v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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692 APPENDIX E. PROJECTION E.10.1 Distance and existence Existence of a fixed point is established: E. Theorem. Distance. [69] Given any two closed convex sets C 1 and C 2 in R n , then P 1 b∈ C 1 is a fixed point of the projection product P 1 P 2 if and only if P 1 b is a point of C 1 nearest C 2 . ⋄ Proof. (⇒) Given fixed point a =P 1 P 2 a∈ C 1 with b =P ∆ 2 a∈ C 2 in tandem so that a =P 1 b , then by the unique minimum-distance projection theorem (E. (1931) (b − a) T (u − a) ≤ 0 ∀u∈ C 1 (a − b) T (v − b) ≤ 0 ⇔ ∀v ∈ C 2 ‖a − b‖ ≤ ‖u − v‖ ∀u∈ C 1 and ∀v ∈ C 2 by Schwarz inequality ‖〈x,y〉‖ ≤ ‖x‖ ‖y‖ [197] [266]. (⇐) Suppose a∈ C 1 and ‖a − P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖u − P 2 u‖ ∀u∈ C 1 . Now suppose we choose u =P 1 P 2 a . Then ‖u − P 2 u‖ = ‖P 1 P 2 a − P 2 P 1 P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖a − P 2 a‖ ⇔ a = P 1 P 2 a (1932) Thus a = P 1 b (with b =P 2 a∈ C 2 ) is a fixed point in C 1 of the projection product P 1 P 2 . E.19 E.10.2 Feasibility and convergence The set of all fixed points of any nonexpansive mapping is a closed convex set. [131, lem.3.4] [27,1] The projection product P 1 P 2 is nonexpansive by Theorem E. because, for any vectors x,a∈ R n ‖P 1 P 2 x − P 1 P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖P 2 x − P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖x − a‖ (1933) If the intersection of two closed convex sets C 1 ∩ C 2 is empty, then the iterates converge to a point of minimum distance, a fixed point of the projection product. Otherwise, convergence is to some fixed point in their intersection E.19 Point b=P 2 a can be shown, similarly, to be a fixed point of the product P 2 P 1 .

E.10. ALTERNATING PROJECTION 693 (a feasible point) whose existence is guaranteed by virtue of the fact that each and every point in the convex intersection is in one-to-one correspondence with fixed points of the nonexpansive projection product. Bauschke & Borwein [27,2] argue that any sequence monotonic in the sense of Fejér is convergent. E.20 E. Definition. Fejér monotonicity. [233] Given closed convex set C ≠ ∅ , then a sequence x i ∈ R n , i=0, 1, 2..., is monotonic in the sense of Fejér with respect to C iff ‖x i+1 − c‖ ≤ ‖x i − c‖ for all i≥0 and each and every c ∈ C (1934) Given x 0 ∆ = b , if we express each iteration of alternating projection by x i+1 = P 1 P 2 x i , i=0, 1, 2... (1935) and define any fixed point a =P 1 P 2 a , then sequence x i is Fejér monotone with respect to fixed point a because ‖P 1 P 2 x i − a‖ ≤ ‖x i − a‖ ∀i ≥ 0 (1936) by nonexpansivity. The nonincreasing sequence ‖P 1 P 2 x i − a‖ is bounded below hence convergent because any bounded monotonic sequence in R is convergent; [222,1.2] [37,1.1] P 1 P 2 x i+1 = P 1 P 2 x i = x i+1 . Sequence x i therefore converges to some fixed point. If the intersection C 1 ∩ C 2 is nonempty, convergence is to some point there by the distance theorem. Otherwise, x i converges to a point in C 1 of minimum distance to C 2 . E. Example. Hyperplane/orthant intersection. Find a feasible point (1929) belonging to the nonempty intersection of two convex sets: given A∈ R m×n , β ∈ R(A) C 1 ∩ C 2 = R n + ∩ A = {y | y ≽ 0} ∩ {y | Ay = β} ⊂ R n (1937) the nonnegative orthant with affine subset A an intersection of hyperplanes. Projection of an iterate x i ∈ R n on A is calculated P 2 x i = x i − A T (AA T ) −1 (Ax i − β) (1828) E.20 Other authors prove convergence by different means; e.g., [149] [55]. △


E.10.1<br />

Distance and existence<br />

Existence of a fixed point is established:<br />

E. Theorem. Distance. [69]<br />

Given any two closed convex sets C 1 and C 2 in R n , then P 1 b∈ C 1 is a fixed<br />

point of the projection product P 1 P 2 if and only if P 1 b is a point of C 1<br />

nearest C 2 .<br />

⋄<br />

Proof. (⇒) Given fixed point a =P 1 P 2 a∈ C 1 with b =P ∆ 2 a∈ C 2 in<br />

tandem so that a =P 1 b , then by the unique minimum-distance projection<br />

theorem (E.<br />

(1931)<br />

(b − a) T (u − a) ≤ 0 ∀u∈ C 1<br />

(a − b) T (v − b) ≤ 0<br />

⇔<br />

∀v ∈ C 2<br />

‖a − b‖ ≤ ‖u − v‖ ∀u∈ C 1 and ∀v ∈ C 2<br />

by Schwarz inequality ‖〈x,y〉‖ ≤ ‖x‖ ‖y‖ [197] [266].<br />

(⇐) Suppose a∈ C 1 and ‖a − P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖u − P 2 u‖ ∀u∈ C 1 . Now suppose we<br />

choose u =P 1 P 2 a . Then<br />

‖u − P 2 u‖ = ‖P 1 P 2 a − P 2 P 1 P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖a − P 2 a‖ ⇔ a = P 1 P 2 a (1932)<br />

Thus a = P 1 b (with b =P 2 a∈ C 2 ) is a fixed point in C 1 of the projection<br />

product P 1 P 2 . E.19<br />

<br />

E.10.2<br />

Feasibility and convergence<br />

The set of all fixed points of any nonexpansive mapping is a closed convex<br />

set. [131, lem.3.4] [27,1] The projection product P 1 P 2 is nonexpansive by<br />

Theorem E. because, for any vectors x,a∈ R n<br />

‖P 1 P 2 x − P 1 P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖P 2 x − P 2 a‖ ≤ ‖x − a‖ (1933)<br />

If the intersection of two closed convex sets C 1 ∩ C 2 is empty, then the iterates<br />

converge to a point of minimum distance, a fixed point of the projection<br />

product. Otherwise, convergence is to some fixed point in their intersection<br />

E.19 Point b=P 2 a can be shown, similarly, to be a fixed point of the product P 2 P 1 .

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