v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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56 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY Ascribe the points in a list {x l ∈ R n , l=1... N} to the columns of matrix X : X = [x 1 · · · x N ] ∈ R n×N (68) In particular, we define affine dimension r of the N-point list X as dimension of the smallest affine set in Euclidean space R n that contains X ; r ∆ = dim aff X (69) Affine dimension r is a lower bound sometimes called embedding dimension. [305] [159] That affine set A in which those points are embedded is unique and called the affine hull [53,2.1.2] [286,2.1]; A ∆ = aff {x l ∈ R n , l=1... N} = aff X = x 1 + R{x l − x 1 , l=2... N} = {Xa | a T 1 = 1} ⊆ R n (70) parallel to subspace where R{x l − x 1 , l=2... N} = R(X − x 1 1 T ) ⊆ R n (71) R(A) = {Ax | ∀x} (132) Given some arbitrary set C and any x∈ C where aff(C−x) is a subspace. aff C = x + aff(C − x) (72) Definition. Affine subset. We analogize affine subset to subspace, 2.14 defining it to be any nonempty affine set (2.1.4). △ aff ∅ = ∆ ∅ (73) The affine hull of a point x is that point itself; aff{x} = {x} (74) 2.14 The popular term affine subspace is an oxymoron.

2.3. HULLS 57 The affine hull of two distinct points is the unique line through them. (Figure 17) The affine hull of three noncollinear points in any dimension is that unique plane containing the points, and so on. The subspace of symmetric matrices S m is the affine hull of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices; (2.9) aff S m + = S m (75) Example. Affine hull of rank-1 correlation matrices. [189] The set of all m ×m rank-1 correlation matrices is defined by all the binary vectors y in R m (confer5. {yy T ∈ S m + | δ(yy T )=1} (76) Affine hull of the rank-1 correlation matrices is equal to the set of normalized symmetric matrices; id est, aff{yy T ∈ S m + | δ(yy T )=1} = {A∈ S m | δ(A)=1} (77) Exercise. Affine hull of correlation matrices. Prove (77) via definition of affine hull. Find the convex hull instead. Partial order induced by R N + and S M + Notation a ≽ 0 means vector a belongs to the nonnegative orthant R N + , while a ≻ 0 means vector a belongs to the nonnegative orthant’s interior int R N + , whereas a ≽ b denotes comparison of vector a to vector b on R N with respect to the nonnegative orthant; id est, a ≽ b means a −b belongs to the nonnegative orthant, but neither a or b necessarily belongs to that orthant. With particular respect to the nonnegative orthant, a ≽ b ⇔ a i ≥ b i ∀i (333). More generally, a ≽ K b or a ≻ K b denotes comparison with respect to pointed closed convex cone K , but equivalence with entrywise comparison does not hold. ( The symbol ≥ is reserved for scalar comparison on the real line R with respect to the nonnegative real line R + as in a T y ≥ b . Comparison of matrices with respect to the positive semidefinite cone S M + , like I ≽A ≽ 0 in Example, is explained in2.9.0.1.

2.3. HULLS 57<br />

The affine hull of two distinct points is the unique line through them.<br />

(Figure 17) The affine hull of three noncollinear points in any dimension<br />

is that unique plane containing the points, and so on. The subspace of<br />

symmetric matrices S m is the affine hull of the cone of positive semidefinite<br />

matrices; (2.9)<br />

aff S m + = S m (75)<br /> Example. Affine hull of rank-1 correlation matrices. [189]<br />

The set of all m ×m rank-1 correlation matrices is defined by all the binary<br />

vectors y in R m (confer5.<br />

{yy T ∈ S m + | δ(yy T )=1} (76)<br />

Affine hull of the rank-1 correlation matrices is equal to the set of normalized<br />

symmetric matrices; id est,<br />

aff{yy T ∈ S m + | δ(yy T )=1} = {A∈ S m | δ(A)=1} (77)<br /> Exercise. Affine hull of correlation matrices.<br />

Prove (77) via definition of affine hull. Find the convex hull instead. <br />

<br /> Partial order induced by R N + and S M +<br />

Notation a ≽ 0 means vector a belongs to the nonnegative orthant R N + ,<br />

while a ≻ 0 means vector a belongs to the nonnegative orthant’s<br />

interior int R N + , whereas a ≽ b denotes comparison of vector a to vector b<br />

on R N with respect to the nonnegative orthant; id est, a ≽ b means a −b<br />

belongs to the nonnegative orthant, but neither a or b necessarily belongs<br />

to that orthant. With particular respect to the nonnegative orthant,<br />

a ≽ b ⇔ a i ≥ b i ∀i (333). More generally, a ≽ K<br />

b or a ≻ K<br />

b denotes<br />

comparison with respect to pointed closed convex cone K , but equivalence<br />

with entrywise comparison does not hold. (<br />

The symbol ≥ is reserved for scalar comparison on the real line R with<br />

respect to the nonnegative real line R + as in a T y ≥ b . Comparison of<br />

matrices with respect to the positive semidefinite cone S M + , like I ≽A ≽ 0<br />

in Example, is explained in2.9.0.1.

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