v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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548 APPENDIX A. LINEAR ALGEBRA By similar reasoning, λ(I + µA) = 1 + λ(µA) (1355) For vector σ(A) holding the singular values of any matrix A σ(I + µA T A) = π(|1 + µσ(A T A)|) (1356) σ(µI + A T A) = π(|µ1 + σ(A T A)|) (1357) where π is the nonlinear permutation-operator sorting its vector argument into nonincreasing order. For A∈ S M and each and every ‖w‖= 1 [176,7.7, prob.9] w T Aw ≤ µ ⇔ A ≼ µI ⇔ λ(A) ≼ µ1 (1358) [176,2.5.4] (confer (37)) A is normal ⇔ ‖A‖ 2 F = λ(A) T λ(A) (1359) For A∈ R m×n A T A ≽ 0, AA T ≽ 0 (1360) because, for dimensionally compatible vector x , x T A T Ax = ‖Ax‖ 2 2 , x T AA T x = ‖A T x‖ 2 2 . For A∈ R n×n and c∈R tr(cA) = c tr(A) = c1 T λ(A) (A.1.1 no.4) For m a nonnegative integer, (1744) det(A m ) = tr(A m ) = n∏ λ(A) m i (1361) i=1 n∑ λ(A) m i (1362) i=1

A.3. PROPER STATEMENTS 549 For A diagonalizable (A.5), A = SΛS −1 , (confer [287, p.255]) rankA = rankδ(λ(A)) = rank Λ (1363) meaning, rank is equal to the number of nonzero eigenvalues in vector by the 0 eigenvalues theorem (A. (Ky Fan) For A,B∈ S n [48,1.2] (confer (1621)) λ(A) ∆ = δ(Λ) (1364) tr(AB) ≤ λ(A) T λ(B) (1365) with equality (Theobald) when A and B are simultaneously diagonalizable [176] with the same ordering of eigenvalues. For A∈ R m×n and B ∈ R n×m tr(AB) = tr(BA) (1366) and η eigenvalues of the product and commuted product are identical, including their multiplicity; [176,1.3.20] id est, λ(AB) 1:η = λ(BA) 1:η , η ∆ =min{m , n} (1367) Any eigenvalues remaining are zero. By the 0 eigenvalues theorem (A., rank(AB) = rank(BA), AB and BA diagonalizable (1368) For any compatible matrices A,B [176,0.4] min{rankA, rankB} ≥ rank(AB) (1369) For A,B ∈ S n + rankA + rankB ≥ rank(A + B) ≥ min{rankA, rankB} ≥ rank(AB) (1370) For A,B ∈ S n + linearly independent (B.1.1), rankA + rankB = rank(A + B) > min{rankA, rankB} ≥ rank(AB) (1371)


By similar reasoning,<br />

λ(I + µA) = 1 + λ(µA) (1355)<br />

For vector σ(A) holding the singular values of any matrix A<br />

σ(I + µA T A) = π(|1 + µσ(A T A)|) (1356)<br />

σ(µI + A T A) = π(|µ1 + σ(A T A)|) (1357)<br />

where π is the nonlinear permutation-operator sorting its vector<br />

argument into nonincreasing order.<br />

For A∈ S M and each and every ‖w‖= 1 [176,7.7, prob.9]<br />

w T Aw ≤ µ ⇔ A ≼ µI ⇔ λ(A) ≼ µ1 (1358)<br />

[176,2.5.4] (confer (37))<br />

A is normal ⇔ ‖A‖ 2 F = λ(A) T λ(A) (1359)<br />

For A∈ R m×n A T A ≽ 0, AA T ≽ 0 (1360)<br />

because, for dimensionally compatible vector x , x T A T Ax = ‖Ax‖ 2 2 ,<br />

x T AA T x = ‖A T x‖ 2 2 .<br />

For A∈ R n×n and c∈R<br />

tr(cA) = c tr(A) = c1 T λ(A)<br />

(A.1.1 no.4)<br />

For m a nonnegative integer, (1744)<br />

det(A m ) =<br />

tr(A m ) =<br />

n∏<br />

λ(A) m i (1361)<br />

i=1<br />

n∑<br />

λ(A) m i (1362)<br />


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