v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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294 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING We numerically tested the foregoing technique for constraining rank on a wide range of problems including localization of randomized positions, stress (, ball packing (, and cardinality problems. We have had some success introducing the direction matrix inner-product (679) as a regularization term (a multiobjective optimization) whose purpose is to constrain rank, affine dimension, or cardinality: 4.5 Constraining cardinality The convex iteration technique for constraining rank, discovered in 2005, was soon applied to cardinality problems: 4.5.1 nonnegative variable Our goal is to reliably constrain rank in a semidefinite program. There is a direct analogy to linear programming that is simpler to present but, perhaps, more difficult to solve. In Optimization, that analogy is known as the cardinality problem. Consider a feasibility problem Ax = b , but with an upper bound k on cardinality ‖x‖ 0 of a nonnegative solution x : for A∈ R m×n and vector b∈R(A) find x ∈ R n subject to Ax = b x ≽ 0 ‖x‖ 0 ≤ k (682) where ‖x‖ 0 ≤ k means 4.29 vector x has at most k nonzero entries; such a vector is presumed existent in the feasible set. Nonnegativity constraint x ≽ 0 is analogous to positive semidefiniteness; the notation means vector x belongs to the nonnegative orthant R n + . Cardinality is quasiconcave on R n + just as rank is quasiconcave on S n + . [53,3.4.2] We propose that cardinality-constrained feasibility problem (682) is equivalently expressed as a sequence of convex problems: for 0≤k ≤n−1 4.29 Although it is a metric (5.2), cardinality ‖x‖ 0 cannot be a norm (3.1.3) because it is not positively homogeneous.

4.5. CONSTRAINING CARDINALITY 295 minimize x∈R n 〈x , y〉 subject to Ax = b x ≽ 0 (143) n∑ π(x ⋆ ) i = i=k+1 minimize y∈R n 〈x ⋆ , y〉 subject to 0 ≼ y ≼ 1 y T 1 = n − k (467) where π is the (nonincreasing) presorting function. This sequence is iterated until x ⋆T y ⋆ vanishes; id est, until desired cardinality is achieved. Problem (467) is analogous to the rank constraint problem; (Ky Fan, confer p.278) N∑ λ(G ⋆ ) i i=k+1 = minimize W ∈ S N 〈G ⋆ , W 〉 subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ I trW = N − k (1581a) Linear program (467) sums the n−k smallest entries from vector x . In context of problem (682), we want n−k entries of x to sum to zero; id est, we want a globally optimal objective x ⋆T y ⋆ to vanish: more generally, n∑ π(|x ⋆ |) i = 〈|x ⋆ |, y ⋆ 〉 = ∆ 0 (683) i=k+1 Then n−k entries of x ⋆ are themselves zero whenever their absolute sum is, and cardinality of x ⋆ ∈ R n is at most k . direction vector interpretation Vector y may be interpreted as a negative search direction; it points opposite to direction of movement of hyperplane {x | 〈x , y〉= τ} in a minimization of real linear function 〈x , y〉 over the feasible set in linear program (143). (p.69) Direction vector y is not unique. The feasible set of direction vectors in (467) is the convex hull of all cardinality-(n−k) one-vectors; videlicet, conv{u∈ R n | cardu = n−k , u i ∈ {0, 1}} = {a∈ R n | 1 ≽ a ≽ 0, 〈1, a〉= n−k} (684)


minimize<br />

x∈R n 〈x , y〉<br />

subject to Ax = b<br />

x ≽ 0<br />

(143)<br />

n∑<br />

π(x ⋆ ) i =<br />

i=k+1<br />

minimize<br />

y∈R n 〈x ⋆ , y〉<br />

subject to 0 ≼ y ≼ 1<br />

y T 1 = n − k<br />

(467)<br />

where π is the (nonincreasing) presorting function. This sequence is iterated<br />

until x ⋆T y ⋆ vanishes; id est, until desired cardinality is achieved.<br />

Problem (467) is analogous to the rank constraint problem; (Ky Fan,<br />

confer p.278)<br />

N∑<br />

λ(G ⋆ ) i<br />

i=k+1<br />

= minimize<br />

W ∈ S N 〈G ⋆ , W 〉<br />

subject to 0 ≼ W ≼ I<br />

trW = N − k<br />

(1581a)<br />

Linear program (467) sums the n−k smallest entries from vector x . In<br />

context of problem (682), we want n−k entries of x to sum to zero; id est,<br />

we want a globally optimal objective x ⋆T y ⋆ to vanish: more generally,<br />

n∑<br />

π(|x ⋆ |) i = 〈|x ⋆ |, y ⋆ 〉 = ∆ 0 (683)<br />

i=k+1<br />

Then n−k entries of x ⋆ are themselves zero whenever their absolute sum<br />

is, and cardinality of x ⋆ ∈ R n is at most k .<br /> direction vector interpretation<br />

Vector y may be interpreted as a negative search direction; it points opposite<br />

to direction of movement of hyperplane {x | 〈x , y〉= τ} in a minimization of<br />

real linear function 〈x , y〉 over the feasible set in linear program (143). (p.69)<br />

Direction vector y is not unique. The feasible set of direction vectors in (467)<br />

is the convex hull of all cardinality-(n−k) one-vectors; videlicet,<br />

conv{u∈ R n | cardu = n−k , u i ∈ {0, 1}} = {a∈ R n | 1 ≽ a ≽ 0, 〈1, a〉= n−k}<br />


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