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Section 03300<br />

Page 5<br />

D. Documentation of Average Strength: provide evidence of average strength for each class of concrete in<br />

accordance with ACI 318 by field strength tests, strength test records or trial mixtures.<br />

E. Concrete Mix Designs: submit mix designs for each class of concrete.<br />

1. Indicate the following for each mix design:<br />

a. Class designation.<br />

b. Proportions of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, and water.<br />

c. Water-cement ratio, design strength, slump, and air content.<br />

d. Type of cement and aggregates.<br />

e. Type and dosage of admixtures.<br />

2. Mix designs shall be adjusted as required by weather and jobsite conditions to maintain specified<br />

strengths throughout the course of the work without additional cost to the Owner.<br />

3. As strength data becomes available during the progress of the work, mix designs may be adjusted in<br />

accordance with ACI 318.<br />

4. Minimum Cement Content: Cement content shall not be less than 320 pounds per cubic yard.<br />

5. Fly ash shall not be used in concrete mixtures exposed to view. Fly ash content shall be limited to 30<br />

percent of weight of Type I Portland cement used.<br />

F. Strength Gain: design concrete mixes to obtain required strengths in 28 days or less from date of placement.<br />


A. Do not mix concrete for placement in the work until mix designs and corresponding strength tests reflect that<br />

each proposed mix will develop strengths required and mix designs have been reviewed for compliance.<br />

B. Batching and Mixing:<br />

1. Batch and mix ready-mixed concrete in accordance with ASTM C94.<br />

2. Batch site-mixed concrete with scales accurate to within 0.4 percent of their total capacities. Operation of<br />

batching equipment shall consistently measure ingredients within 1 percent for concrete and water, 2<br />

percent for aggregates and 3 percent for admixtures. Mixing of site-batched concrete shall be in<br />

accordance ACI 301.<br />

C. Admixtures: Air-entraining admixtures and other chemical admixtures shall be charged into mixer as solutions<br />

and shall be accurately measured by means of a mechanical dispenser. The liquid shall be considered as part<br />

of mixing water.<br />


A. Laboratory Inspection<br />

1. Verify required plant certifications<br />

2. Inspect batching equipment periodically<br />

3. Inspect batching and loading of transit-mix trucks at the start of each day of production.<br />

B. Materials Testing<br />

1. Sieve analysis of aggregates<br />


3.01. PREPARATION<br />

A. Do not begin delivery of concrete materials until formwork, reinforcement, and all items required to be<br />

embedded in the concrete are complete, properly positioned and secured in place.<br />

1. Remove snow, ice, debris and excessive water from forms.<br />

2. Pre-wet soil and sand subgrades and surfaces of precast concrete to receive fresh concrete.<br />

3. Position and secure expansion joint materials, anchors, waterstops, screeds, control joint forms, and<br />

expansion caps on slip-dowels.<br />

4. Remove hardened concrete and foreign materials from the inner surfaces of conveying equipment,<br />

formwork and reinforcing.<br />

B. Prepare and have ready in good working condition chutes, tremies, pumps, buggies, vibrators and all other<br />

equipment necessary for the orderly and continuous placement of concrete.<br />

C. Place vapor barrier beneath all interior slabs. Inspect and repair vapor barrier prior to placing concrete.<br />

3.02. INSTALLATION<br />

A. Lack of Slope: Confirm with architect before proceeding when the Drawings show exterior flatwork without a<br />

specific slope.<br />



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