v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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700 APPENDIX E. PROJECTION b H 1 x 22 x 21 H 2 x 12 H 1 ∩ H 2 x 11 Figure 148: H 1 and H 2 are the same halfspaces as in Figure 143. Dykstra’s alternating projection algorithm generates the alternations b, x 21 , x 11 , x 22 , x 12 , x 12 ... x 12 . The path illustrated from b to x 12 in R 2 terminates at the desired result, Pb in Figure 143. The {y ki } correspond to the first two difference vectors drawn (in the first iteration i=1), then oscillate between zero and a negative vector thereafter. These alternations are not so robust in presence of noise as for the example in Figure 142. E.10.3 Optimization and projection Unique projection on the nonempty intersection of arbitrary convex sets to find the closest point therein is a convex optimization problem. The first successful application of alternating projection to this problem is attributed to Dykstra [105] [54] who in 1983 provided an elegant algorithm that prevails today. In 1988, Han [152] rediscovered the algorithm and provided a primal−dual convergence proof. A synopsis of the history of alternating projection E.21 can be found in [56] where it becomes apparent that Dykstra’s work is seminal. E.21 For a synopsis of alternating projection applied to distance geometry, see [306,3.1].

E.10. ALTERNATING PROJECTION 701 E.10.3.1 Dykstra’s algorithm Assume we are given some point b ∈ R n and closed convex sets {C k ⊂ R n | k=1... L}. Let x ki ∈ R n and y ki ∈ R n respectively denote a primal and dual vector (whose meaning can be deduced from Figure 148 and Figure 149) associated with set k at iteration i . Initialize y k0 = 0 ∀k=1... L and x 1,0 = b (1961) Denoting by P k t the unique minimum-distance projection of t on C k , and for convenience x L+1,i ∆ = x 1,i−1 , calculation of the iterates x 1i proceeds: E.22 for i=1, 2,...until convergence { for k=L... 1 { t = x k+1,i − y k,i−1 x ki = P k t y ki = P k t − t } } (1962) Assuming a nonempty intersection, then the iterates converge to the unique minimum-distance projection of point b on that intersection; [92,9.24] Pb = lim i→∞ x 1i (1963) In the case all the C k are affine, then calculation of y ki is superfluous and the algorithm becomes identical to alternating projection. [92,9.26] [123,1] Dykstra’s algorithm is so simple, elegant, and represents such a tiny increment in computational intensity over alternating projection, it is nearly always arguably cost effective. E.10.3.2 Normal cone Glunt [130,4] observes that the overall effect of Dykstra’s iterative procedure is to drive t toward the translated normal cone to ⋂ C k at the solution Pb (translated to Pb). The normal cone gets its name from its graphical construction; which is, loosely speaking, to draw the outward-normals at Pb (Definition E. to all the convex sets C k touching Pb . The relative interior of the normal cone subtends these normal vectors. E.22 We reverse order of projection (k=L...1) in the algorithm for continuity of exposition.


b<br />

H 1<br />

x 22<br />

x 21<br />

H 2<br />

x 12<br />

H 1 ∩ H 2<br />

x 11<br />

Figure 148: H 1 and H 2 are the same halfspaces as in Figure 143.<br />

Dykstra’s alternating projection algorithm generates the alternations<br />

b, x 21 , x 11 , x 22 , x 12 , x 12 ... x 12 . The path illustrated from b to x 12 in R 2<br />

terminates at the desired result, Pb in Figure 143. The {y ki } correspond<br />

to the first two difference vectors drawn (in the first iteration i=1), then<br />

oscillate between zero and a negative vector thereafter. These alternations<br />

are not so robust in presence of noise as for the example in Figure 142.<br />

E.10.3<br />

<strong>Optimization</strong> and projection<br />

Unique projection on the nonempty intersection of arbitrary convex sets to<br />

find the closest point therein is a convex optimization problem. The first<br />

successful application of alternating projection to this problem is attributed<br />

to Dykstra [105] [54] who in 1983 provided an elegant algorithm that prevails<br />

today. In 1988, Han [152] rediscovered the algorithm and provided a<br />

primal−dual convergence proof. A synopsis of the history of alternating<br />

projection E.21 can be found in [56] where it becomes apparent that Dykstra’s<br />

work is seminal.<br />

E.21 For a synopsis of alternating projection applied to distance geometry, see [306,3.1].

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