
Preface Preface


76 she confirmed what the appellant said. At this juncture, we asked the appellant how much would he afford to pay to the maintenance of his pregnancy and the appellant stated that he can afford D2,000.00. It is important to pose here, and examine briefly the extent of the appellant responsibility to provide maintenance to the respondent for his pregnancy which is not undisputed that he is responsible for it. Under Islamic law the respondent is entitle to be maintained for her pregnancy even though she has been divorced, up to the time of delivery, regard less of the appellant physical or financial condition, he is under an obligation to maintain the respondent even where he is ill or undergoing imprisonment unless she voluntarily forego her right to be maintained. See Muslim law of Divorce by K.N. Amount p. 715. Also Ibn Asim Al-Andalusi said in Ihkamul Ahkam page 120 Meaning: ‘’Providing accommodation to a divorced wife whose marriage was consummated up to the time of expiration of her iddah is an obligation on the former husband while for a pregnant women, feeding is added as well as clothing up to the time of her delivery which the Islamic scholars are unanimous on that. In the light of the foregoing and in consideration of the appellant financial status, we here by review downward the amount awarded by the lower to D2, 700.00. We arrived at this figure by awarding D300.00 monthly for 9 month as the normal period of pregnancy against the 15 month awarded by the lower Court. Coming to the second issue of change of name of the new born baby between the appellant and the respondent, ordinarily in a Muslim community,

77 naming of a new born baby is the responsibility of a father either in consultation with his wife or parent as the case may be. It is un Islamic to change the name given by a father to a different name under whatever circumstances as long as the paternity of the child remain with the father who named his child. See on this Tuhfatul Wadud Fi Ahkamil Maulud Lil Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah p. 96. We therefore align our self with the decision of the lower Court in this regard. The name of the baby girl born between the appellant and the respondent should remain Naffy Barry and should be so maintained. We further ordered that all relevant documents either previous or in future relating to the said Naffy Barry should bear the name chosen by the appellant. While on the issue of who is entitled to have the custody of the said Naffy Barry between the appellant the respondent? Islamically, the respondent is the one entitled to have the custody of her daughter Naffy Barry unless she re-married to somebody else. The Hadith of Holy prophet S.W.A. reported by Abdullahi Bin Amru Lend credence to this position. Meaning a woman said ‘O apostle of Allah, this son, my stomach was his place of abode, my thighs were his playing ground, and my breast is the source of quenching his thirst, his father claim to snatch him from me. The prophet S.W.A replied her by saying as long as you have not re- married you have the right of custody over him”

76<br />

she confirmed what the appellant said. At this juncture, we asked the appellant how<br />

much would he afford to pay to the maintenance of his pregnancy and the appellant<br />

stated that he can afford D2,000.00.<br />

It is important to pose here, and examine briefly the extent of the appellant<br />

responsibility to provide maintenance to the respondent for his pregnancy which is<br />

not undisputed that he is responsible for it. Under Islamic law the respondent is<br />

entitle to be maintained for her pregnancy even though she has been divorced, up<br />

to the time of delivery, regard less of the appellant physical or financial condition,<br />

he is under an obligation to maintain the respondent even where he is ill or<br />

undergoing imprisonment unless she voluntarily forego her right to be maintained.<br />

See Muslim law of Divorce by K.N. Amount p. 715. Also Ibn Asim Al-Andalusi<br />

said in Ihkamul Ahkam page 120<br />

Meaning: ‘’Providing accommodation to a divorced wife whose marriage was<br />

consummated up to the time of expiration of her iddah is an obligation on the<br />

former husband while for a pregnant women, feeding is added as well as clothing<br />

up to the time of her delivery which the Islamic scholars are unanimous on that.<br />

In the light of the foregoing and in consideration of the appellant financial<br />

status, we here by review downward the amount awarded by the lower to D2,<br />

700.00. We arrived at this figure by awarding D300.00 monthly for 9 month as the<br />

normal period of pregnancy against the 15 month awarded by the lower Court.<br />

Coming to the second issue of change of name of the new born baby<br />

between the appellant and the respondent, ordinarily in a Muslim community,

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