of districts<br />

required that PA be integrated<br />

throughout the school day.<br />

Only 7%, 3%, and 2% of districts<br />

specified an amount of time for PA<br />

at the elementary, middle, or high<br />

school levels, respectively.<br />

“Only 22% of districts required and<br />

18% of districts recommended daily<br />

recess for elementary school students.”<br />



30%<br />

10%<br />

10%<br />

About 30% of districts required<br />

policy reporting.<br />

48%<br />

About 10% of districts<br />

required evaluation.<br />

Less than 10% of districts<br />

required making the policies<br />

publicly accessible (e.g.,: on<br />

district website).<br />

“48% of districts required an<br />

ongoing health advisory or<br />

wellness committee.”<br />





• The United States Department of Agriculture offers a database<br />

of grants that schools can use to fund wellness policies.<br />

http://healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/local-wellness-policy-resources/<br />

school-nutrition-environment-and-wellness-resources/grantsfunding<br />

• School-Grants’s website provides grant writing tips and sample grant<br />

proposals for teachers.<br />

http://www.school-grants.org/.htm<br />

• Playworks has an updated list of federal and state grants available to<br />

school districts and nonprofits.<br />

http://www.playworks.org/training/grant-resources/database<br />

• The Carol M. White Physical Education program is a competitive grant<br />

that provides funding for Physical Education programs.<br />

http://www2.ed.gov/ programs/whitephysed/index.html<br />








THE <strong>SCHOOL</strong> DAY<br />

• Women’s Sports Foundation has links to their programs that promote<br />

physical activity for girls and use sports to build self-confidence and<br />

good health.<br />

http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org<br />

• Bridging the Gap and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention<br />

developed a policy brief to support quality Physical Education and<br />

physical activity in schools.<br />

http://www.bridgingthegapresearch.org/_asset/7bm7jq/BTG_LWP_<br />

PEPA_brief_Jun_14.pdf?utm_source=BTG+%26+CDC+briefs+releas<br />

e&utm_campaign=BTG+%26+CDC+LWP+Briefs&utm_medium=email<br />

• GoNoodle is a useful site to help teachers incorporate brain breaks<br />

into the classroom.<br />

https://www.gonoodle.com/<br />

• CATCH USA provides schools with ways to incorporate physical<br />

activity throughout the school day.<br />

http://catchusa.org/<br />

• SPARK provides teachers with ways to incorporate physical activity<br />

breaks in the classroom.<br />

http://www.sparkpe.org/<br />

• Instant Recess provides simple, structured group physical activities<br />

suitable for the school setting.<br />

http://www.toniyancey.com/IR_Home_4_-_old.html<br />

• The California Department of Education provides model content<br />

standards for Physical Education by grade level.<br />

http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/pestandards.pdf<br />

• The School-Based Health Alliance’s campaign, Hallways to Health,<br />

promotes student-focused physical activity and health initiatives.<br />

http://www.sbh4all.org/site/c.ckLQKbOVLkK6E/b.8808107/k.C0DB<br />

Hallways_to_Health.htm<br />


• The Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch in the<br />

California Department of Public Health provides resources to<br />

increase physical activity amongst the SNAP-eligible California<br />

population. http://www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/cpns/Pages/<br />

PhysicalActivityIntegration.aspx<br />

• Active Day, Healthy Life Toolkit includes steps and links to other<br />

resources for parents, caregivers, schools and communities to<br />

promote physical activity in schools.<br />

http://www.coachingcorps.org/wp-content/files_mf/1357250058Acti<br />

veDayHealthyLife_web2.pdf<br />



<strong>WELLNESS</strong> <strong>POLICIES</strong><br />

• A World Fit for Kids provides healthy behaviors and personal<br />

empowerment programs and training throughout Los Angeles.<br />

http://worldfit.ehclients.com/<br />

• The California Center for Research on Women and Families<br />

offers a checklist of required elements in local school wellness<br />

policies and provides links to other California organizations that<br />

offer additional guidance material on wellness policies.<br />

http://ccrwf.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Local-School-<br />

Wellness-Policies-Nutrition-Primer-Module.pdf<br />

• The California Department of Education provides several resources<br />

for writing, implementing and evaluating wellness policies.<br />

http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/nu/he/wellness.asp<br />

• California Project LEAN provides worksheets, fact sheets<br />

and research briefs to help schools implement and strengthen<br />

their wellness policies.<br />

http://www.californiaprojectlean.org/doc.asp?id=168&parentid=20#<br />

Research_and_Policy_Briefs<br />

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides an online<br />

self-assessment tool for evaluating wellness policies.<br />

http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/shi/<br />

• Team California for Healthy Kids provides a Local School Wellness<br />

Policy Administrative Review Toolkit, which contains multiple<br />

resources for policy implementation and review.<br />

http://www.teamcaliforniaforhealthykids.org/school-wellness/localschool-wellness-policy-collaborative-2/local-school-wellness-policylswp-administrative-review-toolkit/<br />

