v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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478 CHAPTER 6. CONE OF DISTANCE MATRICES The ordinary dual EDM cone cannot, therefore, be pointed. ( When N = 1, the EDM cone is the point at the origin in R . Auxiliary matrix V N is empty [ ∅ ] , and dual cone EDM ∗ is the real line. When N = 2, the EDM cone is a nonnegative real line in isometrically isomorphic R 3 ; there S 2 h is a real line containing the EDM cone. Dual cone EDM 2∗ is the particular halfspace in R 3 whose boundary has inward-normal EDM 2 . Diagonal matrices {δ(u)} in (1153) are represented by a hyperplane through the origin {d | [ 0 1 0 ]d = 0} while the term cone{V N υυ T V T N } is represented by the halfline T in Figure 122 belonging to the positive semidefinite cone boundary. The dual EDM cone is formed by translating the hyperplane along the negative semidefinite halfline −T ; the union of each and every translation. (confer2. When cardinality N exceeds 2, the dual EDM cone can no longer be polyhedral simply because the EDM cone cannot. ( EDM cone and its dual in ambient S N Consider the two convex cones so K ∆ 1 = S N h K ∆ 2 = ⋂ { A ∈ S N | 〈yy T , −A〉 ≥ 0 } y∈N(1 T ) = { A ∈ S N | −z T V AV z ≥ 0 ∀zz T (≽ 0) } (1155) = { A ∈ S N | −V AV ≽ 0 } K 1 ∩ K 2 = EDM N (1156) Dual cone K ∗ 1 = S N⊥ h ⊆ S N (65) is the subspace of diagonal matrices. From (1153) via (284), K ∗ 2 = − cone { V N υυ T V T N | υ ∈ R N−1} ⊂ S N (1157) Gaffke & Mathar [123,5.3] observe that projection on K 1 and K 2 have simple closed forms: Projection on subspace K 1 is easily performed by symmetrization and zeroing the main diagonal or vice versa, while projection of H ∈ S N on K 2 is P K2 H = H − P S N + (V H V ) (1158)

6.8. DUAL EDM CONE 479 Proof. First, we observe membership of H −P S N + (V H V ) to K 2 because ( ) P S N + (V H V ) − H = P S N + (V H V ) − V H V + (V H V − H) (1159) The term P S N + (V H V ) − V H V necessarily belongs to the (dual) positive semidefinite cone by Theorem E. V 2 = V , hence ( ) −V H −P S N + (V H V ) V ≽ 0 (1160) by Corollary A. Next, we require Expanding, 〈P K2 H −H , P K2 H 〉 = 0 (1161) 〈−P S N + (V H V ) , H −P S N + (V H V )〉 = 0 (1162) 〈P S N + (V H V ) , (P S N + (V H V ) − V H V ) + (V H V − H)〉 = 0 (1163) 〈P S N + (V H V ) , (V H V − H)〉 = 0 (1164) Product V H V belongs to the geometric center subspace; (E. V H V ∈ S N c = {Y ∈ S N | N(Y )⊇1} (1165) Diagonalize V H V ∆ =QΛQ T (A.5) whose nullspace is spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to 0 eigenvalues by Theorem A. Projection of V H V on the PSD cone (7.1) simply zeroes negative eigenvalues in diagonal matrix Λ . Then from which it follows: N(P S N + (V H V )) ⊇ N(V H V ) (⊇ N(V )) (1166) P S N + (V H V ) ∈ S N c (1167) so P S N + (V H V ) ⊥ (V H V −H) because V H V −H ∈ S N⊥ c . Finally, we must have P K2 H −H =−P S N + (V H V )∈ K ∗ 2 . From6.7.1 we know dual cone K ∗ 2 =−F ( S N + ∋V ) is the negative of the positive semidefinite cone’s smallest face that contains auxiliary matrix V . Thus P S N + (V H V )∈ F ( S N + ∋V ) ⇔ N(P S N + (V H V ))⊇ N(V ) ( which was already established in (1166).


The ordinary dual EDM cone cannot, therefore, be pointed. (<br />

When N = 1, the EDM cone is the point at the origin in R . Auxiliary<br />

matrix V N is empty [ ∅ ] , and dual cone EDM ∗ is the real line.<br />

When N = 2, the EDM cone is a nonnegative real line in isometrically<br />

isomorphic R 3 ; there S 2 h is a real line containing the EDM cone. Dual cone<br />

EDM 2∗ is the particular halfspace in R 3 whose boundary has inward-normal<br />

EDM 2 . Diagonal matrices {δ(u)} in (1153) are represented by a hyperplane<br />

through the origin {d | [ 0 1 0 ]d = 0} while the term cone{V N υυ T V T N }<br />

is represented by the halfline T in Figure 122 belonging to the positive<br />

semidefinite cone boundary. The dual EDM cone is formed by translating<br />

the hyperplane along the negative semidefinite halfline −T ; the union of<br />

each and every translation. (confer2.<br />

When cardinality N exceeds 2, the dual EDM cone can no longer be<br />

polyhedral simply because the EDM cone cannot. (<br /> EDM cone and its dual in ambient S N<br />

Consider the two convex cones<br />

so<br />

K ∆ 1 = S N h<br />

K ∆ 2 =<br />

⋂<br />

{<br />

A ∈ S N | 〈yy T , −A〉 ≥ 0 }<br />

y∈N(1 T )<br />

= { A ∈ S N | −z T V AV z ≥ 0 ∀zz T (≽ 0) } (1155)<br />

= { A ∈ S N | −V AV ≽ 0 }<br />

K 1 ∩ K 2 = EDM N (1156)<br />

Dual cone K ∗ 1 = S N⊥<br />

h ⊆ S N (65) is the subspace of diagonal matrices.<br />

From (1153) via (284),<br />

K ∗ 2 = − cone { V N υυ T V T N | υ ∈ R N−1} ⊂ S N (1157)<br />

Gaffke & Mathar [123,5.3] observe that projection on K 1 and K 2 have<br />

simple closed forms: Projection on subspace K 1 is easily performed by<br />

symmetrization and zeroing the main diagonal or vice versa, while projection<br />

of H ∈ S N on K 2 is<br />

P K2 H = H − P S N<br />

+<br />

(V H V ) (1158)

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