SetupDesignGuide.pdf - Firmware Encoding Index

SetupDesignGuide.pdf - Firmware Encoding Index

SetupDesignGuide.pdf - Firmware Encoding Index


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Setup Design Guide<br />

DRAFT<br />

7.1.4 EFI_HII_PROTOCOL.TestString()<br />

Summary<br />

Test if all of the characters in a string have corresponding font characters.<br />

Prototype<br />




IN CHAR16 *StringToTest,<br />

IN OUT UINT32<br />

*FirstMissing,<br />

OUT UINT32 *GlyphBufferSize<br />

);<br />

Parameters<br />

This<br />

StringToTest<br />

FirstMissing<br />

GlyphBufferSize<br />

A pointer to the EFI_HII_PROTOCOL instance.<br />

A pointer to a Unicode string.<br />

A pointer to an index into the string. On input, the index of the first<br />

character in the StringToTest to examine. On exit, the index of<br />

the first character encountered for which a glyph is unavailable. If all<br />

glyphs in the string are available, the index is the index of the<br />

terminator of the string.<br />

A pointer to a value. On output, if the function returns<br />

EFI_SUCCESS, this contains the amount of memory required to<br />

store the string’s glyph equivalent.<br />

Description<br />

This function may be repeatedly called to determine subsequent missing characters. Note that the index<br />

pointed to by FirstMissing must be incremented between calls. Line separator characters are<br />

ignored.<br />

Status Codes Returned<br />



All glyphs are available. (Note that an empty string always returns<br />

this value.)<br />

A glyph was not found for a character.<br />


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