v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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696 APPENDIX E. PROJECTION By the results in Example E. ([ ]) ([ ]) xi PC (x P RS = P i ) x R = i P D (x i ) [ PC (x i ) + P D (x i ) P C (x i ) + P D (x i ) ] 1 2 (1943) This means the proposed variation of alternating projection is equivalent to an alternation of projection on convex sets S and R . If S and R intersect, these iterations will converge to a point in their intersection; hence, to a point in the intersection of C and D . We need not apply equal weighting to the projections, as supposed in (1939). In that case, definition of R would change accordingly. E.10.2.1 Relative measure of convergence Inspired by Fejér monotonicity, the alternating projection algorithm from the example of convergence illustrated by Figure 146 employs a redundant ∏ sequence: The first sequence (indexed by j) estimates point ( ∞ ∏ P k )b in the presumably nonempty intersection, then the quantity ( ∞ ∥ x ∏∏ i − P k )b ∥ j=1 k j=1 k (1944) in second sequence x i is observed per iteration i for convergence. A priori knowledge of a feasible point (1929) is both impractical and antithetical. We need another measure: Nonexpansivity implies ( ( ∥ ∏ ∏ ∥∥∥∥ P ∥ l )x k,i−1 − P l )x ki = ‖x ki − x k,i+1 ‖ ≤ ‖x k,i−1 − x ki ‖ (1945) l l where x ki ∆ = P k x k+1,i ∈ R n (1946) represents unique minimum-distance projection of x k+1,i on convex set k at iteration i . So a good convergence measure is the total monotonic sequence ε i ∆ = ∑ k ‖x ki − x k,i+1 ‖ , i=0, 1, 2... (1947) where lim i→∞ ε i = 0 whether or not the intersection is nonempty.

E.10. ALTERNATING PROJECTION 697 E. Example. Affine subset ∩ positive semidefinite cone. Consider the problem of finding X ∈ S n that satisfies X ≽ 0, 〈A j , X〉 = b j , j =1... m (1948) given nonzero A j ∈ S n and real b j . Here we take C 1 to be the positive semidefinite cone S n + while C 2 is the affine subset of S n C 2 = A = ∆ {X | tr(A j X)=b j , j =1... m} ⊆ S n ⎡ ⎤ svec(A 1 ) T = {X | ⎣ . ⎦svec X = b} svec(A m ) T ∆ = {X | A svec X = b} (1949) where b = [b j ] ∈ R m , A ∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 , and symmetric vectorization svec is defined by (49). Projection of iterate X i ∈ S n on A is: (E. P 2 svec X i = svec X i − A † (A svec X i − b) (1950) Euclidean distance from X i to A is therefore dist(X i , A) = ‖X i − P 2 X i ‖ F = ‖A † (A svec X i − b)‖ 2 (1951) Projection of P 2 X i ∆ = ∑ j λ j q j q T j on the positive semidefinite cone (7.1.2) is found from its eigen decomposition (A.5.2); P 1 P 2 X i = n∑ max{0 , λ j }q j qj T (1952) j=1 Distance from P 2 X i to the positive semidefinite cone is therefore n∑ dist(P 2 X i , S+) n = ‖P 2 X i − P 1 P 2 X i ‖ F = √ min{0,λ j } 2 (1953) When the intersection is empty A ∩ S n + = ∅ , the iterates converge to that positive semidefinite matrix closest to A in the Euclidean sense. Otherwise, convergence is to some point in the nonempty intersection. j=1


By the results in Example E.<br />

([ ]) ([ ])<br />

xi PC (x<br />

P RS = P i )<br />

x R =<br />

i P D (x i )<br />

[<br />

PC (x i ) + P D (x i )<br />

P C (x i ) + P D (x i )<br />

] 1<br />

2<br />

(1943)<br />

This means the proposed variation of alternating projection is equivalent to<br />

an alternation of projection on convex sets S and R . If S and R intersect,<br />

these iterations will converge to a point in their intersection; hence, to a point<br />

in the intersection of C and D .<br />

We need not apply equal weighting to the projections, as supposed in<br />

(1939). In that case, definition of R would change accordingly. <br />

E.10.2.1<br />

Relative measure of convergence<br />

Inspired by Fejér monotonicity, the alternating projection algorithm from<br />

the example of convergence illustrated by Figure 146 employs a redundant<br />

∏<br />

sequence: The first sequence (indexed by j) estimates point ( ∞ ∏<br />

P k )b in<br />

the presumably nonempty intersection, then the quantity<br />

( ∞ ∥ x ∏∏<br />

i − P k<br />

)b<br />

∥<br />

j=1<br />

k<br />

j=1<br />

k<br />

(1944)<br />

in second sequence x i is observed per iteration i for convergence. A priori<br />

knowledge of a feasible point (1929) is both impractical and antithetical. We<br />

need another measure:<br />

Nonexpansivity implies<br />

( ( ∥ ∏ ∏ ∥∥∥∥ P<br />

∥ l<br />

)x k,i−1 − P l<br />

)x ki = ‖x ki − x k,i+1 ‖ ≤ ‖x k,i−1 − x ki ‖ (1945)<br />

l<br />

l<br />

where<br />

x ki ∆ = P k x k+1,i ∈ R n (1946)<br />

represents unique minimum-distance projection of x k+1,i on convex set k at<br />

iteration i . So a good convergence measure is the total monotonic sequence<br />

ε i ∆ = ∑ k<br />

‖x ki − x k,i+1 ‖ , i=0, 1, 2... (1947)<br />

where lim<br />

i→∞<br />

ε i = 0 whether or not the intersection is nonempty.

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