v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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742 BIBLIOGRAPHY [292] Jos F. Sturm and Shuzhong Zhang. On cones of nonnegative quadratic functions. Optimization Online, April 2001. www.optimization-online.org/DB HTML/2001/05/324.html [293] George P. H. Styan. A review and some extensions of Takemura’s generalizations of Cochran’s theorem. Technical Report 56, Stanford University, Department of Statistics, September 1982. [294] George P. H. Styan and Akimichi Takemura. Rank additivity and matrix polynomials. Technical Report 57, Stanford University, Department of Statistics, September 1982. [295] Jun Sun, Stephen Boyd, Lin Xiao, and Persi Diaconis. The fastest mixing Markov process on a graph and a connection to a maximum variance unfolding problem. SIAM Review, 48(4):681–699, December 2006. [296] Chen Han Sung and Bit-Shun Tam. A study of projectionally exposed cones. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 139:225–252, 1990. [297] Yoshio Takane. On the relations among four methods of multidimensional scaling. Behaviormetrika, 4:29–43, 1977. http://takane.brinkster.net/Yoshio/p008.pdf [298] Akimichi Takemura. On generalizations of Cochran’s theorem and projection matrices. Technical Report 44, Stanford University, Department of Statistics, August 1980. [299] Dharmpal Takhar, Jason N. Laska, Michael B. Wakin, Marco F. Duarte, Dror Baron, Shriram Sarvotham, Kevin F. Kelly, and Richard G. Baraniuk. A new compressive imaging camera architecture using optical-domain compression. In Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Computational Imaging IV, volume 6065, February 2006. http://www.dsp.rice.edu/cs/cscam-SPIEJan06.pdf [300] Peng Hui Tan and Lars K. Rasmussen. The application of semidefinite programming for detection in CDMA. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 19(8), August 2001. [301] Pablo Tarazaga. Faces of the cone of Euclidean distance matrices: Characterizations, structure and induced geometry. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 408:1–13, 2005. [302] Warren S. Torgerson. Theory and Methods of Scaling. Wiley, 1958. [303] Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau, III. Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, 1997. [304] Michael W. Trosset. Applications of multidimensional scaling to molecular conformation. Computing Science and Statistics, 29:148–152, 1998. [305] Michael W. Trosset. Distance matrix completion by numerical optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 17(1):11–22, October 2000.

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[292] Jos F. Sturm and Shuzhong Zhang. On cones of nonnegative quadratic functions.<br />

<strong>Optimization</strong> Online, April 2001.<br />

www.optimization-online.org/DB HTML/2001/05/324.html<br />

[293] George P. H. Styan. A review and some extensions of Takemura’s generalizations<br />

of Cochran’s theorem. Technical Report 56, Stanford University, Department of<br />

Statistics, September 1982.<br />

[294] George P. H. Styan and Akimichi Takemura. Rank additivity and matrix<br />

polynomials. Technical Report 57, Stanford University, Department of Statistics,<br />

September 1982.<br />

[295] Jun Sun, Stephen Boyd, Lin Xiao, and Persi Diaconis. The fastest mixing Markov<br />

process on a graph and a connection to a maximum variance unfolding problem.<br />

SIAM Review, 48(4):681–699, December 2006.<br />

[296] Chen Han Sung and Bit-Shun Tam. A study of projectionally exposed cones. Linear<br />

Algebra and its Applications, 139:225–252, 1990.<br />

[297] Yoshio Takane. On the relations among four methods of multidimensional scaling.<br />

Behaviormetrika, 4:29–43, 1977.<br />

http://takane.brinkster.net/Yoshio/p008.pdf<br />

[298] Akimichi Takemura. On generalizations of Cochran’s theorem and projection<br />

matrices. Technical Report 44, Stanford University, Department of Statistics,<br />

August 1980.<br />

[299] Dharmpal Takhar, Jason N. Laska, Michael B. Wakin, Marco F. Duarte, Dror<br />

Baron, Shriram Sarvotham, Kevin F. Kelly, and Richard G. Baraniuk. A new<br />

compressive imaging camera architecture using optical-domain compression. In<br />

Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Computational Imaging IV, volume 6065,<br />

February 2006.<br />

http://www.dsp.rice.edu/cs/cscam-SPIEJan06.pdf<br />

[300] Peng Hui Tan and Lars K. Rasmussen. The application of semidefinite programming<br />

for detection in CDMA. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 19(8),<br />

August 2001.<br />

[301] Pablo Tarazaga. Faces of the cone of Euclidean distance matrices: Characterizations,<br />

structure and induced geometry. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 408:1–13, 2005.<br />

[302] Warren S. Torgerson. Theory and Methods of Scaling. Wiley, 1958.<br />

[303] Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau, III. Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, 1997.<br />

[304] Michael W. Trosset. Applications of multidimensional scaling to molecular<br />

conformation. Computing Science and Statistics, 29:148–152, 1998.<br />

[305] Michael W. Trosset. Distance matrix completion by numerical optimization.<br />

Computational <strong>Optimization</strong> and Applications, 17(1):11–22, October 2000.

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