Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism - michaeljgoodnight.com

Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism - michaeljgoodnight.com

Study of the Hegemony of Parasitism - michaeljgoodnight.com


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<strong>the</strong> New Deal, and that House had only backed two<br />

Presidential candidates, Wilson and FDR.<br />

Roosevelt continued <strong>the</strong> Wilson policies (actually <strong>the</strong><br />

House policies outlined in [his book] "Philip Dru,<br />

Administrator"), with <strong>the</strong> same personnel, and ended as<br />

Wilson did, by involving America in ano<strong>the</strong>r World War.<br />

Observer states that Col. House's New York apartment<br />

was only two blocks from <strong>the</strong> Roosevelt home on E. 65th<br />

St. in New York, and that House was seen <strong>the</strong>re almost<br />

every day in 1932. He also visited Roosevelt in New<br />

England and on <strong>the</strong> Roosevelt yacht.<br />

To consolidate Roosevelt's power, his backers used <strong>the</strong><br />

typical World Order scheme -- <strong>the</strong>y set up his<br />

"opposition". In August, 1934, <strong>the</strong> principal architects and<br />

financiers <strong>of</strong> his New Deal formed <strong>the</strong> [American] Liberty<br />

League, immediately characterized as an "extreme<br />

rightwing" organization. Pierre and Irenee DuPont put up<br />

$325,000 for it. The League was also financed by J.P.<br />

Morgan, <strong>the</strong> Rockefellers, J. Howard Pew, and William J.<br />

Knudsen (who was later appointed by FDR to an<br />

important position!).<br />

The backers <strong>of</strong> Liberty League, who were busily<br />

denouncing Roosevelt and his staff as "Communist"<br />

(which many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m were), were also <strong>the</strong> organizers <strong>of</strong><br />

American International Corporation, which had been<br />

formed to prevent <strong>the</strong> economy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Soviet Union from<br />

collapsing. Liberty League successfully corralled <strong>the</strong><br />

opponents <strong>of</strong> FDR and branded <strong>the</strong>m as "rightwing nuts".

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