
Preface Preface


74 2. That the change of name was wrong as the appellant had given the Naffie Barry to child after her birth. 3. That the order for refund for the total expenses incurred during the marriage is wrong because the respondent denounce the marriage and absconded and was not seen by the appellant up to her delivery. 4. That the judgment was one sided and biased and cannot be supported by any law in both the Sharia and equity. RELIEF SOUGHT FROM THE PANEL 1. That the order for the appellant to pay to the respondent the sum of D4, 500.00 as maintenance be set aside and in the alternative a reasonable amount be ordered taking into consideration the means of the appellant and order be made for the appellant to be given the custody of the child as the appellant can properly take of the child. 2. Any order or further orders that Court deems fit On the 1 st march 2011, the date fixed for hearing of the appeal, the appellant adopted his grounds of appeal and initially he informed the Court that he has nothing to add and urged the Court to allow the appeal by granting the reliefs he sought. Responding to the grounds, the respondent urged the Court not to interfere with the decision of the lower Court because it was rightly decided. The espondent further stated that the appellant abandoned her while she is pregnant as a result she went to her grant mother`s house where she delivered the said baby girl without having anything from the appellant. We carefully considered the record of proceeding of the lower Court together with the grounds of appeal filed by the appellant and the responds of the

75 respondent, this honorable Court is of view that the relevant issues for determination on this appeal is as follows:- 1. Whether the lower Court was right in awarding D4,500.00 to the respondent as arrears of maintenances of the respondent pregnancy without considering the financial condition of the appellant? 2. Whether the respondent`s parent have the right to change the name given by the appellant from Naffy Barry to Mariama Barry. 3. Whether the right of custody is with the appellant or the respondent With regard to issue No.1, we went through the record of proceeding, of the lower Court, no where the learned Cadi enquire into the financial status of the appellant before awarding the sum of D4,500.00 as arrears of maintenance of pregnancy of the respondent. While the position of Islamic law is that in determining the amount of maintenance generally, regard must be had to the financial status of the husband, the Holy Quran provides. – Meaning: “Let him who has abundance spend out of has abundance, and who ever has was means of sustenance strained to him, let him spend out of that which Allah has given him” To ascertain the financial ability of the appellant and in line with the provision of the above quoted verse, we asked the appellant what he does for a living. The appellant answered that he is not working but a trainee receiving D750 monthly, with responsibility of taking care of his aged parent. We then asked the respondent about the assertion of the appellant regarding his means of livelihoods;

74<br />

2. That the change of name was wrong as the appellant had given the Naffie<br />

Barry to child after her birth.<br />

3. That the order for refund for the total expenses incurred during the marriage<br />

is wrong because the respondent denounce the marriage and absconded and<br />

was not seen by the appellant up to her delivery.<br />

4. That the judgment was one sided and biased and cannot be supported by any<br />

law in both the Sharia and equity.<br />


1. That the order for the appellant to pay to the respondent the sum of D4,<br />

500.00 as maintenance be set aside and in the alternative a reasonable<br />

amount be ordered taking into consideration the means of the appellant and<br />

order be made for the appellant to be given the custody of the child as the<br />

appellant can properly take of the child.<br />

2. Any order or further orders that Court deems fit<br />

On the 1 st march 2011, the date fixed for hearing of the appeal, the appellant<br />

adopted his grounds of appeal and initially he informed the Court that he has<br />

nothing to add and urged the Court to allow the appeal by granting the reliefs he<br />

sought.<br />

Responding to the grounds, the respondent urged the Court not to interfere<br />

with the decision of the lower Court because it was rightly decided. The espondent<br />

further stated that the appellant abandoned her while she is pregnant as a result<br />

she went to her grant mother`s house where she delivered the said baby girl<br />

without having anything from the appellant.<br />

We carefully considered the record of proceeding of the lower Court<br />

together with the grounds of appeal filed by the appellant and the responds of the

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