• The Dairy Council of California maintains an online database<br />

of over 700 California school district wellness policies.<br />

http://www.healthyeating.org/Schools/School-Wellness/School-<br />

Wellness-Policies.aspx<br />

• The Alliance for a Healthier Generation provides resources<br />

for developing wellness councils, wellness policies and policy<br />

evaluations. https://www.healthiergeneration.org/take_action/<br />

schools/wellness_councils__policies/<br />

• The California School-Based Health Alliance provides links to help<br />

schools and the community develop and implement their wellness<br />

policies. http://www.schoolhealthcenters.org/healthlearning/<br />

nutritionfitness/nutritionfitnessresources/schoolwellnesspolicies/<br />




• Playworks offers game ideas for indoor recess and/or physical<br />

activity breaks.<br />

http://www.playworks.org/playbook/what-is-a-great-recess/<br />

playground-strategies/recess-rain-and-snow-and<br />

• Bridging the Gap and the Centers for Disease Control and<br />

Prevention developed a policy brief to help elementary schools<br />

support recess.<br />

http://www.bridgingthegapresearch.org/_asset/dqryqb/BTG_LWP_<br />

recess_brief_Jun_14.pdf?utm_source=BTG+%26+CDC+briefs+<br />

release&utm_campaign=BTG+%26+CDC+LWP+Briefs&utm_<br />

medium=email<br />

RESOURCES FOR <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />




<strong>SCHOOL</strong> PROGRAMS AND<br />


• The California After School Resource Center provides online<br />

training for school staff and afterschool organizers to promote<br />

physical activity.<br />

http://californiaafterschool.org/onlinetraining<br />

• The California Healthy Kids Resource Center provides online<br />

training for school staff and afterschool organizers to promote<br />

physical activity.<br />

http://www.californiahealthykids.org<br />

• California Active Communities provides resources for schools to<br />

plan their own walk to school events.<br />

http://www.cawalktoschool.com<br />

• Joint-Use provides a toolkit, policy template and other resources for<br />

schools to adopt joint-use agreements.<br />

http://jointuse.org<br />

• The Safe Routes to School National Partnership developed a<br />

resource guide for low-income schools to implement a Safe Routes<br />

to School program.<br />

http://saferoutespartnership.org/sites/default/files/pdf/<br />

LowIncomeGuide.pdf<br />



1. Cama, S., Emerson, B., Parker, L., Levin, M., Fitzsimons,<br />

C., Megill, L., …Weill, J. (2006, February). School<br />

Wellness Policy and Practice: Meeting the Needs<br />

of Low-Income Students. Food Research and<br />

Action Center.<br />

2. Food and Nutrition Service. (2014, February 26). Local<br />

School Wellness Policy Implementation under the<br />

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Office of the<br />

Federal Register.<br />

3. Chriqui, JF., Resnick, EA., Schneider, L., Schermbeck, R.,<br />

Adcock, T., Carrion, V., & Chaloupka, FJ. (2013,<br />

February). School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating<br />

Progress and Potential for Improving Children’s Health<br />

Five Years after the Federal Mandate. School Years<br />

2006–07 through 2010–11. Volume 3. Chicago, IL:<br />

Bridging the Gap Program, Health Policy Center,<br />

Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of<br />

Illinois at Chicago.<br />

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Bridging<br />

the Gap Research Program. (2014, May). Local School<br />

Wellness Policies: Where Do They Stand and What Can<br />

You Do? Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and<br />

Human Services.<br />

5. (n.d.). Adapted from Chapter B: The Art of Policymaking<br />

of NASEBE’s Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn:<br />

A School Health Policy Guide. National Association<br />

of State Boards of Education.<br />

6. California Afterschool California Project LEAN. (2008).<br />

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Academic Achievement.<br />

California Afterschool.<br />

7. After School Programs Office of the California Department<br />

of Education. (2009). California After School Physical<br />

Activity Guidelines. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Department<br />

