
Preface Preface


174 For the second witness Mr. Lamin Keita when he was asked by the Court for whether he knows that the couple is divorced? He said: “any way one fine day the plaintiff / respondent came to me telling me that, your sister is in my home come and take her out”. When the court asked him that since then what did he know about them? He answered that: “I know that their marriage is there and by the time he told me to collect my sister from his home, I putted on him that I cannot do that, take her to were you got her from” . For the third witness (Jamba Keita) he testified before Kanifing Islamic Court by saying that: “I received no letter from him in the fact that he has called me to come and take my sister out of his home, I answered to him that if you really divorced your wife you better take her to her family”. The lower Court also asked the plaintiff whether, he is interested to retain his wife in marriage. And he answered that: “I prefer to go hell fire than to retain this woman in my Marriage”. After hearing from the parties the Court read to them what appears to be its Judgemet as wallows: that the divorce has occurred between the couple for the first time that, evidence is in the Quran where Allah said: “The divorced woman should wait and see the three waiting period “ Dissatisfied with this decision the defendant now the appellant filed a notice of appeal against it on 28 th March 2011 on eight grounds as follows: 1. The Cadi was wrong to proceed with divorce hearing without first encouraging the parties to reconciliation.

175 2. The Cadi failed to take a count that the dispute between the parties was about were married for more than 40 years. 3. The Cadi failed to appreciate that the dispute was about the ownership of a compound. 4. The Cadi failed to appreciate that the appellant was claiming a joint ownership of the matrimonial home / compound 5. The Cadi failed to appreciate that she was the bread winner of the household from 1981 when the respondent got blind. 6. The Cadi failed to appreciate that the from 1981, when the respondent got blind, five other children were born of the said marriage and relationship. 7. The Judgment of the Cadi did not represent or address all the issues that were before the Cadi for determination. 8. The appellant did not have a fair hearing before the Cadi. Then the appellant applied for the following reliefs: 1. An order setting aside the Judgment of the Court below. 2. An order for re hearing of the dispute between the parties. 3. Any other order that the Court deem fit. At the hearing of the appeal on 28 th June 2011 the parties were present; the appellants were represented by Counsel Mr. Edrisa Sisoho and the respondent has no counsel he stood for himself the learned counsel Mr. Sisoho submitted as follows: For the first ground of appeal, the lower Court did not encourage the parties for reconciliation before coming to divorce and if there was reconciliation that did not reflect in the record. For the second ground, the lower Court was to put in its account that the spouses were married for more than 42 years, the family and the property were

174<br />

For the second witness Mr. Lamin Keita when he was asked by the Court<br />

for whether he knows that the couple is divorced? He said:<br />

“any way one fine day the plaintiff / respondent came to me telling<br />

me that, your sister is in my home come and take her out”.<br />

When the court asked him that since then what did he know about them? He<br />

answered that:<br />

“I know that their marriage is there and by the time he told me to<br />

collect my sister from his home, I putted on him that I cannot do that,<br />

take her to were you got her from” .<br />

For the third witness (Jamba Keita) he testified before Kanifing Islamic<br />

Court by saying that:<br />

“I received no letter from him in the fact that he has called me to<br />

come and take my sister out of his home, I answered to him that if you<br />

really divorced your wife you better take her to her family”.<br />

The lower Court also asked the plaintiff whether, he is interested to retain<br />

his wife in marriage. And he answered that:<br />

“I prefer to go hell fire than to retain this woman in my Marriage”.<br />

After hearing from the parties the Court read to them what appears to be its<br />

Judgemet as wallows: that the divorce has occurred between the couple for<br />

the first time that, evidence is in the Quran where Allah said:<br />

“The divorced woman should wait and see the three waiting<br />

period “<br />

Dissatisfied with this decision the defendant now the appellant filed a notice<br />

of appeal against it on 28 th March 2011 on eight grounds as follows:<br />

1. The Cadi was wrong to proceed with divorce hearing without first<br />

encouraging the parties to reconciliation.

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