Debrecen, 2002 - Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és ...

Debrecen, 2002 - Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és ... Debrecen, 2002 - Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és ...


Miklós Nyitrai Excellent Employee of the Medical and Economical Department Health Sciences Center Ms Piroska Orosi M.D. Outstanding Teacher of the Medical and Gyula Kenézy Teaching Hosp. Health Sciences Center of the Debrecen University Ms Éva Oláh M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Plaquette for Heigher Education in Dept. of Pediatrics Hungary, awarded by the Minister of Education Ms Éva Oláh M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Best Lecturer of the Year, elected by Dept. of Pediatrics 5 th year medical students György Panyi M.D., Ph.D. Best Lecturer of the Year elected by Dept. of Biophys. and Cell Biol. 1 st year medical students Zoltán Papp M.D., Ph.D. Bolyai János Fellowship 2001-2004 Dept. of Cardiology Mózes Péter M.D., Ph.D. Fro Facultate Medal Dept. of Radiology Mózes Péter M.D., Ph.D. Best Lecturer of the Year, elected by Dept. of Radiology 4 th year medical students Árpád Péterffy M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Markusovszky Prize Dept. of Cardiac Surgery Róbert Póka M.D., C.Sc. Prize of the Magyar Nõorvosok Lapja Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecol. Zsófia Simon 6 th year Medical Student Pro Facultate Iuventutis Ms Bálintné Svéda Excellent Employee of the Medical and Dept. Psychiatry Health Sciences Center István Szathmári Ph.D. Róza Oláhné Mezei Award Dept. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Árpád Szállási M.D., Ph.D. Outstanding Teacher of the Medical and Guest Lecturer Health Sciences Center of the Debrecen University Attila Szántó 6 th year Medical Student István Weszprémy Medal Gyula Szegedi M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Fro Facultate Medal M.H.A.Sc. 3 rd Dept. of Internal Medicine Ms Éva Szegezdi Ph.D. Róza Oláhné Mezei Award Dept. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Ferenc Sztaricskai M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. Paracelsus Prize from the Hungarian Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Society for Chemotherapy Ferenc Sztaricskai M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. István Hatvani Prize Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Ms Miklósné Taskó Excellent Employee of the Medical and Dept. Otolaryngology Health Sciences Center

Ms Andrásné Vágányik Excellent Employee of the Medical and Dept. of Radiology Health Sciences Center Ms Sándorné Varga Excellent Employee of the Medical and 2 nd Dept. of Surgery Health Sciences Center Ms Ferencné Vásárhelyi Excellent Employee of the Medical and Dept. Human Policy Health Sciences Center Ms Vilmosné Zolnai M.A., Ph.D. Diploma of Honour, awarded by the Dept. of Foreign Languages Faculty Council Széchenyi Professorial Fellowships: 1997-2000 Ms Róza Ádány Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology Miklós Antal Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology György Balla Department of Pediatrics András Berta Department of Ophthalmology László Csiba Department of Psychiatry Viktor Béla Dombrádi Department of Medical Chemistry István Édes Department of Heart and Lung Diseases Rezsõ Gáspár Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology Pál Gergely Department of Medical Chemistry Zoltán Hernádi Department of Obstetrics Gynecology István Jóna Department of Physiology Ms Klára Matesz Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Péter Molnár Department of Pathology László Muszbek Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology Péter Pál Nánási Department of Physiology Zoltán Nemes Department of Pathology Ms Éva Oláh Department of Pediatrics Gábor Szabó jr. Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology Géza Szûcs Department of Physiology Miklós Udvardy 2 nd Dept. of Internal Medicine

Miklós Nyitrai Excellent Employee of the Medical and<br />

Economical Department Health Sciences Center<br />

Ms Piroska Orosi M.D. Outstanding Teacher of the Medical and<br />

Gyula Kenézy Teaching Hosp. Health Sciences Center of the <strong>Debrecen</strong><br />

University<br />

Ms Éva Oláh M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Plaquette for Heigher Education in<br />

Dept. of Pediatrics Hungary, awarded by the Minister of<br />

Education<br />

Ms Éva Oláh M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Best Lecturer of the Year, elected by<br />

Dept. of Pediatrics 5 th year medical students<br />

György Panyi M.D., Ph.D. Best Lecturer of the Year elected by<br />

Dept. of Biophys. and Cell Biol. 1 st year medical students<br />

Zoltán Papp M.D., Ph.D. Bolyai János Fellowship 2001-2004<br />

Dept. of Cardiology<br />

Mózes Péter M.D., Ph.D. Fro Facultate Medal<br />

Dept. of Radiology<br />

Mózes Péter M.D., Ph.D. Best Lecturer of the Year, elected by<br />

Dept. of Radiology 4 th year medical students<br />

Árpád Péterffy M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Markusovszky Prize<br />

Dept. of Cardiac Surgery<br />

Róbert Póka M.D., C.Sc. Prize of the Magyar Nõorvosok Lapja<br />

Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecol.<br />

Zsófia Simon 6 th year Medical Student Pro Facultate Iuventutis<br />

Ms Bálintné Svéda Excellent Employee of the Medical and<br />

Dept. Psychiatry Health Sciences Center<br />

István Szathmári Ph.D. Róza Oláhné Mezei Award<br />

Dept. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol.<br />

Árpád Szállási M.D., Ph.D. Outstanding Teacher of the Medical and<br />

Guest Lecturer Health Sciences Center of the <strong>Debrecen</strong><br />

University<br />

Attila Szántó 6 th year Medical Student István Weszprémy Medal<br />

Gyula Szegedi M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Fro Facultate Medal<br />

M.H.A.Sc.<br />

3 rd Dept. of Internal Medicine<br />

Ms Éva Szegezdi Ph.D. Róza Oláhné Mezei Award<br />

Dept. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol.<br />

Ferenc Sztaricskai M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. Paracelsus Prize from the Hungarian<br />

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Society for Chemotherapy<br />

Ferenc Sztaricskai M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. István Hatvani Prize<br />

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry<br />

Ms Miklósné Taskó Excellent Employee of the Medical and<br />

Dept. Otolaryngology Health Sciences Center

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