v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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170 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY 2.13.8 Biorthogonal expansion, derivation Biorthogonal expansion is a means for determining coordinates in a pointed conic coordinate system characterized by a nonorthogonal basis. Study of nonorthogonal bases invokes pointed polyhedral cones and their duals; extreme directions of a cone K are assumed to constitute the basis while those of the dual cone K ∗ determine coordinates. Unique biorthogonal expansion with respect to K depends upon existence of its linearly independent extreme directions: Polyhedral cone K must be pointed; then it possesses extreme directions. Those extreme directions must be linearly independent to uniquely represent any point in their span. We consider nonempty pointed polyhedral cone K having possibly empty interior; id est, we consider a basis spanning a subspace. Then we need only observe that section of dual cone K ∗ in the affine hull of K because, by expansion of x , membership x∈aff K is implicit and because any breach of the ordinary dual cone into ambient space becomes irrelevant ( Biorthogonal expansion x = XX † x ∈ aff K = aff cone(X) (357) is expressed in the extreme directions {Γ i } of K arranged columnar in under assumption of biorthogonality X = [ Γ 1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ] ∈ R n×N (253) X † X = I (358) where † denotes matrix pseudoinverse (E). We therefore seek, in this section, a vertex-description for K ∗ ∩ aff K in terms of linearly independent dual generators {Γ ∗ i }⊂aff K in the same finite quantity 2.63 as the extreme directions {Γ i } of K = cone(X) = {Xa | a ≽ 0} ⊆ R n (94) We assume the quantity of extreme directions N does not exceed the dimension n of ambient vector space because, otherwise, the expansion could not be unique; id est, assume N linearly independent extreme directions 2.63 When K is contained in a proper subspace of R n , the ordinary dual cone K ∗ will have more generators in any minimal set than K has extreme directions.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 171 hence N ≤ n (X skinny 2.64 -or-square full-rank). In other words, fat full-rank matrix X is prohibited by uniqueness because of the existence of an infinity of right-inverses; polyhedral cones whose extreme directions number in excess of the ambient space dimension are precluded in biorthogonal expansion. x ∈ K Suppose x belongs to K ⊆ R n . Then x =Xa for some a≽0. Vector a is unique only when {Γ i } is a linearly independent set. 2.65 Vector a∈ R N can take the form a =Bx if R(B)= R N . Then we require Xa =XBx = x and Bx=BXa = a . The pseudoinverse B =X † ∈ R N×n (E) is suitable when X is skinny-or-square and full-rank. In that case rankX =N , and for all c ≽ 0 and i=1... N a ≽ 0 ⇔ X † Xa ≽ 0 ⇔ a T X T X †T c ≥ 0 ⇔ Γ T i X †T c ≥ 0 (359) The penultimate inequality follows from the generalized inequality and membership corollary, while the last inequality is a consequence of that corollary’s discretization ( 2.66 From (359) and (347) we deduce K ∗ ∩ aff K = cone(X †T ) = {X †T c | c ≽ 0} ⊆ R n (360) is the vertex-description for that section of K ∗ in the affine hull of K because R(X †T ) = R(X) by definition of the pseudoinverse. From (280), we know 2.64 “Skinny” meaning thin; more rows than columns. 2.65 Conic independence alone (2.10) is insufficient to guarantee uniqueness. 2.66 a ≽ 0 ⇔ a T X T X †T c ≥ 0 ∀(c ≽ 0 ⇔ a T X T X †T c ≥ 0 ∀a ≽ 0) ∀(c ≽ 0 ⇔ Γ T i X†T c ≥ 0 ∀i) Intuitively, any nonnegative vector a is a conic combination of the standard basis {e i ∈ R N }; a≽0 ⇔ a i e i ≽0 for all i. The last inequality in (359) is a consequence of the fact that x=Xa may be any extreme direction of K , in which case a is a standard basis vector; a = e i ≽0. Theoretically, because c ≽ 0 defines a pointed polyhedral cone (in fact, the nonnegative orthant in R N ), we can take (359) one step further by discretizing c : a ≽ 0 ⇔ Γ T i Γ ∗ j ≥ 0 for i,j =1... N ⇔ X † X ≥ 0 In words, X † X must be a matrix whose entries are each nonnegative.


2.13.8 Biorthogonal expansion, derivation<br />

Biorthogonal expansion is a means for determining coordinates in a pointed<br />

conic coordinate system characterized by a nonorthogonal basis. Study<br />

of nonorthogonal bases invokes pointed polyhedral cones and their duals;<br />

extreme directions of a cone K are assumed to constitute the basis while<br />

those of the dual cone K ∗ determine coordinates.<br />

Unique biorthogonal expansion with respect to K depends upon existence<br />

of its linearly independent extreme directions: Polyhedral cone K must be<br />

pointed; then it possesses extreme directions. Those extreme directions must<br />

be linearly independent to uniquely represent any point in their span.<br />

We consider nonempty pointed polyhedral cone K having possibly empty<br />

interior; id est, we consider a basis spanning a subspace. Then we need<br />

only observe that section of dual cone K ∗ in the affine hull of K because, by<br />

expansion of x , membership x∈aff K is implicit and because any breach<br />

of the ordinary dual cone into ambient space becomes irrelevant (<br />

Biorthogonal expansion<br />

x = XX † x ∈ aff K = aff cone(X) (357)<br />

is expressed in the extreme directions {Γ i } of K arranged columnar in<br />

under assumption of biorthogonality<br />

X = [ Γ 1 Γ 2 · · · Γ N ] ∈ R n×N (253)<br />

X † X = I (358)<br />

where † denotes matrix pseudoinverse (E). We therefore seek, in this<br />

section, a vertex-description for K ∗ ∩ aff K in terms of linearly independent<br />

dual generators {Γ ∗ i }⊂aff K in the same finite quantity 2.63 as the extreme<br />

directions {Γ i } of<br />

K = cone(X) = {Xa | a ≽ 0} ⊆ R n (94)<br />

We assume the quantity of extreme directions N does not exceed the<br />

dimension n of ambient vector space because, otherwise, the expansion could<br />

not be unique; id est, assume N linearly independent extreme directions<br />

2.63 When K is contained in a proper subspace of R n , the ordinary dual cone K ∗ will have<br />

more generators in any minimal set than K has extreme directions.

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