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Geotechnical Investigation South River Place, Gasser Drive, Napa 29 December 2010<br />

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Based on our conversations with Mr. Don Harton of Cinemark, the theater building is anticipated<br />

to be constructed with masonry, concrete tilt-up panels and/or pre-cast exterior cladding.<br />

Structural steel columns and beams may also be utilized. Wall loads of 4 to 7 kips per square<br />

foot and column loads of 65 to 160 kips are anticipated. The interior slab floors of each<br />

auditorium will be placed at two elevations such that near the center of the building, the slabs<br />

will be at the same elevation of the lobby and then sloped down 3 to 5 feet along the exterior<br />

walls.<br />

The four additional structures are anticipated to one-story in height, except for Retail 2 which<br />

may be two-stories with retail below and office above. These structures will likely be<br />

constructed of conventional structural steel and wood framing and have slab-on-grade floors.<br />

Typical wall loads are anticipated.<br />

An asphalt concrete paved parking lot will be constructed on the southern end of the site and an<br />

additional parking lot will be added to the west of the transitional housing project. As noted<br />

above, Hartle Court will also be widened along the northern project frontage. Grading is<br />

expected to consist primarily of cuts and fills of up to 3 vertical feet or less, to achieve the design<br />

pad and subgrade levels, not including removal of the approximately 15-feet high stockpile. The<br />

exception is the southern portion between Hartle Court (old) and the pond which may require<br />

approximately 7 feet of fill to achieve the design grades. We understand that the existing<br />

stockpile and any other excess soil materials will be utilized as general fill to level the site.<br />

Previous Investigation<br />

We previously investigated the geotechnical conditions of the surface and subsurface soils of the<br />

entire Gasser South property and Supportive Housing Project, of which the subject site is part,<br />

and prepared the Reference 1 and 2 reports. We have included the Appendixes from the original<br />

(2002) and subsequent (2009) investigations within Appendix B and C of this report,<br />

respectively. Our original field investigation was performed on the 13 th and 14 th of May 2002<br />

and included a reconnaissance of the site and the drilling of 8 exploratory borings and the<br />

excavation of 14 test pits (See Appendix B for boring and test pit logs). Furthermore, the<br />

Supportive Housing field investigation was performed on 11 September 2009 and included a<br />

reconnaissance of the site and the drilling of 4 exploratory test borings (See Appendix C for<br />

boring logs). For informational purposes, we have shown the borings and test pits, on the new<br />

Site Plan, Figure 4 in Appendix A.<br />

Subsequent to our 2002 investigation, we performed laboratory testing on the imported stockpile<br />

materials discussed previously. Four samples were collected on 28 February 2005 from test pits<br />

at the Imola Bridge embankment. Environmental testing was performed by CLS Laboratories on<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

KC ENGINEERING COMPANY Project No. VV3200 Page 7 of 123

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