v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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748 INDEX interpoint, 355 obtuse, 66 positive semidefinite cone, 114 right, 115, 143, 161, 162 torsion, 27, 376 antidiagonal, 385 antisymmetric, 50 antihollow, 53, 497 antisymmetry, 93, 552 artificial intelligence, 23 axioms of the metric, 347 axis of revolution, 115, 116, 592 ball 1-norm, 201, 202 nonnegative, 305 ∞-norm, 201 Euclidean, 59, 202, 361, 643, 683 packing, 361 Barvinok, 33, 104, 124, 127, 130, 253, 344 base, 87 station, 373 basis, 52, 170, 712 discrete cosine transform, 299 nonorthogonal, 170, 655 projection on, 655 orthogonal projection, 655 orthonormal, 52, 81, 652 pursuit, 326 standard, 52, 55, 137 bees, 27, 361 bijection, see bijective bijective, 45, 109, 606 Gram form, 387 inner-product form, 391 isometry, 48, 433 linear, 47, 48, 52, 54, 129, 164, 511, 591 pseudoinverse, 640 biorthogonal decomposition, 644, 652 expansion, 140, 165, 170, 645 EDM, 465 projection, 656 unique, 167, 170, 172, 466, 582, 657 biorthogonality, 168, 170 condition, 167, 563, 582 blunt, 704 bound lower, 500 polyhedral, 449 boundary, 38, 86, 469 classical, 38 cone, 96 EDM, 447, 462 membership, 153, 258 PSD, 104, 109, 121, 474 ray, 97 conventional, 87 extreme, 101 halfspace, 66 of point, 87 of ray, 90 open set, 38 point, 85 hypercube slice, 336 relative, 37, 59, 86, 87 bounded, 59 bowl, 620, 621 box, 76, 683 bridge, 377, 406, 456, 501, 517 calculus matrix, 609 of inequalities, 7 of variations, 157 Candès, 325 Carathéodory’s theorem, 152, 666 cardinality, 352 -1, 305 convex envelope, see convex geometry, 201, 305 minimization, 201, 202, 296, 323, 333 Boolean, 261 nonnegative, 203, 294, 297, 303, 304 signed, 306 problem, see cardinality minimization regularization, 300, 323 Cartesian axes, 36, 58, 73, 90, 98, 138, 150 cone, 140, 152 coordinates, 428

INDEX 749 product, 43, 92, 147, 254, 695, 713 Cayley-Menger determinant, 439, 441 form, 397, 418, 419, 507, 531 cellular, 374 telephone network, 373 center geometric, 357, 383, 426 gravity, 383 mass, 383 central path, 254 certificate null, 154 chain rule, 616 two argument, 616 Chu, 7 clipping, 206, 496, 683, 684 closure, 37, 109 coefficient binomial, 205 projection, 167, 472, 661, 668 cofactor, 440 compaction, 282, 291, 358, 452, 521 comparable, 93, 95, 166 complement algebraic, 87, 140 projection on, 648 orthogonal, 50 relative, 83, 708 complementarity, 199, 260 linear, 185 maximal, 248, 253, 276 problem, 185 strict, 261 complementary affine dimension, 485 dimension, 78 eigenvalues, 648 halfspaces, 68 inertia, 420, 558 slackness, 259 subspace, 50 completion geometry, 452 problem, 348, 405, 412, 443 semidefinite, 698 composition EDM, 414 compressed sensing, 201, 202, 325, 326, 328, 335, 336 nonnegative, 203, 297, 303–305 problem, 203, 296, 297, 303, 304 Procrustes, 314 compressive sampling, see compressed concave, 195, 242, 521, 597 problem, 195, 246 condition biorthogonality, 167, 563, 582 convexity first order, 228, 229, 232, 234 second order, 231, 236 optimality first order, 157, 182, 183 semidefinite program, 260 unconstrained, 157, 222, 223, 670 cone, √87, 90, 718 EDM, 451 blade, 151 boundary, 96 EDM, 447, 462 membership, 153, 258 PSD, 104, 109, 121, 474 ray, 97 circular, 92, 115, 116 right, 116 convex, 43, 91, 93, 99 dual, 140, 141, 186, 188, 189, 423 algorithm, 186 construction, 142, 143 examples, 149 facet, 165, 189 formula, 158, 159, 173, 181 halfspace-description, 158 in subspace, 170, 175 linear inequality, 153 Lorentz, 149, 161 membership relation, 152, 153 pointed, 135, 147 properties, 147 unique, 141, 165

748 INDEX<br />

interpoint, 355<br />

obtuse, 66<br />

positive semidefinite cone, 114<br />

right, 115, 143, 161, 162<br />

torsion, 27, 376<br />

antidiagonal, 385<br />

antisymmetric, 50<br />

antihollow, 53, 497<br />

antisymmetry, 93, 552<br />

artificial intelligence, 23<br />

axioms of the metric, 347<br />

axis of revolution, 115, 116, 592<br />

ball<br />

1-norm, 201, 202<br />

nonnegative, 305<br />

∞-norm, 201<br />

Euclidean, 59, 202, 361, 643, 683<br />

packing, 361<br />

Barvinok, 33, 104, 124, 127, 130, 253, 344<br />

base, 87<br />

station, 373<br />

basis, 52, 170, 712<br />

discrete cosine transform, 299<br />

nonorthogonal, 170, 655<br />

projection on, 655<br />

orthogonal<br />

projection, 655<br />

orthonormal, 52, 81, 652<br />

pursuit, 326<br />

standard, 52, 55, 137<br />

bees, 27, 361<br />

bijection, see bijective<br />

bijective, 45, 109, 606<br />

Gram form, 387<br />

inner-product form, 391<br />

isometry, 48, 433<br />

linear, 47, 48, 52, 54, 129, 164, 511, 591<br />

pseudoinverse, 640<br />

biorthogonal<br />

decomposition, 644, 652<br />

expansion, 140, 165, 170, 645<br />

EDM, 465<br />

projection, 656<br />

unique, 167, 170, 172, 466, 582, 657<br />

biorthogonality, 168, 170<br />

condition, 167, 563, 582<br />

blunt, 704<br />

bound<br />

lower, 500<br />

polyhedral, 449<br />

boundary, 38, 86, 469<br />

classical, 38<br />

cone, 96<br />

EDM, 447, 462<br />

membership, 153, 258<br />

PSD, 104, 109, 121, 474<br />

ray, 97<br />

conventional, 87<br />

extreme, 101<br />

halfspace, 66<br />

of point, 87<br />

of ray, 90<br />

open set, 38<br />

point, 85<br />

hypercube slice, 336<br />

relative, 37, 59, 86, 87<br />

bounded, 59<br />

bowl, 620, 621<br />

box, 76, 683<br />

bridge, 377, 406, 456, 501, 517<br />

calculus<br />

matrix, 609<br />

of inequalities, 7<br />

of variations, 157<br />

Candès, 325<br />

Carathéodory’s theorem, 152, 666<br />

cardinality, 352<br />

-1, 305<br />

convex envelope, see convex<br />

geometry, 201, 305<br />

minimization, 201, 202, 296, 323, 333<br />

Boolean, 261<br />

nonnegative, 203, 294, 297, 303, 304<br />

signed, 306<br />

problem, see cardinality minimization<br />

regularization, 300, 323<br />

Cartesian<br />

axes, 36, 58, 73, 90, 98, 138, 150<br />

cone, 140, 152<br />

coordinates, 428

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