v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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180 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY Its dual is therefore pointed but of empty interior, having vertex-description K ∗ M = {X ∗ b ∆ = [e 1 −e 2 e 2 −e 3 · · · e n−1 −e n ]b | b ≽ 0 } ⊂ R n (391) where the columns of X ∗ comprise the extreme directions of K ∗ M . Because K ∗ M is pointed and satisfies rank(X ∗ ∈ R n×N ) = N ∆ = dim aff K ∗ ≤ n (392) where N = n −1, and because K M is closed and convex, we may adapt Cone Table 1 (p.174) as follows: Cone Table 1* K ∗ K ∗∗ = K vertex-description X ∗ X ∗†T , ±X ∗⊥ halfspace-description X ∗† , X ∗⊥T X ∗T The vertex-description for K M is therefore K M = {[X ∗†T X ∗⊥ −X ∗⊥ ]a | a ≽ 0} ⊂ R n (393) where X ∗⊥ = 1 and ⎡ ⎤ n − 1 −1 −1 · · · −1 −1 −1 n − 2 n − 2 −2 ... · · · −2 −2 X ∗† = 1 . n − 3 n − 3 . .. −(n − 4) . −3 n 3 . n − 4 . ∈ R .. n−1×n −(n − 3) −(n − 3) . ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 2 2 · · · ... 2 −(n − 2) −(n − 2) ⎦ while 1 1 1 · · · 1 1 −(n − 1) (394) K ∗ M = {y ∈ R n | X ∗† y ≽ 0, X ∗⊥T y = 0} (395) is the dual monotone cone halfspace-description. Exercise. Inside the monotone cones. Mathematically describe the respective interior of the monotone nonnegative cone and monotone cone. In three dimensions, also describe the relative interior of each face.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 181 More pointed cone descriptions with equality condition Consider pointed polyhedral cone K having a linearly independent set of generators and whose subspace membership is explicit; id est, we are given the ordinary halfspace-description K = {x | Ax ≽ 0, Cx = 0} ⊆ R n (259a) where A ∈ R m×n and C ∈ R p×n . This can be equivalently written in terms of nullspace of C and vector ξ : K = {Zξ ∈ R n | AZξ ≽ 0} (396) where R(Z ∈ R n×n−rank C ) ∆ = N(C) . Assuming (366) is satisfied rankX ∆ = rank ( (AZ) † ∈ R n−rank C×m) = m − l = dim aff K ≤ n − rankC (397) where l is the number of conically dependent rows in AZ (2.10) that must be removed to make ÂZ before the cone tables become applicable. 2.71 Then the results collected in the cone tables admit the assignment ˆX =(ÂZ)† ∆ ∈ R n−rank C×m−l , where Â∈ Rm−l×n , followed with linear transformation by Z . So we get the vertex-description, for (ÂZ)† skinny-or-square full-rank, K = {Z(ÂZ)† b | b ≽ 0} (398) From this and (327) we get a halfspace-description of the dual cone K ∗ = {y ∈ R n | (Z T Â T ) † Z T y ≽ 0} (399) From this and Cone Table 1 (p.174) we get a vertex-description, (1749) Yet because K ∗ = {[Z †T (ÂZ)T C T −C T ]c | c ≽ 0} (400) K = {x | Ax ≽ 0} ∩ {x | Cx = 0} (401) then, by (284), we get an equivalent vertex-description for the dual cone K ∗ = {x | Ax ≽ 0} ∗ + {x | Cx = 0} ∗ = {[A T C T −C T ]b | b ≽ 0} from which the conically dependent columns may, of course, be removed. (402) 2.71 When the conically dependent rows are removed, the rows remaining must be linearly independent for the cone tables to apply.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 181<br /> More pointed cone descriptions with equality condition<br />

Consider pointed polyhedral cone K having a linearly independent set of<br />

generators and whose subspace membership is explicit; id est, we are given<br />

the ordinary halfspace-description<br />

K = {x | Ax ≽ 0, Cx = 0} ⊆ R n<br />

(259a)<br />

where A ∈ R m×n and C ∈ R p×n . This can be equivalently written in terms<br />

of nullspace of C and vector ξ :<br />

K = {Zξ ∈ R n | AZξ ≽ 0} (396)<br />

where R(Z ∈ R n×n−rank C ) ∆ = N(C) . Assuming (366) is satisfied<br />

rankX ∆ = rank ( (AZ) † ∈ R n−rank C×m) = m − l = dim aff K ≤ n − rankC<br />

(397)<br />

where l is the number of conically dependent rows in AZ (2.10)<br />

that must be removed to make ÂZ before the cone tables become<br />

applicable. 2.71 Then the results collected in the cone tables admit the<br />

assignment ˆX =(ÂZ)† ∆ ∈ R n−rank C×m−l , where Â∈ Rm−l×n , followed with<br />

linear transformation by Z . So we get the vertex-description, for (ÂZ)†<br />

skinny-or-square full-rank,<br />

K = {Z(ÂZ)† b | b ≽ 0} (398)<br />

From this and (327) we get a halfspace-description of the dual cone<br />

K ∗ = {y ∈ R n | (Z T Â T ) † Z T y ≽ 0} (399)<br />

From this and Cone Table 1 (p.174) we get a vertex-description, (1749)<br />

Yet because<br />

K ∗ = {[Z †T (ÂZ)T C T −C T ]c | c ≽ 0} (400)<br />

K = {x | Ax ≽ 0} ∩ {x | Cx = 0} (401)<br />

then, by (284), we get an equivalent vertex-description for the dual cone<br />

K ∗ = {x | Ax ≽ 0} ∗ + {x | Cx = 0} ∗<br />

= {[A T C T −C T ]b | b ≽ 0}<br />

from which the conically dependent columns may, of course, be removed.<br />

(402)<br />

2.71 When the conically dependent rows are removed, the rows remaining must be linearly<br />

independent for the cone tables to apply.

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