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54 CHAPTER 3. IMAGE TRANSFORMS AND IMAGE FEATURES method in denoising, density estimation, and signal recovery. Wavelets and related technologies have a lot of influence in contemporary fields like signal processing, image processing, statistic analysis, etc. Some good books that review this literature are [20, 34, 100, 107]. It is almost impossible to cover this abundant area in a short section. In the rest of the section, we try to summarize some key points. The ones we selected are (1) multiresolution analysis, (2) filter bank, (3) fast discrete algorithm, and (4) optimality in processing signals that have point singularities. Each of the following subsections is devoted to one of these subjects. 3.2.1 Multiresolution Analysis Multiresolution analysis (MRA) is a powerful tool, from which some orthogonal wavelets can be derived. It starts with a special multi-layer structure of square integrable functional space L 2 . Let V j , j ∈ Z, denote some subspaces of L 2 . Suppose the V j ’s satisfy a special nesting structure, which is: ...⊂V −3 ⊂V −2 ⊂V −1 ⊂V 0 ⊂V 1 ⊂V 2 ⊂ ...⊂ L 2 . At the same time, the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) the intersection of all ⋂ the V j ’s is a null set: j∈Z V j = ∅; (2) the union of all the V j ’s is the entire space L 2 : ⋃ j∈Z V j = L 2 . We can further assume that the subspace V 0 is spanned by functions φ(x − k),k ∈ Z, where φ(x − k) ∈ L 2 . By definition, any function in subspace V 0 is a linear combination of functions φ(x − k),k ∈ Z. The function φ is called a scaling function. The set of functions {φ(x−k) :k ∈ Z} is called a basis of space V 0 . To simplify, we only consider the orthonormal basis, which, by definition, gives ∫ { 1, k =0, φ(x)φ(x − k)dx = δ(k) = 0, k ≠0, k ∈ Z. (3.20) A very essential assumption in MRA is the 2-scale relationship, which is: for ∀j ∈ Z, if function f(x) ∈V j , then f(2x) ∈V j+1 . Consequently, we can show that {2 j/2 φ(2 j x − k) : k ∈ Z} is an orthonormal basis of the functional space V j . Since φ(x) ∈V 0 ⊂V 1 , there

3.2. WAVELETS AND POINT SINGULARITIES 55 must exist a real sequence {h(n) :n ∈ Z}, such that φ(x) = ∑ n∈Z h(n)φ(2x − n). (3.21) Equation (3.21) is called a two-scale relationship. Based on different interpretations, or different points of view, it is also called dilation equation, multiresolution analysis equation or refinement equation. Let function Φ(ω) and function H(ω) be the Fourier transforms of function φ(x) and sequence {h(n) :n ∈ Z}, respectively, so that Φ(ω) = ∫ ∞ −∞ φ(x)e −ixω dx; H(ω) = ∑ n∈Z h(n)e −inω . The two-scale relationship (3.21) can also be expressed in the Fourier domain: Φ(ω) =H( ω 2 )Φ(ω 2 ). Consequently, one can derive the result Φ(ω) =Φ(0) ∞∏ j=1 H( ω ). (3.22) 2j The last equation is important for deriving compact support wavelets. Since the functional subspace V j is a subset of the functional subspace V j+1 , or equivalently V j ⊂V j+1 , we can find the orthogonal complement of the subspace V j in space V j+1 . We denote the orthogonal complement by W j , so that V j ⊕W j = V j+1 . (3.23) Suppose {ψ(x − k) :k ∈ Z} is a basis for the subspace W 0 . The function ψ is called a wavelet. Note that the function φ is in the functional space V 0 and the function ψ is in its orthogonal complement. From (3.23), we say that a wavelet is designed to capture the fluctuations; and, correspondingly, a scaling function captures the trend. We can further


must exist a real sequence {h(n) :n ∈ Z}, such that<br />

φ(x) = ∑ n∈Z<br />

h(n)φ(2x − n). (3.21)<br />

Equation (3.21) is called a two-scale relationship. Based on different interpretations, or<br />

different points of view, it is also called dilation equation, multiresolution analysis equation<br />

or refinement equation. Let function Φ(ω) and function H(ω) be the Fourier <strong>transforms</strong> of<br />

function φ(x) and sequence {h(n) :n ∈ Z}, respectively, so that<br />

Φ(ω) =<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

φ(x)e −ixω dx;<br />

H(ω) = ∑ n∈Z<br />

h(n)e −inω .<br />

The two-scale relationship (3.21) can also be expressed in the Fourier domain:<br />

Φ(ω) =H( ω 2 )Φ(ω 2 ).<br />

Consequently, one can derive the result<br />

Φ(ω) =Φ(0)<br />

∞∏<br />

j=1<br />

H( ω ). (3.22)<br />

2j The last equation is important for deriving compact support wavelets.<br />

Since the functional subspace V j is a subset of the functional subspace V j+1 , or equivalently<br />

V j ⊂V j+1 , we can find the orthogonal complement of the subspace V j in space V j+1 .<br />

We denote the orthogonal complement by W j , so that<br />

V j ⊕W j = V j+1 . (3.23)<br />

Suppose {ψ(x − k) :k ∈ Z} is a basis for the subspace W 0 . The function ψ is called a<br />

wavelet. Note that the function φ is in the functional space V 0 and the function ψ is in<br />

its orthogonal complement. From (3.23), we say that a wavelet is designed to capture the<br />

fluctuations; and, correspondingly, a scaling function captures the trend. We can further

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