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106 CHAPTER 5. ITERATIVE METHODS methods are called Krylov subspace approximations [78, Page 49]. [C2] At step k, the CG error vector and the MINRES residual vector can be written as e k = p C k (A)e 0, r k = p M k (A)r 0, where p C k and pM k are two polynomials with degree no higher than k that take value 1 at the origin. Moreover, ‖e k ‖ A = min‖p k (A)e 0 ‖ A , p k ‖r k ‖ = min‖p k (A)r 0 ‖, p k where p k is a kth-degree polynomial with value 1 at the origin. [C3] Suppose for a Hermitian and positive semidefinite matrix A, A = UΛU T is its eigendecomposition, where U is an orthogonal matrix and Λ is a diagonal matrix. Suppose Λ=diag{λ 1 ,... ,λ N }. We have sharp bounds for the norms of the error and the residual in CG and MINRES: ‖e k ‖ A /‖e 0 ‖ A ≤ min max k(λ i )|, p k i=1,2,... ,N for CG; (5.3) ‖r k ‖/‖r 0 ‖≤min max k(λ i )|, p k i=1,2,... ,N for MINRES. (5.4) In (5.3) and (5.4), if the eigenvalues are tightly clustered around a single point (away from the origin), then the right-hand sides are more likely to be minimized; hence, iterative methods tends to converge quickly. On the other hand, if the eigenvalues are widely spread, especially if they lie on the both sides of the origin, then the values on the right-hand sides of both inequalities are difficult to be minimized; hence, iterative methods may converge slowly. Note that the above results are based on exact arithmetic. In finite-precision computation, these error bounds are in general not true, because the round-off errors that are due to finite precision may destroy assumed properties in the methods (e.g., orthogonality). For further discussion, we refer to Chapter 4 of [78] and the references therein.

5.1. OVERVIEW 107 5.1.4 Preconditioner Before we move into detailed discussion, we would like to point out that the content of this section applies to both CG and MINRES. When the original matrix A does not have a good eigenvalue distribution, a preconditioner may help. In our case, we only need to consider the problem as in (5.2) for Hermitian matrices. We consider solving the preconditioned system L −1 AL −H y = L −1 b, x = L −H y, (5.5) where L is a preconditioner. When the matrix-vector multiplications associated with L −H and L −1 have fast algorithms and L −1 AL −H has a good eigenvalue distribution, the system in (5.2) can be solved in fewer iterations. Before giving a detailed discussion about preconditioners, we need to restate our setting. Here A is the Hessian at step k: A = H(x k ). To simplify the discussion, we assume that Φ is a concatenation of several orthogonal matrices: Φ=[T 1 ,T 2 ,... ,T m ], where T 1 ,T 2 ,... ,T m are n × n orthogonal square matrices. The number of columns of Φ is equal to N = mn 2 . Hence from (4.8), ⎡ ⎤ I + D 1 T1 T T 2 ··· T1 T T m 1 2 A = T2 T T 1 I + D 2 ⎢ . , (5.6) ⎣ . .. . ⎥ ⎦ TmT T 1 ··· I + D m where ⎛ D i = 1 2 λ ⎜ ⎝ ¯ρ ′′ (x 1+(i−1)n2 k ) . .. ¯ρ ′′ (x n2 +(i−1)n 2 k ) ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ , i =1, 2,... ,m, are diagonal matrices. To simplify (5.6), we consider A left and right multiplied by a block


methods are called Krylov subspace approximations [78, Page 49].<br />

[C2] At step k, the CG error vector and the MINRES residual vector can be written as<br />

e k = p C k (A)e 0,<br />

r k = p M k (A)r 0,<br />

where p C k and pM k<br />

are two polynomials with degree no higher than k that take value<br />

1 at the origin. Moreover,<br />

‖e k ‖ A = min‖p k (A)e 0 ‖ A ,<br />

p k<br />

‖r k ‖ = min‖p k (A)r 0 ‖,<br />

p k<br />

where p k is a kth-degree polynomial with value 1 at the origin.<br />

[C3] Suppose for a Hermitian and positive semidefinite matrix A, A = UΛU T is its eigendecomposition,<br />

where U is an orthogonal matrix and Λ is a diagonal matrix. Suppose<br />

Λ=diag{λ 1 ,... ,λ N }. We have sharp bounds for the norms of the error and the<br />

residual in CG and MINRES:<br />

‖e k ‖ A /‖e 0 ‖ A ≤ min max k(λ i )|,<br />

p k i=1,2,... ,N<br />

for CG; (5.3)<br />

‖r k ‖/‖r 0 ‖≤min max k(λ i )|,<br />

p k i=1,2,... ,N<br />

for MINRES. (5.4)<br />

In (5.3) and (5.4), if the eigenvalues are tightly clustered around a single point (away<br />

from the origin), then the right-hand sides are more likely to be minimized; hence, iterative<br />

methods tends to converge quickly. On the other hand, if the eigenvalues are widely spread,<br />

especially if they lie on the both sides of the origin, then the values on the right-hand sides<br />

of both inequalities are difficult to be minimized; hence, iterative methods may converge<br />

slowly.<br />

Note that the above results are based on exact arithmetic. In finite-precision computation,<br />

these error bounds are in general not true, because the round-off errors that are due<br />

to finite precision may destroy assumed properties in the methods (e.g., orthogonality). For<br />

further discussion, we refer to Chapter 4 of [78] and the references therein.

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