Economic Models - Convex Optimization

Economic Models - Convex Optimization Economic Models - Convex Optimization
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Time Varying Responses 47 Combining Eqs. (14) and (14a) we have BX ′ =−ƔU ′ + R ′ ⇒ X ′ =−B −1 ƔU ′ + B −1 R ′ ⇒ X ′ = U ′ + W ′ (16) where W ′ = B −1 R ′ Denoting the ith column of matrix X ′ by x i and the ith column of matrix W ′ by w i , we can write ⎡ ⎤ u 1i 0 ··· 0 u 2i 0 ··· 0 u gi 0 ··· 0 0 u 1i ··· 0 0 u 2i ··· 0 0 u gi ··· 0 x i = · · · · · · · · · ⎢ · · · · · · · · · ⎥ ⎣ · · · · · · · · · ⎦ 0 0 ··· u 1i 0 0 ··· u 2i ··· 0 ... u gi π + w i (17) where u ij is the element of the jth column and ith row of matrix U. The vector π ∈ E ng , as mentioned earlier, consists of the g column of matrix . Equation (17) can be written in a compact form, as x i = H i π + w i , i = 1, 2,...,N (17a) where x i ∈ E n ,w i ∈ E n and the observation matrix H i is defined on E n × E ng . In a time-invariant econometric model, the coefficients vector π is assumed random with constant expectation overtime, so that π i+1 = π i , for all i. (18) In a time-varying and stochastic model we can have π i+1 = π i + ε i (18a) where ε i ∈ E ng is the noise. Based on these, we can re-write Eq. (17a) as x i+1 = H i+1 π i+1 + w i+1 i = 0, 1,...,N − 1. (19) We make the following assumptions. (a) The vector x i+1 and matrix H i+1 can he measured exactly for all i. (b) The noises ε i and w i+1 are independent discrete white noises with known statistics, i.e., E(ε i ) = 0; E(w i+1 ) = 0 E(ε i w ′ i+1 ) = 0

48 Dipak R. Basu and Alexis Lazaridis E(c i ε ′ i ) = Q 1δ ij , E(w i w ′ i ) = Q 2δ ij . where δ ij is the Kronecker delta, and The above co-variance matrices, assumed to be positive definite. (c) The state vector is normally distributed with a finite co-variance matrix. (d) Regarding Eqs. (18a) and (19), the Jacobians of the transformation of ε i into π i+1 and of w i+1 into x i+1 are unities. Hence, the corresponding conditional probability densities are: p(π i+1 |π i ) = p(ε i ) p(x i+1 |π i+1 ) = p(w i+1 ). Under the above assumptions and given Eqs. (18a) and (19), the problem set is to evaluate and E(π i+1 |x i+1 ) = π ∗ i+1 cov (π i+1 |x i+1 ) = S i+1 (the error co-variance matrix) where x i+1 = x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ,...,x i+1 . The solution to this problem (Basu and Lazaridis, 1986; Lazaridis, 1980) is given by the following set of recursive equations, as it is briefly shown in Appendix A. π ∗ i+1 = π∗ i + K i+1(x i+1 − H i+1 π ∗ i ) (20) K i+1 = S i+1 H i+1 ′ Q−1 2 (21) Si+1 −1 i+1 + H i+1 ′ Q−1 2 H i+1 (22) Pi+1 −1 1 + S i ) −1 . (23) The recursive process is initiated by regarding K 0 and H 0 as null matrices and computing π ∗ 0 and S 0 from π0 ∗ =ˆπ i.e., the reduced form coefficients (columns of matrix ˆ) S 0 = P 0 = ˜. The reduced form coefficients, along with their co-variance matrices, can be updated by this recursive process and at each stage the set of Riccati

48 Dipak R. Basu and Alexis Lazaridis<br />

E(c i ε ′ i ) = Q 1δ ij ,<br />

E(w i w ′ i ) = Q 2δ ij .<br />

where δ ij is the Kronecker delta, and<br />

The above co-variance matrices, assumed to be positive definite.<br />

(c) The state vector is normally distributed with a finite co-variance matrix.<br />

(d) Regarding Eqs. (18a) and (19), the Jacobians of the transformation of<br />

ε i into π i+1 and of w i+1 into x i+1 are unities. Hence, the corresponding<br />

conditional probability densities are:<br />

p(π i+1 |π i ) = p(ε i )<br />

p(x i+1 |π i+1 ) = p(w i+1 ).<br />

Under the above assumptions and given Eqs. (18a) and (19), the problem<br />

set is to evaluate<br />

and<br />

E(π i+1 |x i+1 ) = π ∗ i+1<br />

cov (π i+1 |x i+1 ) = S i+1<br />

(the error co-variance matrix)<br />

where x i+1 = x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ,...,x i+1 .<br />

The solution to this problem (Basu and Lazaridis, 1986; Lazaridis,<br />

1980) is given by the following set of recursive equations, as it is briefly<br />

shown in Appendix A.<br />

π ∗ i+1 = π∗ i + K i+1(x i+1 − H i+1 π ∗ i ) (20)<br />

K i+1 = S i+1 H i+1 ′ Q−1 2<br />

(21)<br />

Si+1 −1 i+1 + H i+1 ′ Q−1 2 H i+1 (22)<br />

Pi+1 −1 1 + S i ) −1 . (23)<br />

The recursive process is initiated by regarding K 0 and H 0 as null matrices<br />

and computing π ∗ 0 and S 0 from<br />

π0 ∗ =ˆπ i.e., the reduced form coefficients (columns of matrix ˆ)<br />

S 0 = P 0 = ˜.<br />

The reduced form coefficients, along with their co-variance matrices,<br />

can be updated by this recursive process and at each stage the set of Riccati

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