Debrecen, 2002 - Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és ...

Debrecen, 2002 - Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és ... Debrecen, 2002 - Debreceni Egyetem Orvos- és ...


17. Palczewska, M., Groves, P., Ambrus, A.A., Kaleta, A., E.Kövér, K., Batta, Gy., Kuznicki, J.: Structular and biochemical characterization of neuronal calretinin domain I-II (residues 1-100) – Comparison to homologous calbindin D-28k domain I-II (residues 1-93). Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 6229-6237, 2001. 18. Pelyvás, I.F., Tóth, Z.G., Vereb, Gy., Balla, A., Kovács, E., Gorzsás, A., Sztaricskai, F., Gergely, P.: Synthesis of new cyclitol compounds that influence the activity of phosphatidylinositol 4- kinase isoform P14K230. J. Med. Chem. 44, 627-632, 2001. 19. Szilágyi, L., Illyés, T.Z., Herczegh, P.: Elaboration of a novel type of interglycosidic linkage: syntheses of disulfide disaccharides. Tetrahedron Lett. 42, 3901-3903, 2001. 20. Sztaricskai, F., Batta, Gy., Dinya, Z., Miroshnikova, O.V., Preobrazhenskaya, M.N., Hernádi, F., Koncz, Á., Boda, Z.: Chemical modification of the eremomycin antibiotic – Formation of a cyclic covalent dimer. J. Antibiot. 54, 314-319, 2001. 21. Sztaricskai, F.: Baktérium elleni küzdelem és antibiotikum politika. Acta Pharm. Hung. 89-98, 2001. 22. Varga , Z., Bajza, I., Batta, Gy., Lipták, A.: Synthesis of the pentasaccharide hapten from the glycopeptidolipid antigen of Myobacterium avium serovar 17. Tetrahedron Lett. 42, 5283-5286, 2001. List of Abbreviations B.A. Bachelor of Arts (graduated at a college of arts) B.Sc. Bachelor of Science (graduated at a college of science or technology) C.Sc. Candidate of Science (at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery Dr.Univ. University Doctor D.Sc. Doctor of Science (at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society H.A.Sc Hungarian Academy of Sciences L.D.S. Licentiate in Dental Surgery L.L.D. Doctor of Laws M.A. Master of Arts (graduated at a university of arts) M.D. Medical Doctor (graduated at a university of medicine) M.H.A.Sc Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences M.Sc. Master of Science (graduated at a univesity of science or technology) M.V. Medicus Veterinarius Phar.D. Pharmaciae Doctor, Doctor of Pharmacy

Phar.G. Graduate in Pharmacy Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy

17. Palczewska, M., Groves, P., Ambrus, A.A., Kaleta, A., E.Kövér, K., Batta, Gy., Kuznicki, J.:<br />

Structular and biochemical characterization of neuronal calretinin domain I-II (residues 1-100) – Comparison to<br />

homologous calbindin D-28k domain I-II (residues 1-93).<br />

Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 6229-6237, 2001.<br />

18. Pelyvás, I.F., Tóth, Z.G., Vereb, Gy., Balla, A., Kovács, E., Gorzsás, A., Sztaricskai, F.,<br />

Gergely, P.: Synthesis of new cyclitol compounds that influence the activity of phosphatidylinositol 4-<br />

kinase isoform P14K230.<br />

J. Med. Chem. 44, 627-632, 2001.<br />

19. Szilágyi, L., Illyés, T.Z., Herczegh, P.: Elaboration of a novel type of interglycosidic linkage:<br />

syntheses of disulfide disaccharides.<br />

Tetrahedron Lett. 42, 3901-3903, 2001.<br />

20. Sztaricskai, F., Batta, Gy., Dinya, Z., Miroshnikova, O.V., Preobrazhenskaya, M.N., Hernádi, F.,<br />

Koncz, Á., Boda, Z.: Chemical modification of the eremomycin antibiotic – Formation of a cyclic<br />

covalent dimer.<br />

J. Antibiot. 54, 314-319, 2001.<br />

21. Sztaricskai, F.: Baktérium elleni küzdelem és antibiotikum politika.<br />

Acta Pharm. Hung. 89-98, 2001.<br />

22. Varga , Z., Bajza, I., Batta, Gy., Lipták, A.: Synthesis of the pentasaccharide hapten from the<br />

glycopeptidolipid antigen of Myobacterium avium serovar 17.<br />

Tetrahedron Lett. 42, 5283-5286, 2001.<br />

List of Abbreviations<br />

B.A. Bachelor of Arts (graduated at a college of arts)<br />

B.Sc. Bachelor of Science (graduated at a college of science or technology)<br />

C.Sc. Candidate of Science (at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)<br />

D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery<br />

Dr.Univ. University Doctor<br />

D.Sc. Doctor of Science (at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)<br />

F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society<br />

H.A.Sc Hungarian Academy of Sciences<br />

L.D.S. Licentiate in Dental Surgery<br />

L.L.D. Doctor of Laws<br />

M.A. Master of Arts (graduated at a university of arts)<br />

M.D. Medical Doctor (graduated at a university of medicine)<br />

M.H.A.Sc Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences<br />

M.Sc. Master of Science (graduated at a univesity of science or technology)<br />

M.V. Medicus Veterinarius<br />

Phar.D. Pharmaciae Doctor, Doctor of Pharmacy

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