v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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672 APPENDIX E. PROJECTION geometric center mapping V(X) = −V XV 1 consistently with (901), then 2 N(V)= R(I − V) on domain S n analogously to vector projectors (E.2); id est, N(V) = S n⊥ c (1877) a subspace of S n whose dimension is dim S n⊥ c = n in isomorphic R n(n+1)/2 . Intuitively, operator V is an orthogonal projector; any argument duplicitously in its range is a fixed point. So, this symmetric operator’s nullspace must be orthogonal to its range. Now compare the subspace of symmetric matrices having all zeros in the first row and column S n 1 ∆ = {Y ∈ S n | Y e 1 = 0} {[ ] [ ] } 0 0 T 0 0 T = X | X ∈ S n 0 I 0 I { [0 √ ] T [ √ ] = 2VN Z 0 2VN | Z ∈ S N} (1878) [ ] 0 0 T where P = is an orthogonal projector. Then, similarly, PXP is 0 I the orthogonal projection of any X ∈ S n on S n 1 in the Euclidean sense (1870), and S n⊥ 1 {[ ] [ ] } 0 0 T 0 0 T X − X | X ∈ S n ⊂ S n 0 I 0 I = { (1879) ue T 1 + e 1 u T | u∈ R n} ∆ = Obviously, S n 1 ⊕ S n⊥ 1 = S n . Because {X1 | X ∈ S n } = R n , {X − V X V | X ∈ S n } = {1ζ T + ζ1 T − 11 T (1 T ζ 1 n ) | ζ ∈Rn } = {1ζ T (I − 11 T 1 2n ) + (I − 1 2n 11T )ζ1 T | ζ ∈R n } where I − 1 2n 11T is invertible.

E.8. RANGE/ROWSPACE INTERPRETATION 673 E.8 Range/Rowspace interpretation For idempotent matrices P 1 and P 2 of any rank, P 1 XP2 T is a projection of R(X) on R(P 1 ) and a projection of R(X T ) on R(P 2 ) : For any given X = UΣQ T ∈ R m×p , as in compact singular value decomposition (1450), P 1 XP T 2 = η∑ σ i P 1 u i qi T P2 T = i=1 η∑ σ i P 1 u i (P 2 q i ) T (1880) i=1 where η = ∆ min{m , p}. Recall u i ∈ R(X) and q i ∈ R(X T ) when the corresponding singular value σ i is nonzero. (A.6.1) So P 1 projects u i on R(P 1 ) while P 2 projects q i on R(P 2 ) ; id est, the range and rowspace of any X are respectively projected on the ranges of P 1 and P 2 . E.14 E.9 Projection on convex set Thus far we have discussed only projection on subspaces. Now we generalize, considering projection on arbitrary convex sets in Euclidean space; convex because projection is, then, unique minimum-distance and a convex optimization problem: For projection P C x of point x on any closed set C ⊆ R n it is obvious: C ≡ {P C x | x∈ R n } (1881) If C ⊆ R n is a closed convex set, then for each and every x∈ R n there exists a unique point Px belonging to C that is closest to x in the Euclidean sense. Like (1784), unique projection Px (or P C x) of a point x on convex set C is that point in C closest to x ; [215,3.12] ‖x − Px‖ 2 = inf y∈C ‖x − y‖ 2 (1882) There exists a converse (in finite-dimensional Euclidean space): E.14 When P 1 and P 2 are symmetric and R(P 1 )= R(u j ) and R(P 2 )= R(q j ) , then the j th dyad term from the singular value decomposition of X is isolated by the projection. Yet if R(P 2 )= R(q l ), l≠j ∈{1... η}, then P 1 XP 2 =0.


E.8 Range/Rowspace interpretation<br />

For idempotent matrices P 1 and P 2 of any rank, P 1 XP2<br />

T is a projection<br />

of R(X) on R(P 1 ) and a projection of R(X T ) on R(P 2 ) : For any given<br />

X = UΣQ T ∈ R m×p , as in compact singular value decomposition (1450),<br />

P 1 XP T 2 =<br />

η∑<br />

σ i P 1 u i qi T P2 T =<br />

i=1<br />

η∑<br />

σ i P 1 u i (P 2 q i ) T (1880)<br />

i=1<br />

where η = ∆ min{m , p}. Recall u i ∈ R(X) and q i ∈ R(X T ) when the<br />

corresponding singular value σ i is nonzero. (A.6.1) So P 1 projects u i on<br />

R(P 1 ) while P 2 projects q i on R(P 2 ) ; id est, the range and rowspace of any<br />

X are respectively projected on the ranges of P 1 and P 2 . E.14<br />

E.9 Projection on convex set<br />

Thus far we have discussed only projection on subspaces. Now we<br />

generalize, considering projection on arbitrary convex sets in Euclidean space;<br />

convex because projection is, then, unique minimum-distance and a convex<br />

optimization problem:<br />

For projection P C x of point x on any closed set C ⊆ R n it is obvious:<br />

C ≡ {P C x | x∈ R n } (1881)<br />

If C ⊆ R n is a closed convex set, then for each and every x∈ R n there exists<br />

a unique point Px belonging to C that is closest to x in the Euclidean sense.<br />

Like (1784), unique projection Px (or P C x) of a point x on convex set C<br />

is that point in C closest to x ; [215,3.12]<br />

‖x − Px‖ 2 = inf<br />

y∈C ‖x − y‖ 2 (1882)<br />

There exists a converse (in finite-dimensional Euclidean space):<br />

E.14 When P 1 and P 2 are symmetric and R(P 1 )= R(u j ) and R(P 2 )= R(q j ) , then the j th<br />

dyad term from the singular value decomposition of X is isolated by the projection. Yet<br />

if R(P 2 )= R(q l ), l≠j ∈{1... η}, then P 1 XP 2 =0.

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