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Section 02200<br />

Page 4<br />

I. Place engineered fill materials in loose lifts of 8 inches and uniformly compact. Use a method so as not to<br />

disturb or damage building drainage systems and waterproofing systems.<br />

J. Engineered fill to be compacted to a minimum relative compation of 90% at 2 or more percent above optimum<br />

moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557 Laboratory Test Procedure.<br />

K. Prior to compaction, each layer to be spread evenly and thoroughly blade mixed during the spreading to obtain<br />

uniformity of material in each layer. Fill to be brought to a water content that will permit proper compaction<br />

by either (a) aerating the material if it is too wet, or (b) spraying the material with water if it is too dry.<br />

Compaction to be performed by footed rollers or other types of approved compaction equipment and methods.<br />

Compaction equipment to be of such deisng that they will be able to compact the fill to specified density.<br />

Rolling of each layer to be continuous over its entire area and the equipment to make sufficient trips to ensure<br />

the required density has been obtained. No ponding or jetting is permitted. When footed rollers are used for<br />

compaction, the density and moisture tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the surface disturded<br />

by the roller.<br />

L. Where temporary unbalanced pressures are liable to develop on walls before floor slabs are placed, erect<br />

necessary shoring to counteract imbalance.<br />

M. At below grade concrete walls, a drainage filter blanket should be placed behind the wall. See geotechnical<br />

report for additional information regarding specifications for drainage filter blanket.<br />

N. Utility trenches extending underneath all traffic areas must be backfilled with native or approved import<br />

material and compacted to relative compaction of 90% to within 6 inches of the subgrade. The upper 6 inches<br />

to be compacted to 95% relative compaction in accordance with Laboratory Test Procedure ASTM D1557.<br />

Backfilling and compaction of utility trenches to meet the requirements set forth by the City of Napa,<br />

Department of Public Works. Utility trenches to be sealed with a compacted impervious cohesive soil material<br />

or lean concrete where the trench enters/exits the building perimeter. Impervious seal to extend a minimum of<br />

2 feet away from the building perimeter.<br />

3.04 GRADING<br />

A. General:<br />

1. Grade under slabs on fill to the elevations shown on the Drawings.<br />

2. Soft and unstable materials which will not readily compact when rolled or tamped shall be removed and<br />

the resulting depression filled with stable material, rolled until firm.<br />

3. Fine grade to the elevations shown on the Drawings.<br />

4. At intermediate points for which finish grades are not indicated, the finish grade shall be of uniform level<br />

or slope between points for which elevations are given.<br />

5. Any abrupt changes in level shall be rounded.<br />

6. Finish points shall slope away from buildings in all directions to assure positive drainage.<br />

7. General grading shall be done with a road or motor grader in such a manner as to result in a generally<br />

smooth surface free of rocks, trash, and other debris required to be removed from the site.<br />

B. Grading outside building lines:<br />

1. Grade areas adjacent to buildings to achieve drainage away from the structures, and to prevent ponding.<br />

2. Finish the surfaces to be free from irregular surface changes and shape the surface of areas under walks to<br />

line grade and cross-section, with finished surface not more than 0.10 ft. above or below the required<br />

subgrade elevation.<br />

C. Grading under building slab:<br />

1. All areas to receive slabs to be wetted to seal any desiccation or shrinkage cracks prior to placing the<br />

underslab components. This work to be done under the observation of the construction Soil Engineer.<br />

2. Grade areas under the building to allow for a 4” layer of ¾” Caltrans Class II aggregate base under the<br />

slabs on grade.<br />

3.05 WATER CONTROL<br />

A. Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture-conditioned before compacting, uniformly apply<br />

water to surface of subgrade or layer of soil material to prevent free water appearing on surface during or<br />

subsequent to compacting operations.<br />



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