v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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80 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY For n>k A ∩ R k = {x∈ R n | Ax=b} ∩ R k = m⋂ { } x∈ R k | a i (1:k) T x=b i i=1 (137) The result in2.4.2.2 is extensible; id est, any affine subset A also has a vertex-description: ...as span of nullspace basis Alternatively, we may compute a basis for nullspace of matrix A in (135) and then equivalently express the affine subset A as its range plus an offset: Define Z ∆ = basis N(A)∈ R n×n−m (138) so AZ = 0. Then we have the vertex-description in Z , A = {x∈ R n | Ax = b} = { Zξ + x p | ξ ∈ R n−m} ⊆ R n (139) the offset span of n − m column vectors, where x p is any particular solution to Ax = b . For example, A describes a subspace whenever x p = 0. Example. Intersecting planes in 4-space. Two planes can intersect at a point in four-dimensional Euclidean vector space. It is easy to visualize intersection of two planes in three dimensions; a line can be formed. In four dimensions it is harder to visualize. So let’s resort to the tools acquired. Suppose an intersection of two hyperplanes in four dimensions is specified by a fat full-rank matrix A 1 ∈ R 2×4 (m = 2, n = 4) as in (136): A 1 ∆ = { ∣ [ ] } ∣∣∣ x∈ R 4 a11 a 12 a 13 a 14 x = b a 21 a 22 a 23 a 1 24 (140) The nullspace of A 1 is two dimensional (from Z in (139)), so A 1 represents a plane in four dimensions. Similarly define a second plane in terms of A 2 ∈ R 2×4 : { ∣ [ ] } ∣∣∣ A ∆ 2 = x∈ R 4 a31 a 32 a 33 a 34 x = b a 41 a 42 a 43 a 2 (141) 44

2.5. SUBSPACE REPRESENTATIONS 81 If the two planes are independent (meaning any line in one is linearly independent [ ] of any line from the other), they will intersect at a point because A1 then is invertible; A 2 { ∣ [ ] [ ]} ∣∣∣ A 1 ∩ A 2 = x∈ R 4 A1 b1 x = (142) A 2 b 2 Exercise. Linear program. Minimize a hyperplane over affine set A in the nonnegative orthant minimize c T x x subject to Ax = b x ≽ 0 (143) where A = {x | Ax = b}. Two cases of interest are drawn in Figure 26. Graphically illustrate and explain optimal solutions indicated in the caption. Why is α ⋆ negative in both cases? Is there solution on the vertical axis? 2.5.2 Intersection of subspaces The intersection of nullspaces associated with two matrices A∈ R m×n and B ∈ R k×n can be expressed most simply as ([ ]) [ ] A ∆ A N(A) ∩ N(B) = N = {x∈ R n | x = 0} (144) B B the nullspace of their rowwise concatenation. Suppose the columns of a matrix Z constitute a basis for N(A) while the columns of a matrix W constitute a basis for N(BZ). Then [134,12.4.2] N(A) ∩ N(B) = R(ZW) (145) If each basis is orthonormal, then the columns of ZW constitute an orthonormal basis for the intersection. In the particular circumstance A and B are each positive semidefinite [20,6], or in the circumstance A and B are two linearly independent dyads (B.1.1), then N(A) ∩ N(B) = N(A + B), ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ A,B ∈ S M + or A + B = u 1 v T 1 + u 2 v T 2 (l.i.) (146)


For n>k<br />

A ∩ R k = {x∈ R n | Ax=b} ∩ R k =<br />

m⋂ { }<br />

x∈ R k | a i (1:k) T x=b i<br />

i=1<br />

(137)<br />

The result in2.4.2.2 is extensible; id est, any affine subset A also has a<br />

vertex-description:<br /> ...as span of nullspace basis<br />

Alternatively, we may compute a basis for nullspace of matrix A in (135)<br />

and then equivalently express the affine subset A as its range plus an offset:<br />

Define<br />

Z ∆ = basis N(A)∈ R n×n−m (138)<br />

so AZ = 0. Then we have the vertex-description in Z ,<br />

A = {x∈ R n | Ax = b} = { Zξ + x p | ξ ∈ R n−m} ⊆ R n (139)<br />

the offset span of n − m column vectors, where x p is any particular solution<br />

to Ax = b . For example, A describes a subspace whenever x p = 0.<br /> Example. Intersecting planes in 4-space.<br />

Two planes can intersect at a point in four-dimensional Euclidean vector<br />

space. It is easy to visualize intersection of two planes in three dimensions;<br />

a line can be formed. In four dimensions it is harder to visualize. So let’s<br />

resort to the tools acquired.<br />

Suppose an intersection of two hyperplanes in four dimensions is specified<br />

by a fat full-rank matrix A 1 ∈ R 2×4 (m = 2, n = 4) as in (136):<br />

A 1 ∆ =<br />

{ ∣ [ ] }<br />

∣∣∣<br />

x∈ R 4 a11 a 12 a 13 a 14<br />

x = b<br />

a 21 a 22 a 23 a 1<br />

24<br />

(140)<br />

The nullspace of A 1 is two dimensional (from Z in (139)), so A 1 represents<br />

a plane in four dimensions. Similarly define a second plane in terms of<br />

A 2 ∈ R 2×4 :<br />

{ ∣ [ ] }<br />

∣∣∣<br />

A ∆ 2 = x∈ R 4 a31 a 32 a 33 a 34<br />

x = b<br />

a 41 a 42 a 43 a 2 (141)<br />


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