of Education.<br />

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.<br />

(2013, December). Comprehensive School Physical<br />

Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA:<br />

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.<br />

9. Morrison, N. (2014, June 29). How can we get girls to<br />

take up sport? Forbes.<br />

10. Afterschool Alliance. (n.d.). Afterschool in California<br />

[Data File].<br />

11. Center for Collaborative Solutions Healthy Behaviors<br />

Initiative. (2010, March). Changing Lives, Saving Lives<br />

A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Exemplary<br />

Practices in Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Food<br />

Security in Afterschool Programs.<br />

12. California Project LEAN, The Center for Weight<br />

and Health. (2006, October). Policy In Action A Guide<br />

to Implementing Your Local School Wellness Policy.<br />

13. Maryland State Department of Education School<br />

and Community Nutrition Programs Branch.<br />

(2009, January). Making Wellness Work: A Guide<br />

to Implementing and Monitoring Wellness Policies<br />

in Maryland.<br />

14. Coaching Corps’ Policy Brief. (2012, April 12). Tackling<br />

Childhood Obesity: Parents Weigh In.<br />

15. Chriqui, JF., Schneider, L., Chaloupka, FJ., Ide, K. &<br />

Pugach, O. (2009, July). Local Wellness Policies:<br />

Assessing School District Strategies for Improving<br />

Children’s Health. School Years 2006-07 and 2007-08.<br />

Chicago, IL: Bridging the Gap, Health Policy Center,<br />

Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of<br />

Illinois at Chicago.<br />

16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Bridging<br />

the Gap Research Program. (2014, May). Supporting<br />

Quality Physical Education and Physical Activity in<br />

Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and<br />

Human Services.<br />

17. Schwartz, M.B., Henderson, K.E., Falbe, J., Novak, S.A.,<br />

Wharton, C., Long, M… Fiore, S.S. (2013, Oct 28).<br />

Strength and Comprehensiveness of District School<br />

Wellness Policies Predict Policy Implementation at the<br />

School Level. National Center for Biotechnology<br />

Information.<br />

18. Belansky, E., Chriqui, J.F. & Schwartz, M.B.<br />

(2009, June). Local School Wellness Policies:<br />

How Are Schools Implementing the Congressional<br />

Mandate. Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity.<br />

19. Bailey, R., Wellard, I. & Dismore, H. (n.d.). Girls’<br />

Participation in Physical Activities and Sports: Benefits,<br />

Patterns, Influences and Ways Forward. International<br />

Council of Sport Science and Physical Education.<br />

20. Brustad, R.J. (September, 1996). Attraction to physical<br />

activity in urban schoolchildren: parental socialization<br />

and gender influences. National Center for<br />

Biotechnology Information.<br />

21. The Basics. (n.d.). Walking School Bus.<br />

22. Johanson, J. & Weber, J. (n.d.). Model School Wellness<br />

Policies. School Wellness Policies.<br />

23. Subcommittee of the President’s Council on Fitness<br />

Sports & Nutrition. (2012, December). Physical Activity<br />

Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Strategies<br />

to Increase Physical Activity Among Youth. Washington,<br />

DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.<br />


24. Sridhar, V. (2014, July 8). Study looks at how Twitter<br />

can be used to address specific health issues.<br />

Washington University in St. Louis.<br />

25. Wood, Y., Cody, M. M. & Nettles, M. F. (2010, July 1).<br />

Team Nutrition Local Wellness Demonstration Project<br />

Report (Technical Report No. R-157-10). University, MS:<br />

National Food Service Management Institute.<br />

26. Patterson, T. (n.d.). School Health Connection Healthy<br />

Kids and Healthy Communities School Wellness Toolkit:<br />

A Guide to Implementing Coordinated School Health in<br />

New Orleans Schools. Louisiana Public Health Institute.<br />

27. Oppen, M. (2013, August 9). OUSD School Wellness.<br />

28. Oakland Unified School District. (n.d.). Administration<br />

Regulations BP 6142.7.<br />

29. Oakland Unified School District. (2012, September 12).<br />

Oakland Unified School District Board Policy.<br />

30. SFUSD Food and Fitness Advisory Committee. (2004).<br />

SFUSD Wellness Policy.<br />

31. Wellness Committee. (n.d.). Healthy Living SFUSD<br />

Wellness Policy.<br />

32. Coordinated School Health District Council. (2008-2009).<br />

Blueprint for Wellness Developed by The Coordinated<br />

School Health District Council in the Los Angeles<br />

Unified School District.<br />

33. Coordinated School Health District Council.<br />

(2006, June 13). Policy on Wellness in the Los Angeles<br />

Unified School District.<br />

36. Lee, S.M. (2011, September 16). School Health<br />

Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical<br />

Activity. Division of Adolescent and School Health,<br />

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and<br />

Health Promotion.<br />

37. Pate, R.R., Davis, M.G., Robinson, T.N., Stone, E.J.,<br />

McKenzie, T.L. & Young, J. (2006, August 14).<br />

Promoting Physical Activity in Children and Youth.<br />

American Heart Association.<br />

38. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010, April).<br />

The Association between school-based physical activity,<br />

including physical education and academic<br />

performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health<br />

and Human Services.<br />

39. Howard County Public School System, Personal<br />

Communication, July 21, 2014.<br />

40. Yaeger, A. (2014, July 9). Howard schools’ wellness policy<br />

gets top grades. The Baltimore Sun.<br />

41. Oppen, M. Program Manager Wellness, Oakland Unified<br />

School District, Personal Communication, July 7, 2014.<br />

42. Polk, S. (2014). Active Day, Healthy Life A school-based<br />

solution to getting kids physically active.<br />

Coaching Corps.<br />

43. Advancement Project. (2014). Safe Routes to School.<br />

Advancement Project California.<br />

44. Hearn, J., Cirill, L., & Elliott, K. California Active<br />

Communities, California Department of Public Health,<br />

Personal Communication, August 15, 2014.<br />

34. (n.d.). Berkeley Unified School District Wellness Policy.<br />

35. (2006, January 30). Students Student OK? Wellness.<br />

School Nutrition and Fitness.<br />





Director Of Community Engagement And Advocacy<br />

sheilaghp@coachingcorps.org or (510) 496-5101<br />


310 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94607<br />

(510) 663-9200 or CoachingCorps.org<br />

Executive Director: Janet Carter<br />


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