v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization v2009.01.01 - Convex Optimization

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160 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY Exercise. Test of discretized dual generalized inequalities. Test Theorem on Figure 49(a) using the extreme directions as generators. From the discretized membership theorem we may further deduce a more surgical description of closed convex cone that prescribes only a finite number of halfspaces for its construction when polyhedral: (Figure 48(a)) K = {x ∈ R n | 〈γ ∗ , x〉 ≥ 0 for all γ ∗ ∈ G(K ∗ )} (331) K ∗ = {y ∈ R n | 〈γ , y〉 ≥ 0 for all γ ∈ G(K)} (332) Exercise. Partial order induced by orthant. When comparison is with respect to the nonnegative orthant K = R n + , then from the discretized membership theorem it directly follows: x ≼ z ⇔ x i ≤ z i ∀i (333) Generate simple counterexamples demonstrating that this equivalence with entrywise inequality holds only when the underlying cone inducing partial order is the nonnegative orthant. 2.13.5 Dual PSD cone and generalized inequality The dual positive semidefinite cone K ∗ is confined to S M by convention; S M ∗ + ∆ = {Y ∈ S M | 〈Y , X〉 ≥ 0 for all X ∈ S M + } = S M + (334) The positive semidefinite cone is self-dual in the ambient space of symmetric matrices [53, exmp.2.24] [35] [170,II]; K = K ∗ . Dual generalized inequalities with respect to the positive semidefinite cone in the ambient space of symmetric matrices can therefore be simply stated: (Fejér) X ≽ 0 ⇔ tr(Y T X) ≥ 0 for all Y ≽ 0 (335) Membership to this cone can be determined in the isometrically isomorphic Euclidean space R M2 via (31). (2.2.1) By the two interpretations in2.13.1, positive semidefinite matrix Y can be interpreted as inward-normal to a hyperplane supporting the positive semidefinite cone.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 161 The fundamental statement of positive semidefiniteness, y T Xy ≥0 ∀y (A., evokes a particular instance of these dual generalized inequalities (335): X ≽ 0 ⇔ 〈yy T , X〉 ≥ 0 ∀yy T (≽ 0) (1345) Discretization ( allows replacement of positive semidefinite matrices Y with this minimal set of generators comprising the extreme directions of the positive semidefinite cone ( self-dual cones From (122) (a consequence of the halfspaces theorem,, where the only finite value of the support function for a convex cone is 0 [173,C.2.3.1], or from discretized definition (332) of the dual cone we get a rather self-evident characterization of self-duality: K = K ∗ ⇔ K = ⋂ { y | γ T y ≥ 0 } (336) γ∈G(K) In words: Cone K is self-dual iff its own extreme directions are inward-normals to a (minimal) set of hyperplanes bounding halfspaces whose intersection constructs it. This means each extreme direction of K is normal to a hyperplane exposing one of its own faces; a necessary but insufficient condition for self-duality (Figure 54, for example). Self-dual cones are of necessarily nonempty interior [29,I] and invariant to rotation about the origin. Their most prominent representatives are the orthants, the positive semidefinite cone S M + in the ambient space of symmetric matrices (334), and the Lorentz cone (160) [19,II.A] [53, exmp.2.25]. In three dimensions, a plane containing the axis of revolution of a self-dual cone (and the origin) will produce a slice whose boundary makes a right angle. Example. Linear matrix inequality. (confer2. Consider a peculiar vertex-description for a closed convex cone defined over a positive semidefinite cone (instead of a nonnegative orthant as in definition (94)): for X ∈ S n given A j ∈ S n , j =1... m


The fundamental statement of positive semidefiniteness, y T Xy ≥0 ∀y<br />

(A., evokes a particular instance of these dual generalized<br />

inequalities (335):<br />

X ≽ 0 ⇔ 〈yy T , X〉 ≥ 0 ∀yy T (≽ 0) (1345)<br />

Discretization ( allows replacement of positive semidefinite<br />

matrices Y with this minimal set of generators comprising the extreme<br />

directions of the positive semidefinite cone (<br /> self-dual cones<br />

From (122) (a consequence of the halfspaces theorem,, where the<br />

only finite value of the support function for a convex cone is 0 [173,C.2.3.1],<br />

or from discretized definition (332) of the dual cone we get a rather<br />

self-evident characterization of self-duality:<br />

K = K ∗ ⇔ K = ⋂ {<br />

y | γ T y ≥ 0 } (336)<br />

γ∈G(K)<br />

In words: Cone K is self-dual iff its own extreme directions are<br />

inward-normals to a (minimal) set of hyperplanes bounding halfspaces whose<br />

intersection constructs it. This means each extreme direction of K is normal<br />

to a hyperplane exposing one of its own faces; a necessary but insufficient<br />

condition for self-duality (Figure 54, for example).<br />

Self-dual cones are of necessarily nonempty interior [29,I] and invariant<br />

to rotation about the origin. Their most prominent representatives are the<br />

orthants, the positive semidefinite cone S M + in the ambient space of symmetric<br />

matrices (334), and the Lorentz cone (160) [19,II.A] [53, exmp.2.25]. In<br />

three dimensions, a plane containing the axis of revolution of a self-dual cone<br />

(and the origin) will produce a slice whose boundary makes a right angle.<br /> Example. Linear matrix inequality. (confer2.<br />

Consider a peculiar vertex-description for a closed convex cone defined<br />

over a positive semidefinite cone (instead of a nonnegative orthant as in<br />

definition (94)): for X ∈ S n given A j ∈ S n , j =1... m

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