v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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248 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING The vector inner-product for matrices is defined in the Euclidean/Frobenius sense in the isomorphic vector space R n(n+1)/2 ; id est, 〈C , X〉 ∆ = tr(C T X) = svec(C) T svec X (31) where svec X defined by (49) denotes symmetric vectorization. Linear programming, invented by Dantzig in 1947, is now integral to modern technology. But the same cannot yet be said of semidefinite programming introduced by Bellman & Fan in 1963. [86] Numerical performance of contemporary general-purpose semidefinite program solvers is limited: Computational intensity varies as O(n 6 ) based on interior-point methods that produce solutions no more relatively accurate than1E-8. There are no solvers available capable of handling in excess of n=100 variables without significant, sometimes crippling, loss of precision or time. 4.2 Nevertheless, semidefinite programming has emerged recently to prominence primarily because it admits a new class of problem previously unsolvable by convex optimization techniques, [51] secondarily because it theoretically subsumes other convex techniques such as linear, quadratic, and second-order cone programming. Determination of the Riemann mapping function from complex analysis [248] [28,8,13], for example, can be posed as a semidefinite program. Maximal complementarity It has been shown that contemporary interior-point methods (developed circa 1990 [126]) [53,11] [334] [251] [239] [10] [121] for numerical solution of semidefinite programs can converge to a solution of maximal complementarity; [150,5] [341] [218] [133] not a vertex-solution but a solution of highest cardinality or rank among all optimal solutions. 4.3 [342,2.5.3] 4.2 Heuristics are not ruled out by SIOPT; indeed I would suspect that most successful methods have (appropriately described) heuristics under the hood - my codes certainly do. ...Of course, there are still questions relating to high-accuracy and speed, but for many applications a few digits of accuracy suffices and overnight runs for non-real-time delivery is acceptable. −Nicholas I. M. Gould, Editor-in-Chief, SIOPT 4.3 This characteristic might be regarded as a disadvantage to this method of numerical solution, but this behavior is not certain and depends on solver implementation.

4.1. CONIC PROBLEM 249 Reduced-rank solution A simple rank reduction algorithm, for construction of a primal optimal solution X ⋆ to (584P) satisfying an upper bound on rank governed by Proposition, is presented in4.3. That proposition asserts existence of feasible solutions with an upper bound on their rank; [25,II.13.1] specifically, it asserts an extreme point ( of the primal feasible set A ∩ S n + satisfies upper bound ⌊√ ⌋ 8m + 1 − 1 rankX ≤ 2 where, given A∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 and b∈ R m (245) A ∆ = {X ∈ S n | A svec X = b} (587) is the affine subset from primal problem (584P). Coexistence of low- and high-rank solutions; analogy That low-rank and high-rank optimal solutions {X ⋆ } of (584P) coexist may be grasped with the following analogy: We compare a proper polyhedral cone S 3 + in R 3 (illustrated in Figure 70) to the positive semidefinite cone S 3 + in isometrically isomorphic R 6 , difficult to visualize. The analogy is good: int S 3 + is constituted by rank-3 matrices int S 3 + has three dimensions boundary ∂S 3 + contains rank-0, rank-1, and rank-2 matrices boundary ∂S 3 + contains 0-, 1-, and 2-dimensional faces the only rank-0 matrix resides in the vertex at the origin Rank-1 matrices are in one-to-one correspondence with extreme directions of S 3 + and S 3 + . The set of all rank-1 symmetric matrices in this dimension { G ∈ S 3 + | rankG=1 } (588) is not a connected set.


The vector inner-product for matrices is defined in the Euclidean/Frobenius<br />

sense in the isomorphic vector space R n(n+1)/2 ; id est,<br />

〈C , X〉 ∆ = tr(C T X) = svec(C) T svec X (31)<br />

where svec X defined by (49) denotes symmetric vectorization.<br />

Linear programming, invented by Dantzig in 1947, is now integral to<br />

modern technology. But the same cannot yet be said of semidefinite<br />

programming introduced by Bellman & Fan in 1963. [86] Numerical<br />

performance of contemporary general-purpose semidefinite program solvers<br />

is limited: Computational intensity varies as O(n 6 ) based on interior-point<br />

methods that produce solutions no more relatively accurate than1E-8. There<br />

are no solvers available capable of handling in excess of n=100 variables<br />

without significant, sometimes crippling, loss of precision or time. 4.2<br />

Nevertheless, semidefinite programming has emerged recently to<br />

prominence primarily because it admits a new class of problem previously<br />

unsolvable by convex optimization techniques, [51] secondarily because it<br />

theoretically subsumes other convex techniques such as linear, quadratic, and<br />

second-order cone programming. Determination of the Riemann mapping<br />

function from complex analysis [248] [28,8,13], for example, can be posed<br />

as a semidefinite program.<br /> Maximal complementarity<br />

It has been shown that contemporary interior-point methods (developed<br />

circa 1990 [126]) [53,11] [334] [251] [239] [10] [121] for numerical<br />

solution of semidefinite programs can converge to a solution of maximal<br />

complementarity; [150,5] [341] [218] [133] not a vertex-solution but a<br />

solution of highest cardinality or rank among all optimal solutions. 4.3<br />

[342,2.5.3]<br />

4.2 Heuristics are not ruled out by SIOPT; indeed I would suspect that most successful<br />

methods have (appropriately described) heuristics under the hood - my codes certainly do.<br />

...Of course, there are still questions relating to high-accuracy and speed, but for many<br />

applications a few digits of accuracy suffices and overnight runs for non-real-time delivery<br />

is acceptable.<br />

−Nicholas I. M. Gould, Editor-in-Chief, SIOPT<br />

4.3 This characteristic might be regarded as a disadvantage to this method of numerical<br />

solution, but this behavior is not certain and depends on solver implementation.

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