v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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376 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIX Figure 103: A depiction of molecular conformation. [99] This semidefinite program realizes the wireless location problem illustrated in Figure 101. Location X ⋆ (:, 1) is taken as solution, although measurement noise will often cause rankG ⋆ to exceed 2. Randomized search for a rank-2 optimal solution is not so easy here as in Example We introduce a method in4.4 for enforcing the stronger rank-constraint (845). To formulate this same problem in three dimensions, point list X is simply redimensioned in the semidefinite program. Example. (Biswas, Nigam, Ye) Molecular Conformation. The subatomic measurement technique called nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is employed to ascertain physical conformation of molecules; e.g., Figure 3, Figure 103. From this technique, distance, angle, and dihedral angle measurements can be obtained. Dihedral angles arise consequent to a phenomenon where atom subsets are physically constrained to Euclidean planes. In the rigid covalent geometry approximation, the bond lengths and angles are treated as completely fixed, so that a given spatial structure can be described very compactly indeed by a list of torsion angles alone... These are the dihedral angles between the planes spanned by the two consecutive triples in a chain of four covalently bonded atoms. [77,1.1]

5.4. EDM DEFINITION 377 Crippen & Havel recommend working exclusively with distance data because they consider angle data to be mathematically cumbersome. The present example shows instead how inclusion of dihedral angle data into a problem statement can be made elegant and convex. As before, ascribe position information to the matrix X = [x 1 · · · x N ] ∈ R 3×N (68) and introduce a matrix ℵ holding normals η to planes respecting dihedral angles ϕ : ℵ ∆ = [η 1 · · · η M ] ∈ R 3×M (852) As in the other examples, we preferentially work with Gram matrices G because of the bridge they provide between other variables; we define [ ] [ ] [ ] Gℵ Z ∆ ℵ Z T = T ℵ ℵ T X ℵ T [ ℵ X ] G X X T ℵ X T = ∈ R X X T N+M×N+M (853) whose rank is 3 by assumption. So our problem’s variables are the two Gram matrices G X and G ℵ and matrix Z = ℵ T X of cross products. Then measurements of distance-square d can be expressed as linear constraints on G X as in (851), dihedral angle ϕ measurements can be expressed as linear constraints on G ℵ by (827), and normal-vector η conditions can be expressed by vanishing linear constraints on cross-product matrix Z : Consider three points x labelled 1, 2, 3 assumed to lie in the l th plane whose normal is η l . There might occur, for example, the independent constraints η T l (x 1 − x 2 ) = 0 η T l (x 2 − x 3 ) = 0 which are expressible in terms of constant matrices A∈ R M×N ; 〈Z , A l12 〉 = 0 〈Z , A l23 〉 = 0 Although normals η can be constrained exactly to unit length, (854) (855) δ(G ℵ ) = 1 (856) NMR data is noisy; so measurements are given as upper and lower bounds. Given bounds on dihedral angles respecting 0 ≤ ϕ j ≤ π and bounds on distances d i and given constant matrices A k (855) and symmetric matrices Φ i (796) and B j per (827), then a molecular conformation problem can be expressed:

5.4. EDM DEFINITION 377<br />

Crippen & Havel recommend working exclusively with distance data<br />

because they consider angle data to be mathematically cumbersome. The<br />

present example shows instead how inclusion of dihedral angle data into a<br />

problem statement can be made elegant and convex.<br />

As before, ascribe position information to the matrix<br />

X = [x 1 · · · x N ] ∈ R 3×N (68)<br />

and introduce a matrix ℵ holding normals η to planes respecting dihedral<br />

angles ϕ :<br />

ℵ ∆ = [η 1 · · · η M ] ∈ R 3×M (852)<br />

As in the other examples, we preferentially work with Gram matrices G<br />

because of the bridge they provide between other variables; we define<br />

[ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Gℵ Z ∆ ℵ<br />

Z T =<br />

T ℵ ℵ T X ℵ<br />

T [ ℵ X ]<br />

G X X T ℵ X T =<br />

∈ R<br />

X X T N+M×N+M (853)<br />

whose rank is 3 by assumption. So our problem’s variables are the two<br />

Gram matrices G X and G ℵ and matrix Z = ℵ T X of cross products. Then<br />

measurements of distance-square d can be expressed as linear constraints on<br />

G X as in (851), dihedral angle ϕ measurements can be expressed as linear<br />

constraints on G ℵ by (827), and normal-vector η conditions can be expressed<br />

by vanishing linear constraints on cross-product matrix Z : Consider three<br />

points x labelled 1, 2, 3 assumed to lie in the l th plane whose normal is η l .<br />

There might occur, for example, the independent constraints<br />

η T l (x 1 − x 2 ) = 0<br />

η T l (x 2 − x 3 ) = 0<br />

which are expressible in terms of constant matrices A∈ R M×N ;<br />

〈Z , A l12 〉 = 0<br />

〈Z , A l23 〉 = 0<br />

Although normals η can be constrained exactly to unit length,<br />

(854)<br />

(855)<br />

δ(G ℵ ) = 1 (856)<br />

NMR data is noisy; so measurements are given as upper and lower bounds.<br />

Given bounds on dihedral angles respecting 0 ≤ ϕ j ≤ π and bounds on<br />

distances d i and given constant matrices A k (855) and symmetric matrices<br />

Φ i (796) and B j per (827), then a molecular conformation problem can be<br />


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