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On 9 August 1988, months of hard work and preparation achieved fruition<br />

with the arrival of a ten-man Soviet baseline inspection team at<br />

Florennes Air Base. The team arrived as part of the verification process<br />

spelled out in the historic Interrnediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missile<br />

Elimination Treaty. Siurultaneous to the Florennes inspection, a second<br />

ten-member Soviet team inspected the European Missi.le Repair Facility,<br />

located dt Gosselies, Belgium, the site of advance repairs for NATOts<br />

cruise and Pershing missile inventory. These two teams, composed of<br />

Soviet military and technical experts, arrived with a predetermined agenda<br />

which would verify to Soviet satisfaction strict adherance to the treaty.<br />

Accompanying the Soviets was a contingent of the American On-Site Inspectj-on<br />

Agency (OSIA), acting both as liaison between the Soviets and the<br />

inspected parties and as representatives of the United States t interests<br />

during the inspection.<br />

How well the i-nspections went, and the efforts put forth by the men<br />

and women of Florennes to smooth the course of this moment in history,<br />

were the the topics of this brief recap. Wing leve1 hi-storians seldom<br />

have the opportunity to eover what can truly be called rfreal hj.storyrr,<br />

for the need to record the day-to-day routine of aircraft or missile<br />

operations is all too often an exercise in important, but dull, contlnuity.<br />

The inspection of onefs base by a Soviet team as part of an effort to<br />

remove an enti.re class of nuclear weapons from the worldfs collective<br />

arsenal, now that is REAL HISTORY, and as such merits coverage from al1<br />

l-eveLs of the historical conrmunity. This sma1l effort, and other such<br />

projeets from the wing historianrs corps, provides a view from the ground<br />

level. As such it probably does not adequately frame the "big picturerr.<br />

This will be the work of those l-ooking in from on-high, using the efforts<br />

of 1ocal historians as sources of information and background coloring.<br />

Much credit goes to the entire Florennes base community, for the inspec-'<br />

tion of 9 - 10 August was an overwhelming success, both in terms of treaty.<br />

adherance ains as well- as in the establishment of closer ties between two<br />

diverse peoples. The treaty verification process, essential to any hopes<br />

for a world eventually free of the threat of nuclear war, continued to<br />

go well. According to Mr. Lyebedev, the Soviet Team Leader, rVe note that<br />

the inspected party strictly adhered to the provisions of the treaty.tt<br />

As to the growth of ties between Soviet and Arnerican people that these<br />

inspections continue to nurture, Mr. Lyebedev culminated his closing<br />

remarks to the base populace with the observation that, "...we are pleased<br />

with the grow"Lh of mutual understanding and trust between the parties<br />

concerned.tt This growth of understanding between the superpowers, and the<br />

resulting effect.s on the security of Europe, these will form the lionrs<br />

share of later coverage of the treaty now being enacted. For now, a<br />

brief look at the role of one small, but important, group of people in<br />

this process is in order.<br />

It is to these people, the men and women of the <strong>485th</strong> Tactical Missile<br />

Wing, that this short work is dedicated.

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