ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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96 Angel <strong>of</strong> Light<br />

had to lay h<strong>and</strong>s on someone in the back? Then God lifted him up <strong>and</strong><br />

moved him to the back so he could lay h<strong>and</strong>s on that person. What if<br />

an Evangelist was translated from Texas to Washington like Phillip the<br />

Evangelist in scripture? Well, I am open to God. How about you?<br />

The fruit <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit will be evident<br />

David Yonggi Cho gave a story I already shared that happened in his<br />

church. He pastors thous<strong>and</strong>s. So it is not always that easy to discern<br />

everything that is going on at first. I spoke about a woman that was<br />

prophesying. Dr. Cho does not have a problem with prophecy. In fact,<br />

he prophesied the Pensacola Revival would happen. He said, “A move<br />

<strong>of</strong> God will take place in Pensacola that will spread like fire across all<br />

<strong>of</strong> America.” That is exactly what happened years later. This woman<br />

who was prophesying in his church had a line <strong>of</strong> people she was praying<br />

for during an altar time. He felt a check in his spirit about her. He<br />

noticed that she was somewhat rude when giving the words <strong>and</strong> that<br />

the words seemed negative. They came to pass, but something was<br />

not right. He went home to ask the Holy Spirit about her. The Holy<br />

Spirit spoke to Dr. Cho <strong>and</strong> said, “She is operating with a familiar<br />

spirit”. A familiar spirit can be an occult demon that gives information<br />

to someone who is familiar with them in a relationship sense. So Dr.<br />

Cho told her she will not prophesy in his church anymore. Dr. Cho was<br />

not suspicious or critical, but he noticed a check in his spirit <strong>and</strong> that<br />

the fruit <strong>of</strong> the Spirit was not evident in this woman’s life. A true man or<br />

woman <strong>of</strong> God will be loving, peaceful, full <strong>of</strong> joy, self controlled in their<br />

lifestyle—living holy, good, patient, kind, gentle, <strong>and</strong> faithful. If these<br />

are absent something is very wrong. Satan can give someone power,<br />

<strong>and</strong> accurate information, but he can never give anyone the fruit <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Spirit. This comes from the Holy Spirit alone. So don’t let power or<br />

accurate predictions impress you, look at the fruit in someone’s life.<br />

They will have Christ’s fruit in their ministry<br />

Jesus says, “He that does not gather with me scatters (Luke 11:23).”<br />

He also said, “You will know a tree by its fruit (Matthew 7:15­23).”<br />

Some tried to cry wolf so to speak against the Pensacola Revival when<br />

it first broke out. People called the leaders <strong>of</strong> the revival false prophets,<br />

etc…Pretty soon people realized the fruit. Thous<strong>and</strong>s were getting right<br />

with God, healings were taking place, <strong>and</strong> a Bible school started that is<br />

sending people all over the world. The fruit <strong>of</strong> ministry began to be<br />

seen. Are the works <strong>of</strong> satan being destroyed <strong>and</strong> the works <strong>of</strong> Christ<br />

being manifested? This is a sign God is at work.

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