(i) {α - Convex Optimization

(i) {α - Convex Optimization (i) {α - Convex Optimization

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Construct H : Random Sensing Random Sensing: α is s-sparse and given m measurements selected uniformly at random from an ensemble. If m ≥ Csµ 2 H,Φ log n, then minimizing (P eq) reconstructs α exactly with overwhelming probability. Compressible signals/images and l 2 − l 1 instance optimality: (P eq ) solution recovers the s-largest entries. Stability to noise y = HΦα + ε: the decoder ∆ Φ,σ (y) (P σ ) : min ‖α‖ l1 s.t. ‖y − HΦα‖ l2 ≤ σ has l 2 − l 1 instance optimality and a factor of the noise std σ. Stanford seminar 08-5

Convex analysis and operator splitting Stanford seminar 08-6

<strong>Convex</strong> analysis and operator splitting<br />

Stanford seminar 08-6

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