v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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510 CHAPTER 7. PROXIMITY PROBLEMS Orthant is best spectral cone for Problem 1 This means unique minimum-distance projection of γ on the nearest spectral member of the rank ρ subset is tantamount to presorting γ into nonincreasing order. Only then does unique spectral projection on a subset K ρ M+ of the monotone nonnegative cone become equivalent to unique spectral projection on a subset R ρ + of the nonnegative orthant (which is simpler); in other words, unique minimum-distance projection of sorted γ on the nonnegative orthant in a ρ-dimensional subspace of R N is indistinguishable from its projection on the subset K ρ M+ of the monotone nonnegative cone in that same subspace. 7.1.4 Closest-EDM Problem 1, “nonconvex” case Trosset’s proof of solution (1221), for projection on a rank ρ subset of the positive semidefinite cone S N−1 + , was algebraic in nature. [306,2] Here we derive that known result but instead using a more geometric argument via spectral projection on a polyhedral cone (subsuming the proof in7.1.1). In so doing, we demonstrate how nonconvex Problem 1 is transformed to a convex optimization: Proof. Solution (1221), nonconvex case. As explained in7.1.2, we may instead work with the more facile generic problem (1228). With diagonalization of unknown B ∆ = UΥU T ∈ S N−1 (1239) given desired affine dimension 0 ≤ ρ ≤ N −1 and diagonalizable A ∆ = QΛQ T ∈ S N−1 (1240) having eigenvalues in Λ arranged in nonincreasing order, by (41) the generic problem is equivalent to minimize ‖B − A‖ 2 B∈S N−1 F subject to rankB ≤ ρ B ≽ 0 ≡ minimize ‖Υ − R T ΛR‖ 2 F R , Υ subject to rank Υ ≤ ρ (1241) Υ ≽ 0 R −1 = R T

7.1. FIRST PREVALENT PROBLEM: 511 where R ∆ = Q T U ∈ R N−1×N−1 (1242) in U on the set of orthogonal matrices is a linear bijection. We propose solving (1241) by instead solving the problem sequence: minimize ‖Υ − R T ΛR‖ 2 F Υ subject to rank Υ ≤ ρ Υ ≽ 0 minimize ‖Υ ⋆ − R T ΛR‖ 2 F R subject to R −1 = R T (a) (b) (1243) Problem (1243a) is equivalent to: (1) orthogonal projection of R T ΛR on an N − 1-dimensional subspace of isometrically isomorphic R N(N−1)/2 containing δ(Υ)∈ R N−1 + , (2) nonincreasingly ordering the [ result, (3) unique R ρ ] + minimum-distance projection of the ordered result on . (E.9.5) 0 Projection on that N−1-dimensional subspace amounts to zeroing R T ΛR at all entries off the main diagonal; thus, the equivalent sequence leading with a spectral projection: minimize ‖δ(Υ) − π ( δ(R T ΛR) ) ‖ 2 Υ [ R ρ ] + subject to δ(Υ) ∈ 0 minimize ‖Υ ⋆ − R T ΛR‖ 2 F R subject to R −1 = R T (a) (b) (1244) Because any permutation matrix is an orthogonal matrix, it is always feasible that δ(R T ΛR)∈ R N−1 be arranged in nonincreasing order; hence, the permutation operator π . Unique minimum-distance projection of vector π ( δ(R T ΛR) ) [ R ρ ] + on the ρ-dimensional subset of nonnegative orthant 0

510 CHAPTER 7. PROXIMITY PROBLEMS<br /> Orthant is best spectral cone for Problem 1<br />

This means unique minimum-distance projection of γ on the nearest<br />

spectral member of the rank ρ subset is tantamount to presorting γ into<br />

nonincreasing order. Only then does unique spectral projection on a subset<br />

K ρ M+<br />

of the monotone nonnegative cone become equivalent to unique spectral<br />

projection on a subset R ρ + of the nonnegative orthant (which is simpler);<br />

in other words, unique minimum-distance projection of sorted γ on the<br />

nonnegative orthant in a ρ-dimensional subspace of R N is indistinguishable<br />

from its projection on the subset K ρ M+<br />

of the monotone nonnegative cone in<br />

that same subspace.<br />

7.1.4 Closest-EDM Problem 1, “nonconvex” case<br />

Trosset’s proof of solution (1221), for projection on a rank ρ subset of the<br />

positive semidefinite cone S N−1<br />

+ , was algebraic in nature. [306,2] Here we<br />

derive that known result but instead using a more geometric argument via<br />

spectral projection on a polyhedral cone (subsuming the proof in7.1.1).<br />

In so doing, we demonstrate how nonconvex Problem 1 is transformed to a<br />

convex optimization:<br /> Proof. Solution (1221), nonconvex case.<br />

As explained in7.1.2, we may instead work with the more facile generic<br />

problem (1228). With diagonalization of unknown<br />

B ∆ = UΥU T ∈ S N−1 (1239)<br />

given desired affine dimension 0 ≤ ρ ≤ N −1 and diagonalizable<br />

A ∆ = QΛQ T ∈ S N−1 (1240)<br />

having eigenvalues in Λ arranged in nonincreasing order, by (41) the generic<br />

problem is equivalent to<br />

minimize ‖B − A‖ 2<br />

B∈S N−1<br />

F<br />

subject to rankB ≤ ρ<br />

B ≽ 0<br />

≡<br />

minimize ‖Υ − R T ΛR‖ 2 F<br />

R , Υ<br />

subject to rank Υ ≤ ρ (1241)<br />

Υ ≽ 0<br />

R −1 = R T

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