Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism - michaeljgoodnight.com

Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism - michaeljgoodnight.com

Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism - michaeljgoodnight.com


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Society was now replaced by a mere facade <strong>of</strong> society.<br />

Only one crime would be severely punished -- any<br />

resistance to <strong>the</strong> World Order. Murder, rape, arson,<br />

armed robbery, incest, child molestation, alcoholism,<br />

drug addition, homosexuality -- all would be excused as<br />

minor aberrations, as long as <strong>the</strong> World Order was<br />

allowed to function without hindrance. One former crime,<br />

treason, now vanished, because national loyalties no<br />

longer existed. No one was expected to be "loyal" to <strong>the</strong><br />

World Order, except its own members. The host peoples,<br />

<strong>the</strong> slaves, would never be asked for loyalty -- only for<br />

obedience.<br />

Despite this new "tolerance", which was in itself a<br />

revolution against <strong>the</strong> innate moral codes <strong>of</strong> all peoples,<br />

many citizens continued to resist enslavement by <strong>the</strong><br />

World Order. Famines, riots, revolutions and wars were<br />

instigated to get rid <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> troublemakers, but a more<br />

universal restraint was required. This was found in drugs.<br />

In Asia, for centuries assassins had been sent to carry<br />

out <strong>the</strong>ir duties after being given quantities <strong>of</strong> drugs<br />

(assassin <strong>com</strong>es from <strong>the</strong> word for hasheesh).<br />

The World Order realized that drugs would provide <strong>the</strong><br />

means <strong>of</strong> behavioral psychology or people control, which<br />

<strong>the</strong>y had been seeking. The opium clippers began to sail<br />

from England to <strong>the</strong> Far East. By pushing drugs among<br />

<strong>the</strong> Asian masses, <strong>the</strong>y stupefied and controlled <strong>the</strong>m,<br />

reaping not only a substantial cash flow, but <strong>the</strong> raw<br />

materials needed for <strong>the</strong>ir Industrial Revolution. In <strong>the</strong><br />

twentieth century, <strong>the</strong> Foundations began to stupefy <strong>the</strong>

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