v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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258 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING Any single vector y satisfying the alternative certifies A ∩ int S n + is empty. Such a vector can be found as a solution to another semidefinite program: for linearly independent set {A i ∈ S n , i=1... m} minimize y subject to y T b m∑ y i A i ≽ 0 i=1 ‖y‖ 2 ≤ 1 (604) If an optimal vector y ⋆ ≠ 0 can be found such that y ⋆T b ≤ 0, then relative interior of the primal feasible set A ∩ int S n + from (596) is empty. Boundary-membership criterion (confer (598) (599)) From boundary-membership relation (298) for proper cones and from linear matrix inequality cones K (337) and K ∗ (343) b ∈ ∂K ⇔ ∃ y ≠ 0 〈y , b〉 = 0, y ∈ K ∗ , b ∈ K ⇔ ∂S n + ⊃ A ∩ S n + ≠ ∅ (605) Whether vector b ∈ ∂K belongs to cone K boundary, that is a determination we can indeed make; one that is certainly expressible as a feasibility problem: assuming b ∈ K (597) given linearly independent set {A i ∈ S n , i=1... m} 4.9 find y ≠ 0 subject to y T b = 0 m∑ y i A i ≽ 0 i=1 (606) Any such feasible vector y ≠ 0 certifies that affine subset A (587) intersects the positive semidefinite cone S n + only on its boundary; in other words, nonempty feasible set A ∩ S n + belongs to the positive semidefinite cone boundary ∂S n + . 4.9 From the results of Example, vector b on the boundary of K cannot be detected simply by looking for 0 eigenvalues in matrix X .

4.2. FRAMEWORK 259 4.2.2 Duals The dual objective function from (584D) evaluated at any feasible point represents a lower bound on the primal optimal objective value from (584P). We can see this by direct substitution: Assume the feasible sets A ∩ S n + and C ∗ are nonempty. Then it is always true: 〈 ∑ i 〈C , X〉 ≥ 〈b, y〉 〉 y i A i + S , X ≥ [ 〈A 1 , X〉 · · · 〈A m , X〉 ] y 〈S , X〉 ≥ 0 (607) The converse also follows because X ≽ 0, S ≽ 0 ⇒ 〈S,X〉 ≥ 0 (1386) Optimal value of the dual objective thus represents the greatest lower bound on the primal. This fact is known as the weak duality theorem for semidefinite programming, [342,1.3.8] and can be used to detect convergence in any primal/dual numerical method of solution. 4.2.3 Optimality conditions When any primal feasible point exists relatively interior to A ∩ S n + in S n , or when any dual feasible point exists relatively interior to C ∗ in S n × R m , then by Slater’s sufficient condition (p.256) these two problems (584P) (584D) become strong duals. In other words, the primal optimal objective value becomes equivalent to the dual optimal objective value: there is no duality gap (Figure 51); id est, if ∃X ∈ A ∩ int S n + or ∃S,y ∈ rel int C ∗ then 〈 ∑ i 〈C , X ⋆ 〉 = 〈b, y ⋆ 〉 y ⋆ i A i + S ⋆ , X ⋆ 〉 = [ 〈A 1 , X ⋆ 〉 · · · 〈A m , X ⋆ 〉 ] y ⋆ 〈S ⋆ , X ⋆ 〉 = 0 (608) where S ⋆ , y ⋆ denote a dual optimal solution. 4.10 We summarize this: 4.10 Optimality condition 〈S ⋆ , X ⋆ 〉=0 is called a complementary slackness condition, in keeping with the tradition of linear programming, [82] that forbids dual inequalities in (584) to simultaneously hold strictly. [265,4]

4.2. FRAMEWORK 259<br />

4.2.2 Duals<br />

The dual objective function from (584D) evaluated at any feasible point<br />

represents a lower bound on the primal optimal objective value from (584P).<br />

We can see this by direct substitution: Assume the feasible sets A ∩ S n + and<br />

C ∗ are nonempty. Then it is always true:<br />

〈 ∑<br />

i<br />

〈C , X〉 ≥ 〈b, y〉<br />

〉<br />

y i A i + S , X ≥ [ 〈A 1 , X〉 · · · 〈A m , X〉 ] y<br />

〈S , X〉 ≥ 0<br />

(607)<br />

The converse also follows because<br />

X ≽ 0, S ≽ 0 ⇒ 〈S,X〉 ≥ 0 (1386)<br />

Optimal value of the dual objective thus represents the greatest lower bound<br />

on the primal. This fact is known as the weak duality theorem for semidefinite<br />

programming, [342,1.3.8] and can be used to detect convergence in any<br />

primal/dual numerical method of solution.<br />

4.2.3 Optimality conditions<br />

When any primal feasible point exists relatively interior to A ∩ S n + in S n , or<br />

when any dual feasible point exists relatively interior to C ∗ in S n × R m , then<br />

by Slater’s sufficient condition (p.256) these two problems (584P) (584D)<br />

become strong duals. In other words, the primal optimal objective value<br />

becomes equivalent to the dual optimal objective value: there is no duality<br />

gap (Figure 51); id est, if ∃X ∈ A ∩ int S n + or ∃S,y ∈ rel int C ∗ then<br />

〈 ∑<br />

i<br />

〈C , X ⋆ 〉 = 〈b, y ⋆ 〉<br />

y ⋆ i A i + S ⋆ , X ⋆ 〉<br />

= [ 〈A 1 , X ⋆ 〉 · · · 〈A m , X ⋆ 〉 ] y ⋆<br />

〈S ⋆ , X ⋆ 〉 = 0<br />

(608)<br />

where S ⋆ , y ⋆ denote a dual optimal solution. 4.10 We summarize this:<br />

4.10 Optimality condition 〈S ⋆ , X ⋆ 〉=0 is called a complementary slackness condition, in<br />

keeping with the tradition of linear programming, [82] that forbids dual inequalities in<br />

(584) to simultaneously hold strictly. [265,4]

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