v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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48 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY T R 2 R 3 dim domT = dim R(T) Figure 14: Linear injective mapping Tx=Ax : R 2 →R 3 of Euclidean body remains two-dimensional under mapping representing skinny full-rank matrix A∈ R 3×2 ; two bodies are isomorphic by Definition Injective linear operators Injective mapping (transformation) means one-to-one mapping; synonymous with uniquely invertible linear mapping on Euclidean space. Linear injective mappings are fully characterized by lack of a nontrivial nullspace. Definition. Isometric isomorphism. An isometric isomorphism of a vector space having a metric defined on it is a linear bijective mapping T that preserves distance; id est, for all x,y ∈dom T ‖Tx − Ty‖ = ‖x − y‖ (40) Then the isometric isomorphism T is a bijective isometry. Unitary linear operator Q : R k → R k representing orthogonal matrix Q∈ R k×k (B.5) is an isometric isomorphism; e.g., discrete Fourier transform via (747). Suppose T(X)= UXQ , for example. Then we say the Frobenius norm is orthogonally invariant; meaning, for X,Y ∈ R p×k and dimensionally compatible orthonormal matrix 2.13 U and orthogonal matrix Q ‖U(X −Y )Q‖ F = ‖X −Y ‖ F (41) 2.13 Any matrix U whose columns are orthonormal with respect to each other (U T U = I); these include the orthogonal matrices. △

2.2. VECTORIZED-MATRIX INNER PRODUCT 49 B R 3 PT R 3 PT(B) x PTx Figure 15: Linear noninjective mapping PTx=A † Ax : R 3 →R 3 of three-dimensional Euclidean body B has affine dimension 2 under projection on rowspace of fat full-rank matrix A∈ R 2×3 . Set of coefficients of orthogonal projection T B = {Ax |x∈ B} is isomorphic with projection P(T B) [sic]. Yet isometric operator T : R 2 → R 3 , representing A = ⎣ ⎡ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ⎤ ⎦ on R 2 , is injective (invertible w.r.t R(T)) but not a surjective map to R 3 . [197,1.6,2.6] This operator T can therefore be a bijective isometry only with respect to its range. Any linear injective transformation on Euclidean space is invertible on its range. In fact, any linear injective transformation has a range whose dimension equals that of its domain. In other words, for any invertible linear transformation T [ibidem] dim domT = dim R(T) (42) e.g., T representing skinny-or-square full-rank matrices. (Figure 14) An important consequence of this fact is: Affine dimension of image, of any n-dimensional Euclidean body in domain of operator T , is invariant to linear injective transformation.


B<br />

R 3<br />

PT<br />

R 3<br />

PT(B)<br />

x<br />

PTx<br />

Figure 15: Linear noninjective mapping PTx=A † Ax : R 3 →R 3 of<br />

three-dimensional Euclidean body B has affine dimension 2 under projection<br />

on rowspace of fat full-rank matrix A∈ R 2×3 . Set of coefficients of orthogonal<br />

projection T B = {Ax |x∈ B} is isomorphic with projection P(T B) [sic].<br />

Yet isometric operator T : R 2 → R 3 , representing A = ⎣<br />

⎡<br />

1 0<br />

0 1<br />

0 0<br />

⎤<br />

⎦ on R 2 ,<br />

is injective (invertible w.r.t R(T)) but not a surjective map to R 3 .<br />

[197,1.6,2.6] This operator T can therefore be a bijective isometry only<br />

with respect to its range.<br />

Any linear injective transformation on Euclidean space is invertible on<br />

its range. In fact, any linear injective transformation has a range whose<br />

dimension equals that of its domain. In other words, for any invertible linear<br />

transformation T [ibidem]<br />

dim domT = dim R(T) (42)<br />

e.g., T representing skinny-or-square full-rank matrices. (Figure 14) An<br />

important consequence of this fact is:<br />

Affine dimension of image, of any n-dimensional Euclidean body in<br />

domain of operator T , is invariant to linear injective transformation.

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