v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization


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B.1. RANK-ONE MATRIX (DYAD) 581<br />

range of summation is the vector sum of ranges. B.3 (Theorem B.<br />

Under the assumption the dyads are linearly independent (l.i.), then the<br />

vector sums are unique (p.708): for {w i } l.i. and {s i } l.i.<br />

( k∑<br />

)<br />

R s i wi<br />

T = R ( ) ( )<br />

s 1 w1 T ⊕ ... ⊕ R sk wk T = R(s1 ) ⊕ ... ⊕ R(s k ) (1507)<br />

i=1<br />

B. Definition. Linearly independent dyads. [182, p.29, thm.11]<br />

[294, p.2] The set of k dyads<br />

{si<br />

wi T | i=1... k } (1508)<br />

where s i ∈ C M and w i ∈ C N , is said to be linearly independent iff<br />

(<br />

)<br />

k∑<br />

rank SW T =<br />

∆ s i wi<br />

T = k (1509)<br />

i=1<br />

where S ∆ = [s 1 · · · s k ] ∈ C M×k and W ∆ = [w 1 · · · w k ] ∈ C N×k .<br />

△<br />

As defined, dyad independence does not preclude existence of a nullspace<br />

N(SW T ) , nor does it imply SW T is full-rank. In absence of an assumption<br />

of independence, generally, rankSW T ≤ k . Conversely, any rank-k matrix<br />

can be written in the form SW T by singular value decomposition. (A.6)<br />

B. Theorem. Linearly independent (l.i.) dyads.<br />

Vectors {s i ∈ C M , i=1... k} are l.i. and vectors {w i ∈ C N , i=1... k} are<br />

l.i. if and only if dyads {s i wi T ∈ C M×N , i=1... k} are l.i.<br />

⋄<br />

Proof. Linear independence of k dyads is identical to definition (1509).<br />

(⇒) Suppose {s i } and {w i } are each linearly independent sets. Invoking<br />

Sylvester’s rank inequality, [176,0.4] [344,2.4]<br />

rankS+rankW − k ≤ rank(SW T ) ≤ min{rankS , rankW } (≤ k) (1510)<br />

Then k ≤rank(SW T )≤k which implies the dyads are independent.<br />

(⇐) Conversely, suppose rank(SW T )=k . Then<br />

k ≤ min{rankS , rankW } ≤ k (1511)<br />

implying the vector sets are each independent.<br />

B.3 Move of range R to inside the summation depends on linear independence of {w i }.

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