v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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76 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY A set of nonempty interior that has a supporting hyperplane at every point on its boundary, conversely, is convex. A convex set C ⊂ R n , for example, can be expressed as the intersection of all halfspaces partially bounded by hyperplanes supporting it; videlicet, [215, p.135] C = ⋂ a∈R n { y | a T y ≤ σ C (a) } (122) by the halfspaces theorem ( There is no geometric difference between supporting hyperplane ∂H + or ∂H − or ∂H and 2.22 an ordinary hyperplane ∂H coincident with them. Example. Minimization on a hypercube. Consider minimization of a linear function on a hypercube, given vector c minimize c T x x subject to −1 ≼ x ≼ 1 (123) This convex optimization problem is called a linear program 2.23 because the objective of minimization is linear and the constraints describe a polyhedron (intersection of a finite number of halfspaces and hyperplanes). Applying graphical concepts from Figure 22, Figure 24, and Figure 25, an optimal solution can be shown to be x ⋆ = − sgn(c) but is not necessarily unique. Because an optimal solution always exists at a hypercube vertex ( regardless of the value of nonzero vector c [82], mathematicians see this geometry as a means to relax a discrete problem (whose desired solution is integer or combinatorial, confer Example [206,3.1] [207] Exercise. Unbounded below. Suppose instead we minimize over the unit hypersphere in Example; ‖x‖ ≤ 1. What is an expression for optimal solution now? Is that program still linear? Now suppose we instead minimize absolute value in (123). Are the following programs equivalent for some arbitrary real convex set C ? 2.22 If vector-normal polarity is unimportant, we may instead signify a supporting hyperplane by ∂H . 2.23 The term program has its roots in economics. It was originally meant with regard to a plan or to efficient organization of some industrial process. [82,2]

2.4. HALFSPACE, HYPERPLANE 77 (confer (459)) minimize |x| x∈R subject to −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 x ∈ C ≡ minimize x + + x − x + , x − subject to 1 ≥ x − ≥ 0 1 ≥ x + ≥ 0 x + − x − ∈ C (124) Many optimization problems of interest and some methods of solution require nonnegative variables. The method illustrated below splits a variable into its nonnegative and negative parts; x = x + − x − (extensible to vectors). Under what conditions on vector a and scalar b is an optimal solution x ⋆ negative infinity? minimize x + − x − x + ∈ R , x − ∈ R subject to x − ≥ 0 x + ≥ 0 [ ] a T x+ = b x − Minimization of the objective function 2.24 entails maximization of x − . PRINCIPLE 3: Separating hyperplane (125) The third most fundamental principle of convex geometry again follows from the geometric Hahn-Banach theorem [215,5.12] [17,1] [110,I.1.2] that guarantees existence of a hyperplane separating two nonempty convex sets in R n whose relative interiors are nonintersecting. Separation intuitively means each set belongs to a halfspace on an opposing side of the hyperplane. There are two cases of interest: 1) If the two sets intersect only at their relative boundaries (, then there exists a separating hyperplane ∂H containing the intersection but containing no points relatively interior to either set. If at least one of the two sets is open, conversely, then the existence of a separating hyperplane implies the two sets are nonintersecting. [53,2.5.1] 2) A strictly separating hyperplane ∂H intersects the closure of neither set; its existence is guaranteed when the intersection of the closures is empty and at least one set is bounded. [173,A.4.1] 2.24 The objective is the function that is argument to minimization or maximization.


A set of nonempty interior that has a supporting hyperplane at every<br />

point on its boundary, conversely, is convex. A convex set C ⊂ R n , for<br />

example, can be expressed as the intersection of all halfspaces partially<br />

bounded by hyperplanes supporting it; videlicet, [215, p.135]<br />

C = ⋂<br />

a∈R n {<br />

y | a T y ≤ σ C (a) } (122)<br />

by the halfspaces theorem (<br />

There is no geometric difference between supporting hyperplane ∂H + or<br />

∂H − or ∂H and 2.22 an ordinary hyperplane ∂H coincident with them.<br /> Example. Minimization on a hypercube.<br />

Consider minimization of a linear function on a hypercube, given vector c<br />

minimize c T x<br />

x<br />

subject to −1 ≼ x ≼ 1<br />

(123)<br />

This convex optimization problem is called a linear program 2.23 because the<br />

objective of minimization is linear and the constraints describe a polyhedron<br />

(intersection of a finite number of halfspaces and hyperplanes). Applying<br />

graphical concepts from Figure 22, Figure 24, and Figure 25, an optimal<br />

solution can be shown to be x ⋆ = − sgn(c) but is not necessarily unique.<br />

Because an optimal solution always exists at a hypercube vertex (<br />

regardless of the value of nonzero vector c [82], mathematicians see this<br />

geometry as a means to relax a discrete problem (whose desired solution is<br />

integer or combinatorial, confer Example [206,3.1] [207] <br /> Exercise. Unbounded below.<br />

Suppose instead we minimize over the unit hypersphere in Example;<br />

‖x‖ ≤ 1. What is an expression for optimal solution now? Is that program<br />

still linear?<br />

Now suppose we instead minimize absolute value in (123). Are the<br />

following programs equivalent for some arbitrary real convex set C ?<br />

2.22 If vector-normal polarity is unimportant, we may instead signify a supporting<br />

hyperplane by ∂H .<br />

2.23 The term program has its roots in economics. It was originally meant with regard to<br />

a plan or to efficient organization of some industrial process. [82,2]

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