Magnetometer S600X-IN Cryogenic Instituto do Milênio de ...

Magnetometer S600X-IN Cryogenic Instituto do Milênio de ...

Magnetometer S600X-IN Cryogenic Instituto do Milênio de ...


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Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>do</strong> Milênio<br />

<strong>de</strong> Nanociências<br />

<strong>Magnetometer</strong><br />

<strong>S600X</strong>-<strong>IN</strong><br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Magnetometry:<br />

Squid magnetometry (not high field, < 8T)<br />

Based on Superconductivity, unbeatable at low fields<br />

Vibrating Sample magnetometry<br />

Accurate and sensitive at high fields<br />

Hall probe magnetometry<br />

Not absolute, but very sensitive, small samples, even at<br />

high fields<br />

Others: Extraction, Cantilever, Gradient field, AGM,....

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

SQUID Magnetometry<br />

Based on Meissner effect, Magnetic Flux quantization and Josephson effect<br />

Superconductivity review<br />

K.H.Onnes, 1911, R=0<br />

Not only R=0! But also B=0<br />

Meissner effect, 1933<br />

Theory BCS, 1957,<br />

Josephson Effect

The Meissner Effect<br />

Perfect Diamagnet.<br />

If a conductor already had a steady<br />

magnetic field through it and was then<br />

cooled through the transition to a zero<br />

resistance state, becoming a perfect<br />

diamagnet, the magnetic field would be<br />

expected to stay the same.<br />

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Superconductor<br />

Remarkably, the magnetic behavior<br />

of a superconductor is distinct<br />

from perfect diamagnetism. It will<br />

actively exclu<strong>de</strong> any magnetic field<br />

present when it makes the phase<br />

change to the superconducting<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

A conductor will oppose any change in externally<br />

applied magnetic field. Circulating currents will<br />

be induced to oppose the buildup of magnetic<br />

field in the conductor (Lenz's law). In a solid<br />

material, this is called diamagnetism, and a perfect<br />

conductor would be a perfect diamagnet. That is,<br />

induced currents in it would meet no resistance, so<br />

they would persist in whatever magnitu<strong>de</strong><br />

necessary to perfectly cancel the external field<br />

change. A superconductor is a perfect diamagnet,<br />

but there is more than this involved in the<br />

Meissner effect.

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

SQUID<br />

Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (1970) (SQUID)<br />

•Flux quantization in a ring φ 0<br />

=(nh/2e)<br />

•Josephson Effect

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Flux Quantization<br />

In 1961 Deaver and Fairbank did<br />

experiments with a tiny superconducting<br />

cylin<strong>de</strong>r ma<strong>de</strong> by electroplating tin on a<br />

copper wire. They found magnetic flux<br />

quantized in units of<br />

such that the flux through the<br />

cylin<strong>de</strong>r was given by

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Josephson Junction<br />

Two superconductors separated by a thin insulating layer can experience tunneling<br />

of Cooper pairs of electrons through the junction. In the DC Josephson effect, a<br />

current proportional to the phase difference of the wavefunctions can flow in the<br />

junction in the absence of a voltage. In the AC Josephson effect, a Josephson<br />

junction will oscillate with a characteristic frequency which is proportional to the<br />

voltage across the junction. Since frequencies can be measured with great accuracy, a<br />

Josephson junction <strong>de</strong>vice has become the standard measure of voltage.<br />

If two superconductors are separated by a thin insulating layer, then quantum<br />

mechanical tunneling can occur for the Cooper pairs without breaking up the pairs..<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r these conditions, a current will flow through the junction in the absence of an<br />

applied voltage (the DC Josephson effect).

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Josephson Voltage Standard<br />

When a DC voltage is applied to a Josephson junction,<br />

an oscillation of frequency<br />

occurs at the junction. Since this relationship of voltage<br />

to frequency involves only fundamental constants and<br />

since frequency can be measured with extreme<br />

accuracy.<br />

The standard volt is now <strong>de</strong>fined as the voltage<br />

required to produce a frequency of 483,597.9 GHz.<br />

Josephson junction standards can yield voltages with<br />

accuracies of one part in 10^10. NIST has produced a<br />

chip with 19000 series junctions to measure voltages on<br />

the or<strong>de</strong>r of 10 volts with this accuracy.

Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Response to an external flux

Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

RF SQUID Electronics

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

SQUID-DC<br />

SC ring with 2 junctions

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Gradiometers<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to be usefull one must<br />

couple a signal to the SQUID<br />

Gradiometers: measure<br />

magnetic flux diference<br />

First or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Second or<strong>de</strong>r<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


• Mecanismo para<br />

troca e<br />

movimentação da<br />

amostra.<br />

Alfa/Rio<br />


• Detalhe <strong>do</strong><br />

magnetômetro<br />

Alfa/Rio<br />


Características<br />

Sensibilida<strong>de</strong> 10 -8 emu (momento magnético. total)<br />

Medidas DC (extração e mo<strong>do</strong> oscilante)<br />

Medidas AC (0.01 ate 500 Hz)<br />

Campo magnético ± 6.5 T (0.01% homogeneo ± 2cm, estab. 0.1ppm/hora)<br />

blindagem ativa anulan<strong>do</strong> campo externo<br />

resolução 0.09mT ou 0.1 µT (1mOe) na opção baixo campo<br />

Operação continua <strong>de</strong> 1.5 K ate 320 K<br />

Resolução 1mK; estabilida<strong>de</strong> ±2 mK(10K) ±3mK (100K) e ±10mK (300K)<br />

Blindagem magnética e supercondutora (campo < 1 nT)<br />

Software basea<strong>do</strong> em Labview (acesso em tempo real aos da<strong>do</strong>s)<br />

Dewar com blindagem <strong>de</strong> N líqui<strong>do</strong> (baixo consumo <strong>de</strong> He liqui<strong>do</strong>, 4l/dia)<br />

Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Refrigera<strong>do</strong>r <strong>de</strong> Diluição 3 He/ 4 He<br />

1,5K<br />

0,7K<br />

0,1K<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Very low Temperature SQUID <strong>Magnetometer</strong>

Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

Aplicações <strong>do</strong> SQUID<br />

Utiliza-se o SQUID (sensibilida<strong>de</strong>

Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

High Temperature Superconductors SQUID

Alfa/Rio<br />


MicroHall Sensors<br />

Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />

2003<br />

MicroSQUID Technique (Grenoble, CRTBT)

Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


Alfa/Rio<br />


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