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JUNE 24, 2011<br />

PAGE 1<br />


This report includes a modified stormwater runoff management plan and a hydraulic design<br />

report for the proposed modifications to the existing stormwater runoff system for the South<br />

Napa Marketplace shopping center. The modifications will replace the existing South Pond<br />

system, which collects runoff from the southern portion of the center, with an upgraded<br />

stormwater collection and treatment system in an underground structural BMP chamber system.<br />

This modification structural BMP system is located in the development of part of the planned<br />

South Napa Century Center project which calls for the construction of a theatre complex and<br />

related retail on the parcel adjacent to the South Napa Marketplace center.<br />


The South Napa Marketplace site includes separate pond systems that collect drainage from the<br />

northern and southern portions of the shopping center. The southern portion of the site (25.3<br />

acres) is served by the South Pond drainage system and the northern portion (5.4 acres) is served<br />

by the North Pond drainage system. Only the South Pond system will be affected by this<br />

proposed stormwater system modifications. The South Pond system is located on the parcel<br />

adjacent to the shopping center on the proposed site for the South Napa Century Center.<br />

The South Pond stormwater treatment system includes a two-stage vegetated wet pond consisting<br />

of a smaller settling pond (forebay) and a large retention basin (afterbay), followed by a linear<br />

riprap channel. Collected runoff from 25.3 acres enters the forebay via a 48” concrete pipe that<br />

crosses under Gasser Drive from South Napa Marketplace. The forebay has a detention capacity<br />

of approximately 0.57 acre-feet, and the detention basin has an estimated nominal capacity of<br />

5.07 acre-feet, with a total system volume of 5.6 acre-feet. Treated stormwater is then<br />

discharged via the riprap lined channel through two 66” CIP concrete storm drains to the<br />

remnant Tulocay Creek Channel on the south side of Imola Avenue, and ultimately to the Napa<br />

River. The riprap lined channel and twin 66” CIP pipes were originally installed by the Napa<br />

Flood Control District.<br />

The existing ponds lie at a bottom elevation of 3.5 ft with surrounding ground at approximately<br />

elevation 10. The forebay and detention ponds are separated by a weir at elevation 7.5 and the<br />

detention pond has a discharge via a dock weir at elevation 7.5. Hydraulic records for this<br />

system were not found in City of Napa files, with the best flow information available through the<br />

stormwater treatment system report by Woodward-Clyde that discusses the 10 and 100 year flow<br />

rates noted herein. Further refinement of design flows are noted in this report. We estimate the<br />

existing pond water elevation at approximately elevation 8 at the 100 year storm, backwatering<br />

into the South Napa Marketplace discharge piping. The proposed structural BMP modification<br />

hydraulically adheres to the proposed estimated existing condition.

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